ITT: albums best listened to really, really loud

ITT: albums best listened to really, really loud

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The mixing's super quiet on it (the digital version anyway). You gotta listen to it at a volume that's 25% louder than average in order to bring it up to normal levels.

You might have a bad rip my dude
I agree with OP on this one though

no thats true, their final recordings are a bit quieter than most current releases, which is very refreshing to be honest

In Utero.

>digital version
what digital version? it’s not streaming anywhere

Huh, I think a lot of modern Masters are overblown so I don't mind either

is this a serious question?

this is the state of music listening

CD is not a digital version.

ok bud. you've taken a long stretch to misunderstand the situation.

i take a long stretch before i fuck your mom with my massive dick too

These are the zoomers that are invading Yea Forums...

im 25 and have posted here longer than you’ve been alive.

not the guy you're responding to, but JFC that's embarrassing. You're in your mid-20s and bragging about posting on fucking Yea Forums.

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lmao whats the matter sweetie?

I don't know what people are saying, I've been listening to it in my car for the past few days and it sounds smokin'

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Even says so on the inner sleeve

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pretty much anything by them

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>Most Noise albums
>Lots Of Post Rock

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Literally all albums