Attached: T6Hbe4u.jpg (4937x3291, 1.59M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Twice uggo line
Nayuggo Cubuggo Jeonguggo Dubuggo Momuggo

Twice visual line
Tzuyu Sana Mina Jihyo

this hag is the ugliest kpop of all time

Attached: 1553381147021.jpg (1080x1077, 468K)

Why is Vivi so goddamn ugly

Twice uggo line:
all of twice

Attached: DFGvYJIUwAI2k8r.jpg (2730x4096, 831K)


Attached: 1553698251110.jpg (496x550, 20K)

nayeon mentioned

Attached: 13eb0e9b5258c249d3414726df008490.jpg (575x1024, 116K)

Attached: yefag.png (800x800, 130K)


Attached: 1545698808585.jpg (2000x1335, 511K)

Attached: 1538562732269.jpg (658x784, 46K)

did this bitch botox her entire face?

Attached: DbsEY1uV0AU8qjA.jpg (2448x3264, 884K)


Attached: 615137bc4f6c85561461ad5c1b018ad5.png (720x720, 429K)

Attached: 54277583_884015101990564_3507513105299676068_n.jpg (1080x1080, 147K)

Melting blobby

Attached: loona.png (418x369, 189K)

lmao no recovery now

Attached: blobbbbbbbbb.jpg (512x716, 25K)

half of loona is made up of daughters of ilkwang's business partners. most of them are pretty ugly and then there's a few actual idols thrown in

wrong, this is

Attached: DUMK-RYWAAE7ad7.jpg (850x1134, 162K)

>twiceposters trigger loonatranny episode again

proceeds to post some bitch from area 51

There she is

thank you for posting my wife

wow 3 ugly shits in a row

best post today

seething naymonkeynigger

loona finito

Attached: loona butt plug.jpg (445x597, 61K)

>one of IZ*ONE's records got broken again today

Someone post an ugly picture of Kang Mina. I don't think that there is one.

Attached: image2.jpg (800x1230, 375K)

Attached: D0QIxpSXcAA7Nhr.jpg (793x1200, 208K)

>half of loona is made up of daughters of ilkwang's business partners
Name them


Attached: ewwwwwww.jpg (524x276, 31K)

based vivibro get theyre ass

Attached: 1541724973249.jpg (626x750, 47K)

all of a sudden kpg is trannyville
we got tranny looking kpops, tranny posters, even guys who fuck black tranny prostitutes for $40
it didn’t used to be like this

maybe when she was fat as fuck unless you're into that (i am)

this cuck thinks he can talk shit about nayeon whilst posting literally the ugliest shit

Attached: 1549160689426.webm (1920x1078, 1.1M)

Idk what ilkwang is but thanks for clearing that up, it was just weird to me that they could have JinSoul and Heejin but throw in Yves or Vivi like wtf

Attached: 1523179618276.jpg (638x960, 66K)

uggospam is a slight upgrade from incel blogging i guess

ilkwang is an arms supplier and the parent company to loona


spoiler that shit

I don't think that her face looked bad when she weighed more. Pic somewhat related

Attached: black.webm (980x946, 613K)

Attached: BVNDIT (1).jpg (1080x1920, 335K)

stupid dreamcatchernigger hiding behind twice fuck off bakc to sea

There are a few from her fatty days

Attached: DunY6stVAAAkrL_.jpg (1364x2048, 294K)

lol word. at least uggo crops are funny. that tinny fag is such a bore

until it happens to your waifu

God shes so hot here

who fucked a tranny prostitute?

heejin is the only one that pretty in loona. have seen jinsoul predebut? it's like vivi tier ugly.


Attached: D2qgmAXU8AA2_fB.jpg (900x1200, 217K)

already did

Attached: 1546912731872.jpg (1800x1200, 758K)

Rose, i...

my waifu isn't ugly

My waifu never gets posted here, I'm safe

there are uggocrops of everyone

i will seethe and spam with my uggo folder

>put asmr in the video title
>talk full volume the entire time

no more twice shit post hot girls

Attached: DKbYNTWUMAANwhP-orig.jpg (2094x2847, 1.79M)

dont spread falsehoods like that jinsoul is the prettiest in loona

If they exist, I haven't seen them.

Attached: lipbite.webm (450x720, 1.16M)

rachel do not click

Heejin isn't even that good looking anymore... and her eyelids piss me off desu

I am going to start an uggo folder for this

i have a sense of humor though

Someone post Hyebin/Nancy/Yeonwoo please, I'm tired of seeing TWICE/LOONA shit here


their all pretty you stupid fucking retard


kangz is one of the hottest kpops, it's a shame she's probably a huge slut

they should have banned all of SEA together with australia

name of this semen demon?

no more twice shit post hot girls

Attached: DmBaUZUVsAEit1xorig.jpg (1616x1080, 243K)

>poonashitter talking when all of his group look like fat midget oompa loompas


Attached: D2uSy8DUYAEkFx4.jpg (1800x962, 290K)

heejin is very plain looking. none of them are gorgeous but for me the most sexually attractive are kim lip and chuu

light of the world

Attached: X2htnCh.jpg (898x906, 125K)

Attached: 1546199727527.jpg (1448x2048, 149K)

Attached: DKbX1b7UQAA88Dh-orig.jpg (2784x4096, 1.55M)

there are uggocrops of uggos

>no more twice
>post hot girls
>twice are the only gg with hot girls
hmmmm are you a gaypopper

Attached: 1553561512485.jpg (800x1200, 151K)

and nothing of value was lost

chubby mina was pretty cute

Attached: poke.webm (468x500, 314K)

it's not funny


Attached: 2-2.jpg (2362x2362, 2.63M)

Kang Mina (Not a semen demon)

Attached: DvVE-RVV4AADADk.jpg (1000x1500, 214K)

Attached: 1553556295089.jpg (1080x810, 994K)

WOW Starship's new BOP

She looks really thirsty when she does this, and she knows it.


what's your type kpg?

Attached: jomon yayoi.jpg (1000x800, 149K)

not an orbit but objetively:
10 10 10 9 11 11 10 7 9 10 10 10


best feet duo


idk what those words mean but jomon

There's a crop from a Standby IOI episode

how the fuck do you manage to corral the ugliest 12 girls and convince them to start a girl group?

Attached: 1553548716320.webm (778x1080, 2.74M)

jesus christ, hopefully the dude used protection


Literally this is a proof that Felix was a mistake

>the worst lookig still better than best twice
keep seethe you stupid monky

Attached: 1534277841365.png (536x613, 469K)

dont bully idiot

best girls of all time

Attached: chuu.jpg (235x235, 5K)

>we both used condoms

Oh I think I found what you're talking about. Still cute (to me)

Attached: file.png (440x463, 201K)

seething SEAesl

chewy clone still the best looking, she just needs to go on a diet

nice delusion

chuu? more like poo lol

he said "we used condoms"

Attached: better than IZ*SHIT.webm (1920x1080, 981K)

so god damn boring in here without pitzychads



Attached: 170720.06.jpg (1333x2000, 1.29M)

Which one is supposed to be Chewy clone?

none of them look like chewy

oh no no no

imagine the level of mental gymnastics at play here lol

Attached: 1552489838405.jpg (896x840, 139K)

Hyunjin I think her name is. Third from the right.

the one that's doing the kyla cosplay with the fat stomach

Attached: tzuyu.jpg (682x1024, 87K)

May I have the source, please?

Attached: collapse.webm (1920x1080, 2.58M)

she looks nothing like tzuyu

i hope he got aids and finally goes away

Not this one, she was sitting on a couch

you rang

Attached: 1551288222107.webm (720x756, 2.76M)

when loona first came out, she was known as chewy clone before people knew her name. was more in the face than body though

i love tzuyu

Attached: D2VynyeU0AUmUt3.jpg (1200x869, 145K)

Attached: Du8VqzTU8AUcKyk.jpg (800x1200, 146K)

She looks somewhat like Chewy.

Attached: il9Aw0kcmNEXiWUbEf3o.jpg (640x421, 200K)

for me? its Eunha fap-cams

Attached: 1553133096538.gif (800x450, 2.59M)

all of twice nigger still btfo lmao

Attached: 1541726769749.jpg (1200x1800, 326K)

Someone post the Yuna pics/gifs...

where is the proof?

Like this? Still cute (to me)

Attached: file.png (300x168, 82K)

word, absolute goddess

Attached: 1522125525336.jpg (2000x1333, 321K)

yes twice number one ugly


why are her pits so deep? never seen that before

who the fuck is felix? oh wait nobody cares about that faggot

Attached: jooe.jpg (550x840, 68K)

chuu so cute she chuute!

Attached: DhBwAFoUYAAursM-orig.jpg (432x540, 63K)

Thank you :)
What mistake am I supposed to notice?

Attached: beach.webm (1648x1440, 986K)

what are some movies about a seemingly pure maiden that turns out to be the whore of babylon?

Attached: 1551992880200.webm (540x960, 2.9M)

she's flexing or some shit

Attached: hyunjinfromloona.jpg (1600x1200, 314K)

anyone ever notice all twice anti all ways are esl lol

who is this

your mother's vacation footage

More like I want to throw her down a garbage chute lol

Attached: 256DCE4B57051518236AFF.jpg (1442x1800, 1.24M)

its to accommodate the bbc

twice biggest ugly btfo

how about you don't imply that hime-sama is that

Attached: 1521785346872.webm (1280x720, 2.68M)

fucking lia's oily pit crater best day of my life

>still no stray kids comeback stage reupload

Attached: tzuyu.jpg (1366x2048, 354K)

mijoo and jisoo playing pubg

This better be bait...


Attached: laughing nose.webm (448x482, 2.94M)

>gay kids

Attached: 1537666299310.jpg (1000x1501, 208K)

Attached: smack.webm (1920x1080, 495K)

NO LINES rapper


god damn she is such a hot slut i want to jizz in her mouth


Attached: A86Y9399.jpg (1945x1297, 1.13M)


Attached: 0004115810_001_20190328192101073.jpg (630x945, 141K)

Attached: C6AIZoHUsAA9inh.jpg orig.jpg (773x1440, 135K)

really important poll

no is obviously nugucatcherniggers

back to trash rostie

looks like naky

can't even fap because they used a good song

May I have the source for this, please?

Attached: 1553399990077.png (549x926, 864K)

post ruined orgasm jpg

you're supposed to fap to bloom

its a well known and confirmed fact that mina always refuses safety shorts stating "i like to tease once with my unwashed vagina, i would go commando if i could"

Attached: 1551399923204.webm (1080x1920, 498K)

Yeah, she's a chink naky if anything
Only looks like chewy from certain angles

Attached: D2XGZ53UgAEdf4g.jpg (1333x2000, 761K)

shut the fuck up. dont you have other group to shitpost rn.

Dammit now I'm hard

he doesn't have many lines but he makes them count, the first thing a lot of people notice when they listen to stray kids is his voice

This was slightly harder to find but

stop lewding our princess

Attached: 1548090548269.webm (1600x900, 2.93M)


Official Pinky clone ranking:
Yiren > Pinky > Naky

Attached: D2QRPiOUYAAlSTf.jpg (1033x1510, 203K)

damn tzuyu looks good now

Attached: download.jpg (570x850, 89K)

>be blackpink
>has pure cute innocent jissoo in the group
what in the actual fuck did they mean by this?

she keeps asking for it though

Thank you :)

Attached: overallsspin.webm (1038x1036, 2.48M)

Attached: mina.jpg (800x628, 58K)

when is she coming back bros TT

Attached: heartu.gif (320x488, 2.72M)

>literally seething
also forgot your chu

word but sehun

she does it to herself and boy does she know what shes doing

Attached: 1551400009254.webm (743x1001, 1.56M)

Mina looks good but I cannot stand her voice


Attached: D2fxULuVAAI8nBO.jpg (1000x1500, 219K)

fuck he has nice hair in this
can any femanon guess at how much hair maint he needs to keep it like this?

Okay this is prett funny t b quite h with you

post mina's voice idk what it sounds like

why do they keep this angel behind closed doors?


girls who do this truly love their fans

Attached: 1550058368609.webm (562x1000, 2.95M)

>iu yelling obscenities

Yg probably knows the answer to that. My guess is that they realized that she couldn't succeed solo just on looks and personality. She is a decent dancer but her voice is pretty lacking I think.

Attached: 1.jpg (1200x1800, 392K)

Attached: topstarnewsmina.jpg (472x430, 310K)

>that little peek at something divine
you done well, son

Attached: 5b9907d47c5bae00b6a6c97210e0efa0.jpg (500x750, 113K)

I'm so hoooot *nugu noises*

Attached: stray midgets.jpg (720x868, 85K)



Attached: download.png (500x486, 334K)

>do you know lovelyz?
>novelyz? no i dont know, and my son dont know

NUGU Lovelyz confirmed

Attached: 1531010711766.jpg (740x1110, 190K)

Attached: 20160402-IMG_3354.jpg (1339x2000, 1.25M)

>the chewy clone
chewy wishes
post barefaced chewuggo

you're late user. we love stray manlets here.

we're so lucky to have twice

Attached: 15505165915650.webm (578x984, 933K)

You wanna know how I got these scars?

Attached: 1553399490444.jpg (2000x1500, 1.5M)

maybe his grandfather knows?

What a master at teasing, I bet she knows how to edge someone (me) for 2-3 hours no problem. In the morning it would feel like a dream.

link to the article? never seen that before

Attached: CLC Tard.webm (1280x720, 1.27M)

spam somi's thanks

Attached: 161030_아이오아이_청주-14.jpg (1000x1500, 263K)

so you're saying I just need to be a downs syndrome and I can meet CLC?

What CLC fans are like in real life

>playing vidya
manchild detected. I used to be sitting on games all of the time until my wife got pissed off one evening and smashed my PS3 with a baseball bat

What? Like this?

Attached: bending.webm (818x1208, 2.52M)

i think shes retarded

Post woo woo

word but onces


by wife you mean mom right?

>first LOONA's M Countdown performance gets delayed hours which limits the amount of point gain they can get for show wins

>now Stray Kids' M Countdown performance hasn't been uploaded for hours

wait a second... Maybe the sabotage theory isn't as farfetched as people once thought

samefag nugushitter

Attached: DqW9jcKWwAA5BnP.jpg (2119x3178, 1.35M)

>says the poonatranny


keep seethe retard

Attached: loonugu.jpg (1271x663, 97K)

seething you ESLfuck

>calling other person tranny

Attached: 1535540781901.jpg (421x604, 55K)

no, wife. she was pissed off because I'd alway go on my PS3 after work. i thought she was in the wrong at first but even my parents told me that I shouldn't of been on vidya instead of contributing

>keep seethe

nice detective work retard

Attached: 21342312.png (372x143, 4K)

i wish i could play more videogames but anything 3d gives me motion sickness and i need to play it for like a week to get used to it.
so now all i play is terraria but that gets boring after an hour or two


accept we know that butterfly was actual sabotaged by mnet

>keep seethe

Can't believe loonafags are actual seaniggers

Kim Lip looks cute here

Attached: 1515993702164.jpg (1350x2048, 275K)

>chewy clone

Attached: 1462142692446.png (386x381, 230K)

forgot your dreamcatcher faggot


>shouldn't have*
seems like being a retard is the bigger problem

Her natural skin tone is shit, but her facial structure/features still mog Hyunjin's

Attached: 5H4B7008.jpg (1298x1947, 1.22M)


ok what triggered the trannies this time?

changbin went from looking like a stretched out triangle to being the fattest one

keep seethe

>posting 13 year olds
loona is still busted

Attached: blackbounce.webm (640x458, 162K)

Time to appreciate a really nice body.

Attached: chewy_perfectbody.webm (664x1080, 3M)

>loona is still busted

Attached: 1540897487272.jpg (1365x2048, 240K)

good keep feeding him

Attached: Du1sCwOVsAAU7oa.jpg (682x1024, 152K)

both loona and twice are busted

thank you for the cuties (both minas, arin, somi)


Attached: 1473654461759.png (549x673, 413K)

same pic every time

>both twice are busted

IZ*ONE are debuting a new song just as their old song is going to drop off
very good timing

Attached: IZONE Week 21.png (828x615, 40K)

meanwhile in trannyland

Attached: jooe.jpg (550x840, 68K)

Attached: D2vOt23U8AECV2X.jpg (1365x2048, 389K)

momo would make great mommy

i cant tell if he's eating more because he's happier these days or if he's discovered stress eating

>trannies and twicetoddlers arguing over which uggo group is the least busted

keep seethe

its just fun watching but desu loona is trash

yes dreamctacher are busted even more

he's there to speak english in a deep voice every once in a while and provide stress relief

Attached: 5H4B6458.jpg (1212x1829, 1.22M)

look man, i'm not trying to partake in us vs them bullshit, i'd like to marry both chewy AND hyunjin at once

red velvet is the most busted group

this is true, are you trying to make a point


Attached: 1541999126887.jpg (1000x1500, 196K)

i figured he was eating more for the gains and then just kept eating

when pentagon did naughty boy it was boring
when they try to do something more serious or high energy it's just kind of lame compared to other groups


Get on her level boring ass new groups.

Attached: maxresASS.jpg (1280x720, 107K)


I am not a retard


Attached: 1533229542127.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

their comeback sounds like wanna one would release. they should just sell their comeback song to produce x and it will be a smash hit.

thanks for posting my waifu

i'm not sure i'd call that song serious

Please, don't use Mina to meanpost.

Attached: DPD7rN5VAAAMv4h.jpg (1000x1500, 169K)


Attached: 2.webm (1280x720, 1.97M)

>my type
banger and word

so pure?

Is this guy for real?

I feel legit bad for Hui, he has multiple hits under his production belt but E'Dawn fucking his co-worker basically had a hand in ruining his life as an idol

Why not

Attached: 5_1.jpg (1000x1500, 974K)

we love early uggo threads here retard

i wonder if they keep in touch still

It's mean :(

Attached: DagX9MTUQAAFFEO.jpg (1000x1500, 244K)

at least hui has options. imagine being not-hui in pentagon

Oh okay thanks. Usually, when something like this happens, everyone calls him a fag, early, retard, faggot, stupid, or dumb dumb head

more serious than toddlerpop like naughty boy. like there's nothing wrong with the song but the way it's performed....meh

