Why isn't rap criticized by sjw?
Why isn't rap criticized by sjw?
you know why
It definitely is, you just don't know any SJWs in real life
AOTY incoming, folks
lads please help me
i know it sounds retarded
but why do women listen to rap? itd be like me listening to kill whitey music
and dont give me meme answers like 'they like being abused' or whatever i dont care about that
Because niggers are perfect the way they are and saying otherwise is racists.
Because its the voice of the opressed.
there's nothing wrong with killing whitey music
Because rappers aren't real gamers.
It is. I don't understand why this board insists it isn't.
They like whats popular
doesnt mean i want to listen to music that hates me or wants to fuck with me
>violence and mysogyny are okay when niggers do it!
preach brother
the majority of women I have met don't actually listen to the lyrics of songs
It is. Yea Forums is obsessed with finding supposed librul hypocrisy and evidence that Blacks have it easier than whites, so they like to say it isn’t. Actually look for it and you’ll find plenty of examples though
true i dont think most people do
but lyrics impact you on a subconscious level, if you listen to music with negative lyrics even if you dont listen to them and digest them your brain is still processing what theyre saying
No you won't. That's probably why you couldn't even attach an image of proof to your post.
Here you go
The fact that Migos still has a music career after that is proof that SJWs have more love for niggers than for white people. If I started a band and then someone caught wind of an anti-gay verse in one of my songs I would be the crux of all of the internet's hate and blacklisted from every label because I'm white.
yeah but I think the auto tune has made the voice less important and the over use of auto tune in rap is why people don't even hear the lyrics on a surface level.
user if you got to the level of popularity of Migos no one would give a fuck about some shitty ass lyrics with "fag" in them
They do. There's think pieces about the homophobic and misogynistic lyrics in many rap songs
>”Why isn’t rap criticized by SJWs?”
>screenshot of rap being criticized by SJWs
>”Y-yeah but it’s not being criticized ENOUGH”
That's untrue. The more popular something is the more it gets put under a microscope for "problematic" content.
Eminem called Tyler the Creator a faggot in a song last year and no one gave a fuck.
Sam Sodomitesky and a few twitter gays are not representative of SJWs as a whole. Ask any Tumblr whale what she thinks of Migos and she'll tell you how great they are because these people just dickride niggers day in and day out. Bring up how they said the q word in one of their songs and she'll either not have heard of the entire scandal or she'll give them a free pass because "they apologized after and understood how wrong they were unlike evil white people!" just because they gave a generic public apology like literally any other group would.
Eminem is the definition of washed up, nobody listened to that gay diss track he made last year anyways.
Kamikaze went platinum in less than 4 months.
It is
That just means a lot of nostalgic 40 year olds who listened to him in the "golden days" bought his record en masse when they found out he was making music again. Your parents desperately trying to recapture their youth with blind consumerism is not a new thing.
You're right, but there's definitely less of it and rappers are able to get away with a lot more egregious shit than white rock musicians are. Just consider the whole GVF debacle.
does your mental gymnastics give you a headache?
It dominated discussion in social media for a good month.
You seem disconnected from reality. There’s a reason why acts like Brockhampton are so popular there. They let SJWs enjoy hip hop without the typical problematic baggage. None of these girls listens to ____phobic rappers without some tinge of guilt
Because mainly minorities produces it they cant lose voters
You do know the majority of Migo's fanbase aren't SJWs right. There isn't one person I've met who likes Migos, and doesn't say fag and other things SJWs would find offensive casually.
Bc fat white women love bbc
My sister shifted away from rap for that reason. I know others who are conflicted or shifted away.
I'm desensitized, same as most people. Even yelling "Bitch" arbitrarily feels sorta mean though. Women don't have the upper-hand so the spirit is kind of oppressive.
I think some women just write it off as silly rap pageantry, kind of its own separate vocabulary. Like fake pro-wrestling fantasy.
I'm male btw, just borderline sjw.
You type like a woman, absolutely repulsive writing style.
Not an argument sweetie. You know I'm right. The truth is everybody just wants a hot slice of the oppression pie now because it's easier to blame society for your problems than to work on fixing them. When these groups wrong each other the way they claim white males do, it gets lost in the static because the idea now is to scapegoat the majority for your issues by either taking advantage of your minority status or inventing a new minority group (think -kin schizos, "genderfluids", aromantics, asexuals, etc.) that you either just so happen to fit into or can pretend to fit into.
More like a whole week.
These groups all enjoy ____phobic rappers but they wouldn't dare discuss it on their Tumblr page because it would compromise their image.
women know what is said, but they either dont care or know its true.
All of the women I've met in my life who actually had any kind of discerning taste (i.e. didn't just listen to the radio or whatever was presented to them, but actually sought out music they liked/related to) where not overly fond of rap music, and if they did it was concious rap or Nas/Biggie/Tupac. The rest of them either liked country music or whatever was playing at the clubs they went to when they wanted to reject a bunch of dudes to feel better about themselves.
It's not necessarily a woman-specific thing, but I've found that if you can ask someone what kind of music they listen to, and they give you an immediate simple response, they generally lack any kind of critical thinking skills.
it is, you just look for whatever fits your bias
lol. A while ago I made a conscious decision not to use edgy hive-mind speak on Yea Forums. That might be it. Or maybe my testosterone is too low. I found out my balls have this thing called varicocele which lowers fertility so that's not good. Bag o' worms.
does your mental gymnastics give you a headache?
Not an argument sweetie. You know I'm right. The truth is everybody just wants a hot slice of the oppression pie now because it's easier to blame society for your problems than to work on fixing them. When these groups wrong each other the way they claim white males do, it gets lost in the static because the idea now is to scapegoat the majority for your issues by either taking advantage of your minority status or inventing a new minority group (think -kin schizos, "genderfluids", aromantics, asexuals, etc.) that you either just so happen to fit into or can pretend to fit into.
>More like a whole week.
So you're admitting the album is relevant and what you're saying is bullshit? Because dominating the discourse for a week is still substantial.
Facts don't care about your feelings, outragefag.
The album was never relevant. Nobody ever gave a shit about it. It got radio play for like 2 days and then the Instagram kids made some memes about how mediocre it's singles were.
does your mental gymnastics give you a headache?
>post bulllshit
>get called out
>muh npc
>maybe he won't notice if I ignore everything he said
The cognitive dissonance is real
it is but only by the first rate SJW. most do not have enough oppression experience points to criticize people of color
Not an argument sweetie. You know I'm right. The truth is everybody just wants a hot slice of the oppression pie now because it's easier to blame society for your problems than to work on fixing them. When these groups wrong each other the way they claim white males do, it gets lost in the static because the idea now is to scapegoat the majority for your issues by either taking advantage of your minority status or inventing a new minority group (think -kin schizos, "genderfluids", aromantics, asexuals, etc.) that you either just so happen to fit into or can pretend to fit into.
Just highlighting the uncanny group think tendencies of the left ;)
>I'll just ignore reality in favor of my deluded fantasy because it suits my argument better
>literally presented with multiple facts
>backed into a corner
>ignores everything that was posted and says "I'm right you're wrong"
>gets called out
>"lol ur ignoring reality bro"
Kamikaze was, objectively, in every sense of the word, relevant. Seeing you perform mental gymnastics to fit it into your narrative is hilarious.
it could be because rap isn't real. or it could be because sjws aren't real. but i can't figure out which one
>I got called out on my bullshit by multiple people, wow those are some groupthink tendencies
>water is wet and the earth is round, or so the hivemand says
that's how retarded you sound
I didn't make this thread npcfriend
that doesn't change anything you absolute brainlet, you're still labelling people as npcs for calling out bullshit
does your mental gymnastics give you a headache?
this is the part when you start to lower expectations so you can eventually go "I was just pretending to be retarded"
Any criticism is automatically met with cries of "bawww racist."
Bullshit. None of the pussyhat fembeasts ever bitch about this obviously blatant display of "toxic masculinity."
Only white Christian men are ever guilty of this while black and brown third world thugs are given the "cultural differences" free pass.
does your mental gymnastics give you a headache?
literally you
If a white rapper raps it's criticized. Remember Eminem during the 2000's?
yeah, he was wildly succesful and respected by the entire industry. Only white soccer moms criticized him, just like they criticize all rappers. The only difference is eminem made entire albums replying to them.