Post what you're currently listening to and then a conspiracy theory you subscribe to

Post what you're currently listening to and then a conspiracy theory you subscribe to.

I think the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax

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Other urls found in this thread:

life is a simulation

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life is a simulation

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What's the album? Don't recognize it

rezzett LP amazing album

Bush did 9/11

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HAHA this makes sense

Didn't the father kill himself?

i'm listening to loveless as well
i believe that earth is a prison or a simulation or some sort and that aliens have been watching over us since the beginning of time

That's not a conspiracy theory; you literally just described a lot of religions.

Dyatlov Pass incident was caused by a covered up Russian weapons test

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Earth is the asylum of the universe.
I believe climate change will flood the coasts in a matter of years.

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To Pimp a Butterfly. I think Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election.

Not trying to be a spoil sport but that was recently proven false

Lmao’ing @ this post

Courtney Love did 9/11 and George Bush killed Kurt Cobain

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that's pretty obvious desu

courtney killed kurt though, there's a fucking guy who said he was paid to kill him on a documentary and he ends up because he was "lying on the train tracks" shortly after that interview.
chiba killed smith too.

honestly disgusting, leave the goat shoegaze album out of your delusions

Michael Hastings was murdered by the Obama administration

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Hitler did nothing wrong

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The moon landing was faked

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Fucking based

Something iffy about the Kennedy assassination. Couldn’t tell you “who” actually did it though

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Israel, as usual

Who do you think *owns* the press? Hello.

Holocaust didnt happen.

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If you were close with a family and at the funeral of one of the kids, you'd disagree man. Sorry.

Fall of the USSR was an inside job by the soon-to-be oligarchs.

Based. The CIA did it.


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>wooden doors are airtight
>the deep state isn't obeying Israel
still a long way to go faggot

Don’t get me wrong I hate polfags and fascism but that shit did not happen. foreal

>enlightened centrist redpilled on the holohoax
lmao nice
I roman salute (you)

Go ahead and provide some evidence then my dude

literally 2 sec on google satan

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gnosticism. the flesh and the material world are a cage we’ve been put in by the demiurge

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lots of resources there
analysis of a gas chamber designer
you could also hear it from a jew if that makes you feel better

Elliott Smith was killed by his gf

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If you search for monkey videos on youtube, there most of the time will be a select few people on the comments talking about killing/torturing them. It would be understandable if it was just one or two mentally troubled youtubers, but there is an entire mysterious community of monkey haters on youtube. Search for "killbabymonkeys" who has endless playlist of videos featuring monkeys in distress

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"Earth is the asylum of the universe"

damn that's fucking beautiful. where'd you get that? this is reminding me of my last mushroom trip where I realised we're all aliens. we're all unique yet also so similar. we have no idea what the fuck to do in our life. it's terrifying.

>the united states just made lots of negative shit up about the soviet union. from whole cloth.

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Climate change is real and manmade and big oil companies pay off Republican politicians to let them drill more so that they can eventually run out and not make any more money if they don't destroy the planet beforehand and kill off anyome who would want to buy their product.

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No I’m sorry that not a conspiracy, it’s literally not hidden

I believe that jews control the entertainment industry, I believe that there is a cultural war against whites, and I believe that there is a deep state that is actively trying to overthrow a democratically elected president.

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The left’s recent push for post-birth abortion is/was an attempt at expanding the massive profits Planned Parenthood and similar enterprises can make from selling more-developed organs and body parts to the highest bidder.
One of the few things Alex Jones has said that makes absolutely perfect sense. If these people have no issue killing an already-born baby, why would they have an issue keeping it hooked up for a few weeks until it’s worth magnitudes more?

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not necessarily a conspiracy theory. but I believe humanity would be SOOOOOO MUCH better off if everyone took mushrooms bi-weekly.

seriously. they're so good for the mind.

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yeah. too smart for our own good. I need to get some actual mushrooms, only tried 4 aco so far.

AOC, Yang, and similar loud-mouthed new-school politicians are being rolled out to test the waters for the implementation of hard-socialist policies such as blanket gun banning and hate speech laws.
These things WILL happen in 2-3 election cycles due to holistic demographic replacement schemes, which have been overwhelmingly successful.

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what does it matter if they're not airtight? it's not like Nazis were standing right outside the doors. the doors were to stop the Jews from escaping, not for stopping gas from escaping.

>blanket gun banning and hate speech laws
how are these socialist policies?

that is the opposite of a conspiracy theory. literally proven to be true and accepted by nearly everyone.

I agree, but Yang is a meme and AOC got fucking destroyed on the senate floor the other day. All of the other "serious" politicians were laughing at her Green New Deal.

I think kids actually died, but it was definitely organized. The powers that be have zero qualms murdering civilians, why waste the effort arranging a false flag when you can get some SSRI’d autist to go on a spree (conveniently right after a Dem president was re-elected and had decided to push for gun control)?
Honestly the fact that monopolies like Google and YT are completely banning any questioning of it is enough to raise my eyebrows. There was one really interesting YT doc about how they circumvented all normal documentation processes during the cleanup, and it was immediately banned, now if you even look up Sandy Hook you have to wade through a dozen IT HAPPENED, DON’T QUESTION IT! things, same with many harmless conspiracy theories like the moon landing.

this might be he stupidest post ever
>what does it matter if they're not airtight?
gas would leak out and kill anyone outside
>it's not like Nazis were standing right outside the doors.
lol where were they then?
also, wind?
>the doors were to stop the Jews from escaping,
still would not even fulfill its supposed purpose then seeing as there was a shitty flimsy window on it
>not for stopping gas from escaping.
if you think any gas chamber ever has been designed with no concern for gas management you're beyond retarded

Socialism demands the suppression of potential resistance.
I don’t want to sound like a boomer but the first thing literally every authoritarian regime did was ban guns and chip away free speech. I’m not saying normie DSA candidates are the next Stalin but I’d prefer to not let that ideology get off the ground.

>4 aco
never tried it. how is it?

What about acid ?

This. I don't think we're close to a communist dictatorship or anything, but historically speaking, these are absolutely the first steps and I want to stop it before it begins.

they really didn't give a shit if gas leaked out. they shoved the Jews into the the rooms then left the building. those flimsy windows, are 70 years old. they weren't that flimsy when they were made.

if you're only argument agains the holocaust is wooden doors, then you're a retard. haven't you seen the literally thousands upon thousands of photos of gassed, massacred Jews?

>muh guns
>muh freeze peach
fucking conservatards i swear

Google and TY banned anti-Sandy hook sentiments because it's offensive and hurts the people who have suffered. that's why. they're not 'in on it'...

never done acid. my mum warns me against it cos she knows loads of people who have had their brains completely rotted and corrupted by exessive acid use. mushrooms are much safer.

We live in a society.

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Give me a reason why an authority should be allowed to decide the extent to which its subordinates can defend and express themselves.

>they really didn't give a shit if gas leaked out.
nigger how tf would you know? care to show me the blueprints? because I've seen them and those clearly weren't gas chambers
> they shoved the Jews into the the rooms then left the building.
so you're clueless about the official story too? typical
they were supposedly ON THE FUCKING ROOF while the (((gassings))) "happened"
>those flimsy windows, are 70 years old. they weren't that flimsy when they were made.
you've managed to top your previous post's stupidity
>if you're only argument agains the holocaust is wooden doors, then you're a retard.
I have countless more but this one is enough
>haven't you seen the literally thousands upon thousands of photos of gassed, massacred Jews?
jews died nobody said otherwise, they weren't gassed though
produce literally a single autopsy of a gassed victim, I won't be holding my breath

>muh freeze peach
The only reason you're okay with censoring people is because you agree with the people who are doing it. If Trump wanted to make it illegal to voice certain ideas, you would be rioting.

A spanish corrupt policeman burnt an entire skyscraper in 2005 just to dispose of some papers that incriminated a banker

desu not a conspiracy there's actual evidence pointing to this and it's crazy search Windsor tower Villarejo

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I don’t know the details about the Alex Jones thing but the whole Veritas and CMP videos have absolutely flipped me on abortion since they came out.
Even if you think it’s a necessary evil or whatever, the fact that their only counter argument is “w-well we didn’t know you were recording, so it doesn’t count!” is enough to tell you something is up.

X ray specs
Space isnt real

>post-birth abortion

Literally what

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" Karl Marx

You're so full of shit

Ubiquitous plastics are responsible for feminizing our society by behaving as estrogen analogs and explains the seeming rise of transgenderism. Plastics companies know this to some extent but it is too huge of an industry to rock the boat. Think about how much single use plastics you use every day

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imagine fucking believing this lmao

Remember a month or so ago, that Virginia guy went on a radio show to defend some recent late-term abortion legislation, someone asked the standard question “well what if the baby survived and was delivered?”, and instead of deflecting it like they normally do, he explicitly said that they’d “keep the baby comfortable and resuscitate it” until “the mother decided what should be done with it”. By PURE COINCIDENCE he was involved in that blackface scandal and memoryholed as soon as people started taking notice of the abortion comments.
Around the same time a PP spokesperson (Tran or something) was speaking to congress and refused to answer whether a live birth would be exempt from the abortion rules.

The republicans tried to pass some legislation recently that protected babies that survived an abortion and the dems all voted it down. Also I believe there's some new law in NY that technically allows you to kill a baby after it's born. Anyone I talk to who's left-wing will literally say you should be able to kill babies whenever you want. "When you're 2 years old you're not even really a person anyway," they say.


Yeah bro when someone breaks into your house, just hide and call the police (that you also claim should be disarmed or nonexistent)

>I believe climate change will flood the coasts in a matter of years.
we've been hearing that since the 90s you gullible zoomer faggot
t. gen Y


I really don't care if Jews were gassed or not. Hitler was a bad guy, that nobody can deny. Why do you care so much about something in history?

The moon landing tapes can't have been real because the film would have burned up in the atmosphere upon reentry.
Also I don't think they're all evil or that they act as one monolithic force but I think we all know why we're giving Israel $104 dollars every second for the next 10 years. And that's never going to change.

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High frequency radiation from 5G towers will cause widespread increase in cancers, they know this but will proceed anyway with backing by pharmaceutical companies who will continue to profit from the spread of the disease and the government who wish to limit the growth of the population.

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>Also I believe there's some new law in NY that technically allows you to kill a baby after it's born.

Had no idea of what you're talking about and obviously: no it doesn't. That's fucking murder.

> The RHA permits abortions when — according to a medical professional’s “reasonable and good faith professional judgment based on the facts of the patient’s case” — “the patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there is an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.”

“any live birth that is the result of the abortion”; and that such babies be provided “immediate legal protection under the laws of the state of New York.”

> There appears to be very little in the way of statistics about such scenarios.

> A spokesperson for the Guttmacher Institute, for example, told us she was not aware of any data on the topic “because if it happens, it would be extremely rare.”

Live birth is basically a meme made up by conservatives bcs most abortions are within 9 weeks. Even if it happens, well, it's fucking alive, congratulations.

> Anyone I talk to who's left-wing will literally say you should be able to kill babies whenever you want.


sorry I don't know why we're giving the Jews $104 every minute? spell it out for me easy.

it used to be onions right? but that hbomb guy debunked it too well so now we're saying plastics

I mean PP has been REPEATEDLY taped negotiating with biotech stings as well as assisting human traffickers and racially/sexually selective abortions.
With Northam and Tran blatantly calling for after-birth abortions and NY Dems unanimously (I think) barring live births from abortion examption, I don’t think it’s a huge stretch to make.

>I really don't care if Jews were gassed or not.
so you got destroyed and now you're saying you don't care?
> Hitler was a bad guy, that nobody can deny.
he literally did nothing wrong
>Why do you care so much about something in history?
because I place truth and honesty above any other value
because it's illegal to tell the truth about it or to even ask questions in my country (fr)
because it give (((them))) practically unlimited power as a blackmailing tool
because that shit was made up to hide the fact that Hitler was the good guy in WW2
because it is the reason why (((they)) need white people to disappear
I could go on for hours because I can't think of anything more outrageous than this blatant lie but I gotta go, raclette awaits
I'll be back in a few hours if you have some
more questions
see ya o/

Not that guy but come on man
Why do leftists oscillate between “of course that’s not happening, you conspiracy theorist!” and “Yes it’s happening, and it’s a good thing!”
Literal gaslighting.

Look up the study "Open Access
Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals: A Potential Health Problem That Can Be Solved"

>my country (fr)
>Hitler was the good guy in WW2
imagine being this much of a cuck

he never wanted the war faggot

a death cult controlled this planet for centuries, plotting to depopulate our species and turn the rest into slaves. they are allied with ETs and utilized technology to destroy our immune systems, control our free will and pit us against each other. they ritually tortured, sacrificed and consumed children. all of this symbolically ended on nov 4th 2016 and the cleansing process of our planet has been accelerating since them

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pretty much the only actual conspiracy uncovered by /x/ in its entire existence

jesus christ conservatives are the best at milking controversy out of thin air

"The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

in the extreme, incredibly improbable that the non viable fetus (because you can't abort a fetus for other reason other than the mother's health) happened to survive, they would try to resucitate and try to be kept alive and they would decide with the mother and the doctors if the baby could survive. that's literally it. that's what would happen with your dying grandpa.

>it's big plastic's fault i watch sissy hypnos
yeah, okay

General Patton was assassinated by the American government after revealing his plan to attack the USSR

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A tough pill to swallow is that they literally don’t care, and perhaps you shouldn’t either. In a power scramble (which is what all modern politics is), you don’t lose points for being a hypocrite, or playing dirty.
Non-liberals are naive because they think they can win with the logical upper hand. The reality is that when you have a mob of people who you’ve whipped into a frenzy, “owning the libs” doesn’t amount to shit.

>you can't abort a fetus for other reason other than the mother's health
To be fair, reasons like “psychological well-being” are listed, with no explanation of what this actually means
>I don’t want babby
>Sounds good, you’d be “psychologically unwell” to some extent otherwise


Japan’s fledgling Catholic community was a major factor in Truman’s (an active Mason) decision to drop the nukes. It’s playing “what if”, but had a conventional invasion won the war, Japan could have become a Christian stronghold in the East, especially considering the younger generations had less respect for traditional Buddhism/etc.

Forgot to mention- listening to a liquid d&b mix atm (at the moment).
It’s pretty good.

Trump most definitely colluded with Russia to rig the election in his favor. It has been effectively swept under the rug by Mueller (who is a republican after all) but it did happen. The US is no longer a democracy.

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the catholic church founded by Maximilian Kolbe in Nagasaki survived the bomb

Me either

Pizzagate / Hollywood pedophile rings
Jews run the media

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>three YEARS of the Dems funneling money and manpower into their best prosecutors, investigators, insiders, has turned up nothing but shit like “Trump’s son had lunch with a guy who speaks Russian”
By no means am I a drumph fanboy but the whole controversy seemed like a bad attempt at manufactured outrage because of how shaken the DNC was at losing what should had been a cakewalk election. Throwing shit at the wall until something stuck, but nothing even stuck.

>Trump colluded with Russia
Really challenging the establishment with these hot takes. Be careful, you might get deplatformed.

the CIA assassinated swedish PM Olof Palme

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Major food companies produce dangerous items despite knowing full well the consequences, suppressing information by funding biased studies

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HAARP controls the weather

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Are you fucking retarded? Mueller is a Democrat. He literally admitted that he knew Trump was innocent several months ago and delayed releasing the results until after the midterms because he thought releasing it would help the Republicans.

I don't believe in any

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Aliens are real and they’re avoiding us.

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the holocaust was fake, i.e. not nearly as many victims as claimed

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ok pewdiepie

i actually discovered that it was pewdiepies outro after listening to some of ndad's stuff, it came up on a spotify playlist, im big into breakcore

I do think there should be less of a stigma around that. Microdosing and stuff like that might actually help a lot of people.

I think you're being too uncaring. When someone breaks into your house you have to talk to them and tell them you really do care for them and feel terrible for their situation and then you have to educate them that violence is not the answer. Even better if you apologize for being white (not that there's ANY REASON why they would be non-white, we're all pink inside, I'm not racist).

Hitler killed innocent people by the millions. genocide is always wrong. one day when it happens to you and you're people you'll realise that. Hitler was evil. If you believe otherwise, then you're evil. and the scum will soon be exterminated.

How is microdosing any different from SSRI popping?
I'm not straight-edge or anything but having to drug yourself to withstand daily life shouldn't be the norm. It may help but the fact that microdosing arguments always boil down to "it can make you more productive", which seems to contradict the "self-discovery" angle of psychedelics


9/11 was an inside job

aliens are real

mk ultra psy-ops is still at work in entertainment

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The difference is that psychedelics don't produce artificial happiness like other drugs. They have the potential to change the way you think, get you out of some bad thought patterns. I'm not big into drugs either.

>you disagree with me therefore you must be exterminated
>also fascism is bad

donald trump, bill clinton, jeff bezos, etc. all fuck little kids on the low

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humans can be proven to have consumed psilocybin for at least thousands of years, it's arguably something natural for us to do

Bruh I'm a literal fascist but "Hitler did nothing wrong" isn't the hill you want to die on.
Even if the Holocaust has been inflated and turned into a grotesque brand-name, massacring civilians is pretty unequivocally wrong.

>One of the few things Alex Jones has said that makes absolutely perfect sense.
From that new JRE episode they also talked about the US intentionally infecting central Americans with syphilis for "research." Eddie says if you accept that this is real, nothing else seems too far-fetched.


those experiments were, ideologically, the u.s. government defining central americans as an expendable population, which isn't true - they labor and dream and have communities.

fetuses do not labor, dream or have community

I don't like the idea of the masses deciding what constitutes human life and what doesn't.

Then you can't make a distinction between rounding up the infirm, retarded, elderly.
When you open the door to defining personhood by how much someone can contribute to the almighty dollar, you won't like what the logical next steps are.

If you (correctly) avoid subjective ideology as yur basis for defining personhood and go with scientific consensus, it's not even up for debate that a fetus is a human being. Unique genome, functional physiological systems. If you found even a day-old zygote on Mars, "life on other planets confirmed" would be on every headline for a year.

haha wow you really are a retard. I'm not saying you should be killed for disagreeing with me. I'm saying you should be killed for supporting a murderous psychopath who tried to destroy Europe. you're a traitor. traitors get the rope.

Yea Forums (and some parts of the internet) is being monitored by people that want to make everyone as politically divided as possible to achieve some unspecified goal. Many "people" you talk to here or online in general are fake and just want to get you angry about something. Why I do not know.
Or everyone's just really dumb and mean to each other and that's really it

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Yes but he couldn't be because it was a hoax.

The gonvernment and medical community has found the cure for cancer, but is hiding it to milk profit

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the moon landing was staged

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This is pretty spicy bait

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>the father
you realize multiple school children were gunned down right?

>genocide is always wrong

>genocide is ALWAYS wrong
>the scum will soon be exterminated
Uh user


based russian propaganda spouting retard

jeff mangum saved anne frank

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killing traitors isn't genocide. massacring innocent civilians by the millions because they're from a different bloodline, is genocide. goddamn why is everyone on this thread so retarded.

>genocide is ALWAYS wrong
>except for people that betray others, regardless of that being based on their honest beliefs or not, those get the rope

unironically based and redpilled

yes, see:

yes. that's exactly what I just said. when you type out what I said but just change the format, you're not arguing or debating with me hahaha.

Have you guys seen this music video

lol I'm not a bot. and I haven't got an agenda. if I have it's arguing against Hitler. oooooh how terrible of me... I'm just some dude sat at my dinner table listening to The Verve rn with nothing better to do than argue with some French fags.

you really are retarded.

Indeed by typing out what you said but just changing the format I'm not arguing or debating with you, just pointing out how silly you are.

>300 page long report
>4 page summary by somebody Trump put into position

very ego death inducing haha. I just wanna trip and listen to music and take some new techniques in but it ends up being existential and super serious every time (only done it a couple times though). I think I have to go through one proper ego death to properly enjoy psychedelics. I almost had one on a low dose of 4 aco but I think stopped/rejected it.

just take like 2.5 grams of shrooms then you'll be able to enjoy yourself.

I'd like to consider myself open minded but why do conservatives act so dumb?

>i don’t want the commies to take over!
>but i’m okay with russia instilling a puppet president in my country
dumb cuckservatives

but you're not pointing out how silly I am. you basically just copied what I said. how does that show how silly I am?

They're fucking retarded.

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I don't have the real astroworld cover downloaded.
(Also no conspiracy, I'm not retarded)

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>I don't think we're close to a communist dictatorship or anything, but historically speaking, these are absolutely the first steps and I want to stop it before it begins.
You're historically illiterate though.

By simply changing the format. That's how silly you are.

big if true

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thanks for the album, it's great.
Zyklon B is heavier than air. Also, you do realize that the same amount of gas in a small room does not have the same concentration as when it spreads out in the open.

My refrigerator
WWI never ended

Courtney Love obviously ordered a hit on Kurt Cobain after failing to kill him herself in Rome.

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now here's bait if I've ever seen one

>Windsor tower Villarejo
Can you link some? I'm curious but all I find are the people using it as an example for how a tower is supposed to burn down for 9/11 conspiracies.

George H.W is responsible for everything. He’s noted being in Dallas on the day of the shooting, and he was also the head of the CIA atm. The Bush’s wanted to dethrone the Kennedy’s as the most powerful family in America. Papa Bush also ordered 9/11 to happen


9/11 was 100% an inside job

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My conspiracy stuff is pretty vanilla desu.
>The feds knew about 9/11 and did nothing.
>The Zimmerman Telegram is fake.
>Our government is (functionally) controlled by Israel.

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that doesn't make any sense. how exactly, is what I said silly?

I bet you can't even answer me that.

the recent resurgence of flat earthers started as a test to see how easily people can be manipulated by false information. it also serves as a distraction, and it was a success.

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Because you're hypocritically creating a double standard for genocide wih a true Scotsman fallacy (killing X isn't genocide) to justify yourself previously saying it is not okay under any circumstances.

Rivers Cuomo and Kurt Cobain are the same person. Kurt Cobain faked his death so that he go back to being in a relatively obscure band far away from his level of fame. (Worked out pretty well as you can tell)

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my life is a fucking simulation and you do not really exist outside of my mind

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Fun to think about but also retarded
for the rap lovers

I believe that a percentage of the people on earth are actually androids. The majority of the rich, powerful and elite are also androids.

Even if this were true Weezer is pretty famous my guy. Also Rivers and Kurt look like two different people, and I mean by bone structure and everything. It's a no from me dawg

most, if not all religions are equivalent to snake oil salesman and the higher ups in their respective religions know it and continue the charade for power and money
first listen btw, on Eraser right now. literally every track is golden, amazing listen

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t. a jones

20190401 FTM will make me more money than everyone else ITT ;)

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Very highly plausible, also keeps the tin foil hat image in the public's mind when they encounter other maybe partly accurate conspiracy theories. Like, x part of y theory seems reasonable, but y is pushed by stupid foil people so x must not be reasonable either.

Russia is systematically destabilizing the US and the EU with Trump and Brexit.

Saudi Arabia, China and Russia have countless of cells scattered throughout social media and are using these platforms to organize numerous illegal operations in various "cyber"-fields, including drugs and trafficking. It's all hidden in plain sight by a simple language barrier.

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>Zyklon B is heavier than air.
so? it would still be incredibly unsafe to play with that shit in the open you mong
>Also, you do realize that the same amount of gas in a small room does not have the same concentration as when it spreads out in the open.
how many ppm is a deadly dose?
>Hitler killed innocent people by the millions.
no he didn't
> genocide is always wrong.
>one day when it happens to you and you're people you'll realise that.
once you've woken up you can never go back to believing (((their))) bullshit
I hope it'll happen to you too
>Hitler was evil.
lmfao did a jew tell you that?
>If you believe otherwise, then you're evil.
empiricism lead me there and if you had any intellectual honesty you wouldn't be spouting your dumb shit about Hitler being evil when all he tried to do was save his country and Europe
>and the scum will soon be exterminated.
I thought genocide was wrong?

I had an ego death on LSD and it made me stop doing drugs.

This. Flat Earth conspiracy is 100% controlled. Even if it didn't start out that way, any meet up about it is a honeypot.

My simulation must be really cool if it creates other people who think like me.

I believe we really went to the moon but we forgot to record so we had to record like a movie here with Kubrick.

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>I get my conspiracy theories from corporate media


Crisis actors exist

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This. Her story makes no fucking sense.

>Russia conspiracy theory
Dude, first of all Russia isn't a communist country. Second of all, the Mueller investigation was the most thorough/in-depth investigation in US history, and they found no collusion. Fuck off.

i su

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