John Coltrane is truly the biggest sellout cuck in musical history. Sorry about my clash post eariler

John Coltrane is truly the biggest sellout cuck in musical history. Sorry about my clash post eariler

Attached: ajazz2.jpg (1500x1467, 283K)

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Jazz as a whole is a worthless sellout genre. It's literally just finding pop songs and stripping the vocals, then redoing the beat with a saxophone instead so you can make money by selling your "new and original song" to airports and corporate offices to use as elevator music.

>take a pop song
>play the melody a couple of times
>bullshit around for a few minutes
>play the melody again at the end
There I solved jazz

He did the opposite of selling out. Now Miles Davis, there’s a cat who sold out to the rockists

didn't he fuck a rothschild? can't tell me he wasn't indoctrinated

Neither of you have listened to a sufficient amount of jazz to make a valid contribution to this discussion. Please listen to "Survival of the Fittest": for a better initiation to the genre, and then please identify:
1) the pop song stripped to create this
2) the location of the "bullshitting around"
3) which company uses this as ambience, for I shall be their patron

Electric miles w the funky wah wah is god tier genius


Thats all you need to know

>which company uses this as ambience, for I shall be their patron
honestly if there's a pub that has anything like that as ambience I would totally join that place; as is I'm stuck in the cross of the midwest and the south in the ohio river valley and let me tell you that shit's fucking depressing

Why are jazz fags so insufferable and pretentious?

Are you deaf? The fuck is the game here? Wtf, soldier boy? Tone it down or turn it ip, i dont care 143 you to die

you left your peenor hanging out

The time the time the time to die 143 jay, 143

Looking at you 143, the ticket, jay, time to die time to die

The ticket is the the time jay, 143 time jay 143 is the ticket

Jazz fights aside literally how in Coltrane a sellout?

Hear 143 now, jay, the ticket is now

The ticket the 143 ticket listen jay, nows the ticket jay 143 143 for you now

Are you deaf jay? 143 is the ticket to die now now 143 now jay its the tickety tock

143 is the ticket jay now is the ticket 143 now 143 now 143 now 143 to die now

Do it now, jay 143 to die now

You new here, faggot?

>"find a pop song"
>"take a pop song"
You do know that most jazz songs are original compositions, right? If not then you really shouldnt be talking like you know about something you know nothing of, user

Hell they dont even call it a song, they call it a "piece"

Can you or someone else explain the reasoning behind this? As far as I can tell, he was way more commercially viable during the first half of his career than he was during the second. How does going from popular blues and standards-based albums to polarizing, religious freeform ones translate to selling out?

It's literally just pure, blatant, 100% shitposting.

>Miles Davis, there’s a cat who sold out to the rockists
You mean "dragged jazz out of its boring stagnation".

>They don't call it a song
>No one is singing
What's your issue?


>Survival of the Fittest
Herbie Hancock gained his initial fame playing with Miles Davis, and his music is obviously inspired by Miles' "sellout" jazz (), so this doesn't count.

The later stuff of Miles Davis may be closer to rock than jazz in terms of instruments but musically it is closer to improvisational jazz. Listen to Call it Anything or Bitches Brew for example. No rocker can even follow those.

kill yourself

>not realising that jazz is the next best thing to classical music
>not realising that any other genre is just a childish interpretation of those two genres
wtf plebs
just stop moanin about it