Did he really add anything special to the band? lbr

Did he really add anything special to the band? lbr

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Sorta. His biggest contribution is teaching James and Kirk how to harmonize. Kirk even said that for Orion, Cliffs solo was supposed to be Kirks and cliff used a lot of the original licks.

He wrote a ton of riffs, and he was the only one who knew theory and harmony.
So, yes.

Metallica would have been largely different had he not died, that much is certain. It seemed like he was the only person James and Lars looked up to, and without him it was up to them to run the show.

Some yes but his role in the band is highly overrated by his death

>he wrote a ton of riffs.
Like what? The dude has 1 writing credit for Kill em all and 3 for Mop.
Most of his contribution is on Ride the lightning. You say he wrote a TON of riffs but a lot of those credits were stuff like Fight fire with fire's intro (Which is a rendition of a classical piece) or the bass intro for Damage inc. Others are probably the harmonizes on Ride, but even then that's not clear.

I think he wrote the ascending/descending part in MOP too.
I don't know exactly really, but even Kirk said in the Cliff biography that he would write a ton of shit on a goldtop Les Paul he owned.

He also wrote the entire mid section on Ride the Lightning if I recall correctly.

He wrote a lot for metallica, whether they gave him adequate credit or not. He also was probably the first metal bass musician to be a showman that wasnt a wanker, next to steve harrison

He did "write" that riff. I say that in quotes because it's obvious that it was heavily inspired by a riff in one of David Bowies songs but whatever.