I fucking hate this faggot, i bet he's fat

i fucking hate this faggot, i bet he's fat

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it's been a while since this faggot was the only source I was able to find, fortunately
stop making threads about him though, I bet he's there smirking

i don't give a shit, i hope he gets cancer

does he ask for real money or something
the 40kb zip files named after albums are obviously fake

imagine giving a shit about literally anyone on soulseek
I literally just search what I want, download it, and close the client. If some tradefag has his music locked just download it from someone else.

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>autist triggers entitled Yea Forums niggers
No-one owes you shit

how can a man be at this level of faggotry?

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this is all pretty reasonable. what exactly is Yea Forums's problem with him?

i want to punch him on the face

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he has some good shit i'm looking for that i can't find anywhere else but his requests are bullshit, i'd rather pay money to him str8 but whatever

if you're pirating music, don't keep you all to yourself and share it too unless you're a stupid fuck like him that wants attention

the guy obviously likes collecting and he's decided to make his enormous collection work for him. he's not keeping it all to himself

with that attitude if i had anything that he wants i wouldn't trade it to him

what attitude? the guy wants to grow his collection and he does it through trading. if you don't like it you're free to find the music you want elsewhere

Oh I see... you're a faggot like him

Go guzzle his used condoms like yogurt, you AIDS master.

This is what happens when you shut down what.cd

Hoarding really goes against the grain of a platform like soulseek. Like what is his endgame? To die with all those albums just sitting on his hard drives? If he really gave a shit about the preservation of music he would share his library but it seems like it's only a selfish endeavour.

This, I imagine him picturing himself dying and the people talking how him had a huge music collection, but the reality is that nobody will give a shit about that

Devil's advocate, but maybe if you are the primary source of a huge collection of music that only you own maybe it absolutely kills your bandwidth.

I've never understood this level of autismic file hoarding