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K-on was decades ago dude

Tony Nyoro~ni

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Well if we're gonna get technical here, it wasn't. The manga debuted in 2007 and the anime adaption in 2009. Now if we do a little bit of quick math, you'll realize that these events happened 10 and 8 years ago. It in fact did not begin decades (plural) as you claimed, but just under a decade ago (it debuted on April 9th). Further, the image is from the animated television series which is only 8 years old. For that reason I am able to prove that your statement is in fact false. I rest my case.

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I'm gonna fucking kill you

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mio is a slut

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2009 + 8 = 2019??????

lol look at the faggy math whiz i bet you suck dick for breakfast

ya but i'm on my first ever watch through of it so the memes are new to me

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Sorry bro I didnt mean it please dont be mean :(

Please post more cute pictures, guys.
I'd especially like to see more of Mugi. :3

Is this actually worth watching if you're not a deranged weeb who fetishises lolis?
I just can't bring myself to watch something where the characters look like that.

it's pretty charming and sweet. if that is enough for you than sure

>decide to try k-on
>find first episode on youtube
>turn it on
>nothing bad yet
>anime grill starts running around house late for school
>zoom-ins on her butt as she falls over
>constantly acts like a retard
>intro is some of the worst buttpop i've ever had pierce my eardrums
>turn it off
Kids shows are for children, these shows are for pederasts. don't.

pleb filter working as intended

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pederasts are into boys, tho


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Yeah if only for the fact that you'd realize not every anime out there is loli hentai

Not really. The ped-/paed- prefix literally means child-, and there's no etymological reason to assume it's a male kid. Anglos BTFO.


it's the definition of weeb trash, avoid it like the plague.


this happens too often with animemes
>start watching some anime
>2 episodes in, it's pretty entertaining, some fan service but doesn't matter
>suddenly main character pre-puberty grill is butt-naked hanging from the ceiling in bondage ropes because she needs to be "punished"
jesus christ

>Is this actually worth watching if you're not a deranged weeb who fetishises lolis?
yup it's quite funny, in a girl kinda way

Hate it when that happens

You sound like you don't even know what weeb means

stick to netflix pleb

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Michaelu schenkeru

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youre right bro, i just dont get the high art that is being displayed before my eyes at moments like that


it's been 10 years, let it come back

made in abyss?

This scene always cracks me up
>How many artists' names start with Ji?

Attached: [Chihiro]_K-ON!_-_01_[1920x1080_Blu-Ray_FLAC][549964B6].mkv_snapshot_15.43_[2019.03.28_13.15.21].jpg (1116x628, 295K)

fuck off samefag
anime is literally degenerate and was never regarded as anything but it until the internet took a height. stop watching porn

based smartposter

cope harder pleb
anime has been treasured for centuries as the definitive medium of storytelling and entertainment


Every K-on thread always has detractors but I don't hate them anymore. I just feel bad that they'll never experience S2E20.

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Imagine unironically watching anime.

it's 2019, not 2017. It was a decade ago.

have sex

No, it's boring slice-of-life moeshit. I jerk off to anime girls feverishly and I can't stand K-On, it's shit.

"degenerate" can't be literally "degenerate" because it's always symbolic, unless it makes you biologically deteriorate, which can be measured.

Pederast means boy-fucker
