Post the best Beatles song in this thread, no shit songs allowed

Post the best Beatles song in this thread, no shit songs allowed

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rocky raccoon

if i needed someone

Helter Skelter


two of us

objectively Happiness is a warm gun

>song has "that" chord progression
>best anything
We got a pleb in here.

That's what we call pleb opinion here mate. Please take note.

Strawberry Fields Forever is their best song but I don't think they have shit songs (covers don't count). Probably the most consistent band ever.


this, no other answers are allowed

Revolution 9

good man

What You're Doing

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You say that as if they have any songs worth remembering

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but for me, it's Something

He has called individual Beatles songs masterpieces multiple times

Which ones?

>In 1965 the Beatles recorded another melodic masterpiece, We Can Work It Out
>The formal perfection of their melodies reached the sublime in 1967 with two 45s: the baroque/electronic Penny Lane/Strawberry Fields Forever, released in February, an absolute masterpiece that never reached the top of the charts

I dont understand how someone can say a band made 3+ masterpieces yet call them overrated. Any band that makes even one masterpiece deserves all the praise they can get. If Van Gogh had only painted Starry Night and nothing else would Scaruffi call him a hack?

revolution 1

i suppose it really damages your artistic integrity when you put one innovative song for ten bland artsy pop songs in every album. Scaruffi is absolutely right in calling them overrated, because as talented as they were, they were very much a commercial band that didn't produce anything truly novel after Sgt Pepper. With the money and influence they had, they could have easily produced something absolutely groundbreaking, but they didn't... and you can't be a great artist if you lack balls to push some boundaries.

In a way, Van Gogh or someone like Nick Drake if you want an example from music had much more courage and were way more influential (compared to what little resources and exposure they had) than the Beatles, simply because they kept doing what they did and expanded their unique niche despite all the world stacked against them.

martha my dear

norwegian wood
within you without you
only a northern song

>shit songs
Hey Bulldog comes to mind.

Worst taste of all time

Worst opinion on Yea Forums

No you're right, I take that back. For some reason, I confused it with All Together Now.

lmao stop listening the music now


literally every Beatle song is good except for
>wild honey pie (HONEY PIEEEEEEEEEEEEE thanks paul, we needed this one instead of half the ATMP songs that weren't good enough, i guess)
>rev 9 (isn't even a song it's a sound collage meme, thanks John we needed this one instead of the ATMP songs)
>piggies (fuck animal noises, and thanks George for tricking lencartney into allowing this animal noise shit instead of ATMP)

You have no taste.

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>Rev 9 isn't a song
Literally retard.
>Rev 9 is bad
Plebeian of the highest degree.

Based Ringo never shitting up an album

You never give me your money

Dude Piggies is one of their best songs

What about Octopus's Garden?

Octopus's Garden is great

the only ringo song that makes an album worse is yellow submarine, but that was written by lencartney, so ringo gets a pass

It's not as if that was the entire point of the outro

Tomorrow Never Knows.

literally the greatest song ever recorded . imagine hearing this fucking thing in 1966?

While my guitar gently weeps, especially in conjunction with the transition from Bungalo bill

Julia is their best song hands down

>literally the greatest song ever recorded
Not even close

Please start using a trip so I can filter out all of your posts you pleb

Here there and everywhere


The fuck is wrong with you?

Free As A Bird

really is mindblowing when you think of all those little girls screaming & creaming their panties at shea stadium in 1965 over stuff like "... hold your hand" only within months to be hit with TNK.

This is top 3 John songs. Strawberry feilds, Walrus and HIAWG. In my life as well and come together because I cant count Day in the life

Rain and Eleanor
He said no shit songs.

fixing a hole.

While my guitar gently weeps

It ain't me

>no ballad of john and yoko

strawberry fields, come together. one personal favorite is you never give me your money

Here's another question: favorite song in the Abbey Road medley.

For me, it's Mean mr Mustard

golden slumbers for me, the way it goes into carry that weight is perfect. Mr mustard is a better follow up to polythene pam imo

>no shit songs
Name 1 (one) shit Beatles song

dude wtf

Rocky Racoon

sexy sadie

what have you done?

I saw her standing there

You have shit taste and need a damn good whacking

It’s a tribute to the 50’s music they all grew up on. You fucking retard

Georgefags are the worst

I am the walrus

Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except for Me and My Monkey

Here Comes the Sun. That synth though.

none of them because the beatles STINK

Great song. Paul wanted it to be a 64 single. Pick actual Beatlemania filler.

All together now, little child, don’t pass me by

Your taste is awful

Threetles > Beatles

fuck john

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Been liking this one lately

Hello Goodbye
Here Comes the Sun

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>band that didn't produce anything truly novel after Sgt Pepper

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plebs, contrarians, autists, zoomers, and scum

~ The greatest Beatles song is objectively 'Here Comes The Sun' ~

Congratulations to and for getting it right

You cannot disagree

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Across the Universe

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

cheers, lad

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Dig a Pony or Don’t Let Me Down

>t. 65 senile boomer

I Feel Fine, Rain, Eight Days A Week.

I'm into crowd pleasers.

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In my life