Couple of 17 year old nerds from Kentucky make one of the best albums of all time

>couple of 17 year old nerds from Kentucky make one of the best albums of all time

How come you can't compare?

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>one of the best albums of all time
Unironically goes to show how far rock music is from becoming a serious art.

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He's wrong. Not a single jazz music album deserves more than a 1-2/10.


>Not a single jazz music album deserves more than a 1-2/10.
Most cringe and bluepilled thing I've ever read on this board


Fuck off pleb,this album is gorgeous

i wasted my youth browsing Yea Forums tbqhwu

t. castrati

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do you go to uva

i still have no idea how the fuck did they pull this album off
definitely in my top3 fav albums of all time

They were autistic as all shit and spent all their time playing. That's all there is to it.

adornofag stay on leftypol

a combination of various factors and sheer coincidence. including their upbringing, musical tastes, and mental state during the recording.

Childhood is idolizing Slint. Adulthood is realizing Rodan makes more sense.

rodan isn’t even the best slint spiritual successor band

wich one is?

lift to experience for a stylistic successor and the for carnation for a direct successor

I sincerely don’t see what anyone sees in this album. Boring go nowhere tracks with mumbled vocals steeped in lo fi production and infantile guitar. And no the drumming isn’t good either.

I just can’t imagine who would like this? Beta males who take anti depressants to get through their day that have never seen a vagina in their life.

It’s dreck.

They were in their 20s when they made this
Still, relatively young

Thank you for this post. I've been looking for a reason to leave this shitty board for a couple weeks. The few goldmine posts I find here keeping luring me back to this hellhole every year since 2011. But you've changed my ways. I'm wasting my time talking with highschoolers over the internet. Thank you, user. It's time to say goodbye and block this site. Bless.

this is such a fucking retarded album. I can't blame them though, upon learning that they came from the laughingstock of the united states.

"I stepped out onto the midway..."


Thank god that's over!

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contrarians are the worst

literally who

Based and redpilled

because I'm not from Kentucky

no u

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Honestly, one album that has changed my life. Got me into making music and now I'm a working musician. Not gonna specify anything, just gonna say this album really got me thinking about what I wanted from my life and what I wanted to achieve in it.

Rusty is absolutely better than The Texas Jerusalem Crossroads and The For Carnation, and I say that as someone who loves those albums. Nothing beats The Everyday World of Bodies or Gauge.