
Czech edition

>General Folder #1. Renaissance up to 20th century/modern classical. Also contains a folder of live recordings/recitals by some outstanding performers.
>General Folder #2. Mostly 20th century/modern with other assorted bits and pieces
>General Folder #3. Renaissance up to early/mid-20th century. Also contains a folder of Scarlatti sonate and another live recording/recital folder.
>General Folder #4. Renaissance up to late 19th century
>General Folder #5. Very eclectic mix
>General Folder #6. Deutsche Grammophon stuff. Also there's some other stuff in here.
>Renaissance Folder #1. Mass settings
>Renaissance Folder #2. Motets and madrigals (plus Leiden choirbooks)
>Debussy Folder.
>Jewish Folder
>Opera Folder. Contains recorded video productions of about 10 well-known operas, with a bias towards late Romantic
>Book Folder #1. Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.
>Book Folder #2. Random assortment of books on music theory and composition, music history etc.
>Book Folder #3. Comprehensive list of the most important harpsichord and piano pieces through history

Michael Gielen recordings: Previous thread:

Attached: 4233-jak-by-asi-byl-spokojeny-bohuslav-martinu-6.jpg (1179x1467, 135K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Thanks for including my Gielen post.

Full support. Based Martinů


Czech music huh? This Suks

why all czech surnames are just memes

Suk my Dussek, Janacek

Most symphonic poems tend to suck

Thus tho

No! Thank you for sharing those recordings with us!

Thank FUCK for a new thread. Keep it civil this time.

Most are great, you mean.

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Okay, Strauss is a exception but mostly programmatic german romantic music is weak, including Liszt


Faust Symphony is pretty good though


wasn't it orchestrated by Raff at first?

I think that was Prometheus.

Yea he was practically begging to be gassed

not my proudest fap

too soon, user


Čestmír Gregor: Prague Night Symphony

Those are the next I'm going to listen to. Rate me /classical/

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The first two are pretty neat.

It's alright. I feel as if there's a bit too much there. Some good material drawn out for way too long, and a lot of it is repetitive.

It doesn't help that most performers drag the first movement out to 30 mins.

As cheesy as this is, at least they look like they can play the piano, not like most mainstream films

how do i learn piano

learn the basics starting from finger positions and scales

Go back to your k-shit threads

I found this from our favourite gooks

what would an average timeline be for an adult student starting from 0 experience? in terms of 1 year - lvl 1 pieces still, 3 years - ?

depends on the instrument. Different countries also have different level / grade systems.

Is this classical?

for piano, i am really thinking of starting but i dont want to be playing mary had a little lamb for two years.

whats a good book for learning rhythm theory


what are some good living conductors that aren't very old?


Depends on what style of interpretation you like and where you draw the line for very old.

>i dont want to be playing mary had a little lamb for two years.
Well then practice as much as possible, ya bum. I can play stuff like this after 4 years, although slower and with zero feeling and I didn't play as much as I could, usually a few hours a week, almost every day.

Sondergård isnt too old
slobodeniouk isnt too old
nelsons isnt too old
Volkov isnt too old
by conductors standards obviously

Explain yourself

too much austro-german for me
personally dont rate holst
pines of rome is quite intresting tbf
second thoughts, its ok

Am I Enlightened now?

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you need rautavaara

Get a teacher. Ask them if you play with your fingers or your arms. If they say it’s complicated stick around. If they say fingers don’t go back.

A drum kit and advanced techniques for the modern drummer. Also Barry Harris scale stuff. The theory to rhythm is pure praxis. It’s a feeling not a fact

I post Lumbye, I don't give a fuck

You say austro-german like if that's a bad thing

Based Boomers in the comments section

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start with the Mikrokosmos

How do we end equal temperament?

Why would you do that

>he doesn't know
To be fait I don't know much either I just read those

Bartered Bride is the best Czech piece of classical music.


Poly :)

>but I only ordered pizza
I don't get it.

Nobody gets boomer jokes except other boomers

Probably my favorite interpretation of the 1874 version of Bruckner's 4th.

Because in the 70s that was a typical porn setup. Pizza man comes over, girl doesn't have the money to pay for the pizza so they bang. Now porn is a lot more meta and postmodern.

>Now porn is a lot more meta and postmodern

Why would you want anyone to explain that sentence

Because I'm interested in pornography... ?

Its just a joke you dip. Porn nowadays doesn't have a setup and the theme is just "we're making a porno".

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Never say the words '"post" and "modern" in these threads again.
You remember last time

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I just have a bass guitar

everything in moderation, mon ami

Nope. Tonight is a Corelli night.

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I'm in love



if it's czech then why is it in german?

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After the three Da Ponte operas and Zauberflöte what other Mozart operas do I check?

What does /classical/ think of the late Franklin Zappatista?


La clemenza di Tito

Of course, it's a genre developed by and revered by devoted romantics.

where did the paganiniposter go? I miss replying faganini




any of Brahms's chamber works any good? I like the symphonies and concertos, the late piano pieces and the first two piano sonatas, but the clarinet quintet op.115 made me want to commit hiroshima



They are all very good. Brahms is especially known as an exceptional chamber music composer.

Even through his jagged and coarse style of writing which makes it very hard to listen to sometimes?

Stfu Dunny Kruger

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I just listened to Mozarts Requiem conducted by Peter Schreier.
Its beautiful, but I'll never fully appreciate it. I know nothing about classical music theory or composing.
I only know Beethoven, Debussy, and Erik Satie.
I don't think I'll expand much beyond these as I'm only so far interested in this genre. But I can appreciate classical music on the surface level.

Don't worry. Only 1/3rd of it is actually Mozart anyway.

What genre?

Classical genre?





No you can't. It's like watching melee without knowing a roll from a waveland

Brahms is absolutely based

>Of course I admire Don Giovanni

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where's Mozart's hologram when you need him?



The three basic emotional responses

I think he's not classical so don't fucking post his trash here


based Yea Forums


I can't believe they are talking more about classical music than here



What's the name of that conductor who conducts slowmo versions? Like Beethoven's 9th. I know him and his youtube vids have been posted here.


The man, the myth, the legend (also the meme): Cobra?

No, that's slow but I'm looking for the REALLY slow conductor. He's a meme IIRC.

lmao yes that's the guy. Thanks


The absolute madman

slow and steadypilled

Posting pieces in the key of E flat minor

Absolutely embarrassing thread, this board is full of neanderthals.

how to shake off my distaste for romantic music?
specifically that of schumann and brahms, and their followers

Stop being a faggot, learn and accept the aesthetic and philosophical context in which the music was created.

The translated version of the aria is the best copy up on YT.

>Stop being a faggot
>learn and accept the aesthetic and philosophical context in which the music was created
I am aware, but aside its value in serving as a music history artefact, it's still ugly as sin

Ugly is subjective. If it doesn't sound good to you then don't listen to it.

Move on if you've given them a fair shake. Either you will eventually like them or it is your taste. Britten listened through Brahm's works multiple times trying to enjoy it and he never did.

What is your favorite Rach performance? Mine is the set from the Tbilisi Symphony Orchestra. I am probably biased, as it was the first Rach I heard as a child. What are the key performances?

This is so beautiful.


saw beethoven 9 last night for the first time (under rattle)
i like ode to joy, i really do, but for me that third movement is just too good (live)
its even better that the slow movement from the emperor concerto

u sure tho

What's up with all Amazon reviewers praising Kollo as Siegfried I can't stand his voice

Probably Kollo writing them all desu

Do you use any kind of visuals while listening to /classical/ or do you browse Yea Forums?
Or do you just close your eyes?
Currently watching this

based triple dubs

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Isn't he dead

hell yeah

I stare at whatever the album cover/youtube thumbnail is
In concert I close my eyes because the performers are too distracting and I end up just looking at them instead of listening

I think he's fine. I mean, sure, I would rather Jess Thomas hadn't lost his voice so fast but after Windgassen there are so few choices. Jung has the tone right but the diction and technicalities are mediocre. Hans Hopf is lol. Brilioth is almost great but he lacks the bravado and charisma. Goldberg's diction and acting leave me wanting as well, though otherwise he's good enough. Jerusalem is decent. Hofmann could have been great - and was as Siegmund - but he never recorded as Siegfried. Kollo could speak the language, act the part, and he sounded youthful enough which makes him better than most in the post-Windgassen era insofar as consistency is concerned. And frankly I can only think of one or two other Siegfrieds since Kollo that I've been able to enjoy enough. He's absolutely C grade but he's consistent and competent enough. Everyone else these days tends to be D or even F grade. Heldentenors are practically dead (with a few exceptions, though they aren't particularly famous) so compromises unfortunately have to be made.

Kollo is based

His voice sounds metallic and wobbly to me.
Side note, could jonas kaufmann even try Siegfried at some point?

Shut up Kollo

There's numerous recordings of Kaufmann doing Siegmund. Whether or not he has the ability to pull off Siegfried - which is many times more taxing - is another question altogether. He's a decent enough Siegmund and is probably shaping up to be the big heldentenor of the 21st century if he continues. So I would say it's possible but we'll just have to see. There's a lot of tenors that stop at Siegmund and for good reason - most people simply do not have the stamina for it.

>Hans Hopf is lol

Someone should make an edit of this, add everyone else missing.

Someone needs to go back in time and tell Wagner to make his roles easier

He wanted to thin the orchestration in Tristan but died before he got around to it

Why don't we record our own Ring and call it the Yea Forums Cycle.

remember for all our knowledge, we're still a Yea Forums board
autism limits us

A big problem is that since Wagner's day orchestras have only got bigger and singing practices have leaned in an entirely different direction. The practices of Wagner's time are not entirely dissimilar from the kind of lean singing you get in HIP recordings. I think if we made orchestras smaller and cut down on vibrato bullshit you'd get a better result.

But honestly part of the reason Wagner is so fun is how hard it is to perform. It's kind of like Beethoven's late works, don't you think? Like the Hammerklavier or Missa Solemnis. Incredibly difficult to perform, but when it's done right it makes it all the more satisfying.

I wonder how that guy who said he was going to become a heldentenor is these days.

Autism will raise us to heights undreamed of


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yes im sure Hans is enjoying unlimited success right now


good youtube channels for introduction into / the history of classical music?

All Upper Middle-Brows report in

History I'm not so sure but Music Matters is pretty good for theory

He said history you fucking retard

I've thought about something like this on a smaller scale; maybe a chamber piece could be easily recorded, or a non-chamber piece where the strings are rerecorded over and over. Use a set BPM as a basis and have someone mix it.

he said 'introduction into "dash" history', so I assumed "introduction into" meant general theory.



just listened to the poem of ecstasy
holy shit, I wonder how it feels like to hear this live

Sup cucks



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like a bath of ice, cocaine and rainbows

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am I supposed to see colors?

It's sad how the orchestras of my city can't stop masturbating with Mahler but they never but something of russian avantgarde, especially scriabin

if you have synesthesia, then yes, i suppose

Also i found another almost decent Boulez work while i was away


The other almost decent work is Rituel memorian or something like that

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no youre supposed to be raptured as reality splits itself at the seams due to the sheer force of the music composed by a superhuman

Listening to Turangalîla now. I wonder how many times Cynthia Millar already accompanied this piece on the ondes Martenot. This was recorded a few hours ago in Paris:

"Like all Italians, Cobra is a charlatan."
--W.A. Mozart

>tfw virtually every actual artist I've met falls into the lowbrow category
feels good man

Well, now seems to have been resolved in a good way for everybody

But he's Brazillian


I just realized Kollo's fine without headphones. For some reason he doesn't sound as wobbly



>americans classifying taste by how european it is

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Why would I care about some unimportant faggtos opinion about class? Lets all be pretentious and buy some high brow shit so I'm above the rest.

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Check Sur Incises, its like a continuation of Incises.

do we belong here
i feel like we're constantly waring with people

and we ourselves arent constantly in a state of civil war?

No, we must stand our ground and struggle to appear the most elitist in every thread.

Everything is fire, war and temporary, as Heraclitus said

if this is the case, a bunch of neckbeards wont stand a chance against the rest of this site

Music for meditating before a seppuku?

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Anyone else make always sure that the recordings are played by non-jews?

Jesus Christ, identity politics sure is even more ridiculous in classical music...

I'm sorry but Jewish music is shite, they quite literally killed music


What about Mendelssohn, you dipshit?

or Mahler
or Weinberg
or Shoenberg

Ignoring the obvious baiting, that would be almost impossible unless you want to settle for Chinese factory kids. There are so many great Jewish performers.

Wagner was right about all of them desu
Urbanite Jews saw the great music the Germans made at the time, but only could imitate them.

Wagner was projecting. As usual.

im pretty sure shoenberg developing a method to permanently break the bonds of tonality isnt an attempt at imitation of the Austro-German tradition

Wagner was just imitating Beethoven’s 9th symphony.

sounds like hans has been watching the norton lectures

Wagner was a jew kiddo

go fuck yourself

Schönberg's attempt at breaking tonality was laughable at best - the only thing he created was badly written music in a-minor
Music is about tones, if you haven't noticed

Most of the best soloists and conductors are Jews

>Anyone else make always sure that the recordings are played by non-jews?
>I'm sorry but Jewish music is shite, they quite literally killed music

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>badly written
not sure about that, regardless of the tonal qualities of his work his orchestration is consistently good
if i had the choice between a repetitive Corelli trio sonata and a 12tone shoenberg quartet, im pretty certain id choose the shoenberg
its all relative though man

>Muh beautiful firetruck music

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Bach/Frederick the Great/Webern/Boulez


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>its all relative though man
kys for spreading this meme



t. jew

Not a jew

t. jew

also if you are going to dismiss any reply to you by race then you are fucking retarded by not judging the content of the critique but to stay in the simply surface of the exterior

Based, you should check Helmut Rilling for the Cantatas that Richter didn't record for example this

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exactly what would jewish people gain from ruining the world which they themselves have to live in?

Mozart ***trigger warning: Jewish performers were involved in the making of this recording***

Based goy.
Who is your favourite non-jewish pianist, /classical/?

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*listens with my swastika pajama*

ah, much better


Gould? More like Fool

>"Mozart was a mediocre composer who died too old"
>"Haydn's sonatas were much more interesting as pieces than Mozart's"

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Also Gould a Cute, I tried to imitate his finger tapping technique the other day and it really fucked up my fingers

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Jonas Kaufmann is going to nuke his voice/is nuking his voice and everybody knows it
he's not a fucking helden and he's nothing like one
I wouldn't even call him a spinto; he's like a heavy lyric who screams in his throat

Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli

X = the amount of musical theory knowlegde of the listener, and
Y = the enjoyment he gets out of listening to a certain composer:

For which composer would the graph be most similar to the one of the Dunning-Kruger effect?

all of the above




t. jew

what's this finger-tapping technique you talk about?

Its actually from Gould's teacher
A forgotten south american pianist

2nd mov. is my favorite.

I stare at the wall.

Good thing Reich is "Ives and after" ;)


Our civil war is Poly vs. everyone else

this would explain gould's predilection for pianos with light action

and also his complete and total inability to play anything melodically

>his complete and total inability to play anything melodically
I humbly disagree with this

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redpilled but not based

You're entirely correct. Though that doesn't really stop him from being lauded as one - practically every review of his Siegmund is fanatical. I really never understood the Kaufmann cult myself.

>The majority of Heldentenors are true tenors and will never have sung as anything else; but there is another route to the heavier voice – by way of high baritone. When young, some heavy tenors have no top to their voices, and are either wrongly classified as baritones, or may pass through a high baritone phase on the way to acquiring the high notes necessary to fulfil their tenor destiny. This can result in a short high baritone career, or a long wait and a late start as a tenor. Usually, this sort of voice ends up as the heavier variety of Heldentenor, and often starts his Wagnerian career with Loge, Parsifal and Siegmund, as these are the Wagner roles without high notes or high lines. How they proceed is a matter of skill or strength in most cases. True baritones are not among their number. These voices are rare, difficult to teach, and require both luck and will power from their owners.


Great article.

digits confirm balletfags forever BTFO



dubs confirm best string quartet

Don't know why in particular, but this always has and will be my favorite classical piece.



More Zelenka


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how do I play these niggers without breaking my left hand?

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Play them with your right hand

are asian classical musicians soulless or is that a gimmick. the types that become really good seem to be philistines from what ive seen though

Yeah some of them are really good performers, such as Seong Jin Cho. But performing mainly draws from the subconscious, so maybe they innately have a good feel for the music, but haven't a clue when it comes to the historical and philosophical background.

Or perhaps they simply have trouble putting it into English.

yeah i think thats fair. i was thinking of lang lang so maybe its a had example anyhow

I think Mitsuko Uchida is good, her Mozart Concerto cycle is quite nice, and she seems to know her stuff and generally has good taste, based on what she performs and records anyway.


they used to say the same thing about russian violinists. look how history has judged them

What the fuck is Pristine Classicals "Ambient Stereo" remaster to old mono recordings?

fuck, this is good
should I ignore eveything Wagner said of this guy?

Is there a list of absolutely entry level classical songs like Ellens gesang.

they were jews

Rather than fake stereo which tries to emulate, well, stereo, the ambient stereo is essentially just Mr. Rose taking a mono recording and adding some air around it. Think of it in terms of width - it still is unmistakably mono but now it fills both ears more and sounds a bit more wet. It's honestly kind of a meme. What he does is that he simply runs a recording through Harbal, which is a program for audio editing that has a few functions, EQ matching included. It doesn't do anything for me, give me mono any day, but it seems popular enough. Even more retarded are those "3D" mono recordings on YouTube which make absurd esoteric claims about being based on physics of the original mics and yada yada. Boomers fall for it though.

Francly Wagner was mostly a pseud

on a bassoon?


Have you heard that music isn't only about tonality? Have you ever heard of musical forms, motive development, articulation, gesticulation...?

>Schönberg's attempt at breaking tonality was laughable at best
If turning harmony on its head and influencing at the very least the next century is laughable, then sure.
>the only thing he created was badly written music in a-minor
Ah, yes. The musically illiterate and Schoenberg hating in one - now that's a new one!
>Music is about tones, if you haven't noticed
Good thing his music has tones, then.


>Have you ever heard of musical forms, motive development, articulation, gesticulation...?
yup they all suck

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This is what I'm going to listen today, rate me bros

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-30 Watch Later - YouTube.png (457x600, 174K)

how did you find my portrait?

literally the best classical music website I've ever seen

top kok
I like it though that the Finnish composers after Sibelius and Rautavaara have another access to composing than their continental avant-garde counterparts.

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>music isnt only about tonality
yea im pretty sure he wasnt trying to imitate the austro-german qualities of those features either, by the time he was in full 12tone swing

listen to this:

he was a french jew

Best works of Arnold Schoenberg?

for me
string quartet 1 in D major
Pelleas und Melisande
piano concerto

>the game

Piano Concerto
String Trio
Variations on a Recitative For Organ


His so-called "music" is only for Nihilist Masochists who were memed by this post-modern classical world
Dont fall for the meme and enjoy the beautiful music we have

Pic related

Attached: Tonality.png (453x452, 95K)

what asshole wrote this?

Probably him

Yeah, lol

>write your own bullshit in a word document
>screenshot it
>boom, instant credibility via citation

Where can I listen to an example of ambient stereo compared to mono without spending 60 bucks?

This is so powerful


The only good atonal work I've ever heard was Berg's in the memory of an angel quartet or something

>Berg's in the memory of an angel quartet

>posts the most basic-bitch interpretation of a meme Mozart piece.

Good contribution to the thread

Attached: 1551620169849.gif (320x180, 2.6M)

Hi Masochists!!
Here it is at the end

>meme Mozart piece
I mean I disagree with the guy on atonality, but the Mozart piece is really good

>meme Mozart piece
This is really pathetic and disrespectful to Mozart's ouvre

Please never post again

No Mozart piece is good because they sound pretty and that's bad

I'm not saying its bad, you nincompoops. I'm saying that its not much of a contribution. At least don't just post the first recording at the top of the search results, if you're going to post such an easy-to-come-by piece.

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*double facepalm*

Why not you pseud

Berg wrote a Violin Concerto with that title, not a fucking Quartet.

>It comes first in the youtube search so its bad
Yup even more pathetic

oh right, "meme piece" as in widely known and popular

you got it.

What are some musics and composers that seem trite and ugly on first impressions but become really good after repeated listens?

You mean music were you have to become a Nihilist Masochist to enjoyed??

No, that's not bad either necessarily. What operating system are (you) running off of?

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much of the stuff i like nowadays i used to consider boring/ugly before "getting accustomed" to it.

unironically Schoenberg

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t. Nihilist Masochist

Well whatever I heard it 10 years ago

Yes you are, no need to tell us

>inb4 he thinks I'm saying "I know you are but what am I" because he doesn't know how the fucking meme works.

Quit shilling

New edition

t. Nihilist Masochist

That's exactly what you're saying.
When you reply to a post with "t." and a following descriptor you're implying that description applies to the posts you replied to, not your own

no, if you want to do that, you greentext newfag. the "t." meme is for signing posts.

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why the fuck did the new thread get deleted? we're on 314 posts

New edition

The joke is that he's finishing the post he replied to you retard, implying he's the same poster.
Like replying "oops sorry wrong image, meant to post this" when it's obviously not you that posted before
Or like me replying to your post with this name and saying "sorry forgot my name"

it had a problem but I fixed it

then he still has to greentext. How can you not know that greentext is basically a more versatile quotation method?

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so based