Hay i’m New to Yea Forums. Can you give me an honest opinion on Xxxtentacion’s music before he died? Do you think his music reach into your life or what?
Hay i’m New to Yea Forums. Can you give me an honest opinion on Xxxtentacion’s music before he died...
He is the John lennon of our time
i liked him
>bipolar depression by that i'm affected
>my manager cousin likes kids to have sex with
>i love beating women just like i'm john lennon
>the devil's my daddy i'll kill all you peasants
what did he mean by this
I got Gekyume’s forskin.
Greatest artist of my generation. I miss him terribly
He was one of the only “new” rappers that actually had an authentic vibe to him. When he first came out I hated his sound, but when I searched for other music by him I found out he was pretty versatile for an artist. It was sad to see him go, really expected 6ix9ine to get shot before him, towards the end of his life he was putting out positive energy, while 69 was literally trying to get shot.
>positive energy
One more thing to add is that for his age he had a crazy amount of potential. RIP
he beat women in a positive way
He would put out videos of him giving back to disadvantaged youth, would post inspitational videos on IG trying to help those depressed/going through rough times.
Okay Michael Jackson supposedly molested children, David Bowie supposedly did the same and John Lennon doesnt mean they didn’t do anything positve in their life retard.
rap isnt taken seriously here
get the fuck out nigger
probably referring to the charitable shit he did near the end of his life
i don't think it was near "enough" but he did seem to give a shit and be moving in a different direction
i never really engaged emotionally with his music but i think some of his music was pretty cool especially where he would sample shiloh dynasty.
these are probably my three favorite tracks by him
the first two i think are a bit unique, at least in the context of rap music, and the third just sounds good for what it is
i think he's artistically overblown, but many other artists that people rank highly don't really have much over him artistically
he was going to save us all
Yeah, started hating X at first because he got popular or blew up. But, i started to start liking his album 17. Because, of how he talks about how he feels and the hard shit he has to go through. Like, Jocelyn Flores and Fuck Love where the tracks I only listen to on the album.
Look, man Yea Forums, /vg/ and Yea Forums kicked me out of the cool kids club you gotta understand.
if that sort of lyrical content speaks to you, try these tracks:
for both of these, the lyrics are a lot less straightforward, but they're really solid.
for shells, the chorus doesn't play a huge role in the narrative, so you want to listen through to the (only) verse
for DNA, listen through to na'kel's part
he apparently wrote it tripping on acid right after learning a childhood friend of his died
they're both very powerful for me
lmao what a coincidence i just heard earl sweatshirt for the first time yesterday
still not better than x
I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad he's gone. However his legacy lives on with his brainwashed zoomer fans
Hopefully Geko Cum, or whatever the fuck he named his son will continue his legacy. and maybe hit a girl or two
>earl not better than x
You need to be over 18 to post on here
quit diisrespectin his baby dude, it aint gonna work out for you disrespectin an infant
I never got what was so special in him
Everyone post your favorite x song and how old you are
dead inside interlude
Like the Kurt Cobain of this generation except people thought he was the second coming of christ before he died. Rode a new aesthetic they were a part of, made some emo lyrics that people thought were deep, became popular, then died. They both appealed to the generation that was coming up at the time, which made them think it was cool and new. But really they both just added a little aesthetic to something that was there before and everyone jumped on their dicks so hard. Notice how fast grunge stuck around for? Now notice how much trap has been relevant for and what kind of people actually listen to it. Its gonna be gone soon just like grunge too. Something different, but nothing too noteworthy.