only war is real edition
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only war is real edition
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Post an album better than this one
>you cant
Post your favorite Bathory album.
I do that rather well... Don't you think?
>this line up will never make another KPN album and now we're stuck with MC Famine LARPing as a Ukranian nazi
The patrician Sabbath album tbqh
But I love them all equally.
what are the good nu metal bands?
No such a thing,
Korn was probably the most interesting, but for every one of their good songs there are 6 absolutely putrid songs
and why is it slipknot?
Sepultura's Roots was once classified as nu metal. It's a great record, but I'm not sure can it be called nu metal.
What else would it be? It's too far removed from thrash to be considered pure groove metal.
>What else would it be?
Experimental groove metal with tribal elements?
feelsbad but how can I blame him? Dude finally found a place where is he welcomed, but he said he'll stay there until everything is done about the new album.
big gay
>Neige and Winterhalter have Alcest, one of the most popular black metal-related bands in the world, loved by normies and pseud critics alike
>Indria does session work for different french bands, tours with Alcest, and is overall considered one of if not the best bass guitarist in black metal
>Famine continues his JUST quest with his M8l8th boyfriend, is now a rapper
He also just did a live cover of a song sympathetic towards the Paris' Commune, I can see why he did that (the social aspect of NS being present in the event) but a lot of his followers didn't.
wow that was a real brain buster
For years, Nuclear War Now!’s forum has been the haven for life dropout D&D neckbeards searching for some form of friendship and community. But according to website tracking metrics, the site has seen a massive decline in it’s traffic over the past 6 months. While viewership of metal sites can rise and fall unpredictably on metal sites, the above statistic should frighten anyone who cares about keeping their site relevant. Sites with active forums should be doing much better than your the average blog-style metal site, so the numbers above show an unforgivable descent into irrelevancy.
But given that the site is predominantly frequented by war metal fans that have no regard for actual music, the crash in interest also proves something far bigger: war metal, as a sub genre, is in its last days.
This is a welcomed revelation as war metal was the nu metal of black/death metal and was ultimately worthless. With virtually no innovation, creativity, or direction for over 20 years, war metal became the lowest IQ form of extreme metal. The fact that Beherit was more interesting, creative, and musically varied than every single band to follow it throughout the decades to follow is an absolute disgrace to every band that’s followed in their footsteps.
>blut aus nord
>band is french
what did they mean by this?
While the surface-level viewer might see war metal as “the most underground/kvlt/extreme/unlistenable of all genres,” the truth is that it was only marketed as such and done so very effectively as the bank account and new production facility of Cali basedboy Yosuke Kanishi will clearly indicate. By offering a product that appears “totally not mainstream haha!” Kanishi was able to efficiently trick kvlt status seeking basement dwellers into mass consumerism using the same marketing tactics as thrift shops. Essentially this created a record label and forum that was ultimately the thrift shop of metal– reissues (refurbished releases) of random bands from 20 years past that could be marketed as super underground when really they were just empty of creativity and technique. By assumingly being “not trendy” war metal became one of the trendiest metal genres of our time and the go to for the metal derivatives of the modern hipster.
“Bu… But war metal is evil!” Really, then why does Nuclear War Now! have an Instagram account?
Musically war metal is a hilarious deception because if you alternate the grooves of their atonal power chord riffs, you’ll get nu metal riffs. Most bands even match the nu metal guitar tuning of A! But war metal fans have no idea they’re listening to nu metal with different drums and vocals because they only care abut the aesthetics. In all reality most of Black Witchery’s riffs were originally on Korn’s Life is Peachy which subconsciously tickles the nostalgia of their fans without them realizing how or why.
Based. For me:
Cross Purposes>The Eternal Idol>Tyr>Headless Cross>Forbidden
In an age where Von is taking big money for rock star tours, where Blasphemy albums are marketed as vintage thrift shop essentials, and where black metal shows feature 90% war metal bands, any prestige or credibility war metal and it’s original bands once had is gone. War metal fans are the modern equivalent to the JNCO jeans wearing clowns of the 90s. They are the permavirgin autistis of metal that grew from infants that would have been left in the woods to be eaten by wolves in the Pagan times.
Celebrate the death of war metal, repent if you ever liked this garbage, and enjoy some classic war metal riffs below:
>Location: Normandy
dude triplets lmao
blut aus norm
I can't believe there hasn't been a good tech-death album since 2005
soi death?
>I don't like satanic themes in my metal
who /slsk/ here?
who are you quoting
someone from like a year ago
who are you quoting?
>someone from like a year ago
>tfw seed nothing but shit albums and download all the good albums
are there any bands that sound like Opeth buy less gay?
Not the cleverest cookie, are we
Best Cannibal Corpse album?
let's create a list of bands who reformed with A.D. in the name
I'll start
>Nocturnus A.D.
>Carnivore A.D.
>Entombed A.D.
>be me
>download new albums from other people
>seed crappy 2000s slavic folk metal
What about shit like Venom Inc.
>not a reformed version of an earlier band
>still have "A.D." in their name for some damn reason
At least their album is quite solid.
Akercocke is basically high-test Opeth
Eaten Back to Life
Are you messing with me? Their name is a play on Earth AD by the Misfits
War against parents and teachers?
This is a what most new DM bands are doing right now, but better
Liturgy A.D.
fukken based
you were saying? great album though, one of my faves
Listen to this
Listen to misery index
But that record sucked, user
>he doesn't listen to obscura
they even consider themselves progressive death metal
Sounds core.
that one Fallujah album was pretty cool but the production is hot garbage
nah it's soyy
No, I'm not.
[Spoiler]I don't listen to Misfits so I didn't know that, oops.[/Spoiler]
music is söy
this fucking rules
What's your favorite War Metal/Bestial Black Metal band?
What's your favorite War Metal/Bestial Black Metal album?
Revenge - Infiltration.Downfall.Death
The voice of a faggot right there
Teitanblood counts?
If not Axis of Advance
t. can't into theatrics
>these are your ears on soyy
unironically limp bizkit
>King Soimond
Actually digging this a lot more than I expected to
holy fukk these guys kill so fukkin hard basically dark angel 2.0
for fans of DEATHRASH
MY MUSIC IS NOT MEANT TO BE LISTENED TO ON A FUCKING COMPUTER All these geeky little four-eyed virgin Black Metallers with streaks in their hair that spend their lives on writing bullshit and coming up with all sorts of rumours about bands that came from their dearest fantasies… I would like to tell them the following: every time I see your little spoiled faggot suburban streak-haired faces on or myspace, I think of putting an end to Peste Noire given how painful it is. Your faces alone could cause the demise of my band. Another thing I despise about the internet is this disconnection with reality : Black Metallers threatening each other on forums, calling themselves warriors and ‘Lords' and talking about killing people when in everyday life the only people these wimps can hurt are monsters in their video games. I am available at anytime of the day for a fistfight or any type of sword or crossbow duel. I just purchased an automatic pistol crossbow. It's a mix between a gun and a crossbow, it's like a pistol but it fires arrows. I killed a goat with a shot in the stomach at point-blank range by alluring it with grass; the beast died three hours later. I will do the same with you. I know that you like grass, like all sheep do.
if he didn't want pussies listening to peste noire why'd he make indie rock influenced söy metal?
Metal did 9/11
You are obsessed. Go and listen to your kpop and jpop music
I think it's the most uninspired release of the decade
Maybe but dont seek one from Sweden
oh yeah and anyone heard the worst album of the year yet? Fuck this pile of shit
what a horrible cover
Can anybody name the song at 11:22?
that's the tip of the iceberg user...
find a heavier thing in 1975
you can't
good post
more like Motorhead (made in ussr)
it's not bad
who's the best metal act you've seen live
unironically Children of Bodom on their "20 years down and dirty" tour
luca knows how to whip up a crowd
pls explain what you like about it.
The corny melodramatic lyrics even by power metal standards, the shitty vocals, the cliche ass riffs, idk what anyone would gain from that album. There's SO much better and you don't have to look at all for it
Hey, this is pretty good.
not that fag, but Dark Water is a good example of guilty pleasure core like Evergrey and Voyager
It's basically boy band vocals with chugging riffs and predictable keyboards
Name a band with more underrated guitarists than Edguy
Iron Maiden (obviously), Mgła, and Origin are 10/10 live bands
in this moment
Is that decision based on the titty factor?
dark tranquillity
they're fucking fantastic live and have so much fun with it
That pic is over a decade old.
Black Dhalia Murder in 08.
you're saying they've probably gotten even bigger??
that title track is the GOAT
Iron Maiden.
Also Annihilator, their sound was just incredible, i don’t understand how they could create it live.
Also not metal but Slash and Myles Knnedy band, I want to see more Glam Metal bands live but they all shit now with vocalists you just couldn’t hear without tears.
sharing this again because it's fucking awesome
Inquisition, Absu, or Skeletonwitch with Chance on vocals.
That album sucks.
Arcturus, Mgla, Nile, Morbid Angel(with Tucker)
Imagine what kind of pathetic metal fan dislikes literally any Bathory record
>NS metal
>NZ metal
what lineup did you see?
That's gonna be a big Reddit from me dawg.
why is conan so fucking good lads
>he likes Octagon
>he likes Destroyer of Worlds
I actually love Hammerheart although it's a bit long, just needed an excuse to post that wojak
they're not, you four-eyed, alternative milk-product chugging manbaby with poor facial hygeine
>TFW no metal head gf who likes horror movies from the 30s and 40s and silent films
Why live bros
>soi consumption
>poor facial hygiene
pick one. Eating junk food is in line with the straight thrash/pizza thrash aesthetic. Replacing junk food with soi would improve hygiene. Long hair touches your face and hair has oils in it.
acne is metal.
[chair clattering]
btw what's some essential 30's/40's horror kino?
onions is good for your skin clueless faggot
>Neckbeard Deathcamp
well, they managed to be funny for a couple of months, nsbm fags couldn't even achieve this
Once with the singer from Spiral Architect and once with Vortex. First time was a bit better
Start with the universal monsters. Universal was the king of horror back then.
Bride of Frankenstien is an absolute masterpiece.
Also Type O Negative redid the soundtrack to Nosferatu and it's pretty rad
Breddy good m8
you are lucky
Post slipknot songs
The best metal drumming of all time
fight me
>seething commies
give me meals for playing grimdark diablo clones to
the ones who are constantly being ass pained about everything here are not "commies" tho
"Communists are not the enemy" -Varg Vikernes, 2019
what's runescape metal that's not fucking burzum
It's funny because Varg thinks computer game are a true nordic tradition genetically inherited to teach us about the gods
Varg's entire ideology is based on destroying civilized society. Of course he likes commies, they are great at that.
>Varg Vikernes
Unironically the first 2 Dimmu Borgir albums
>the right are the REAL snowflakes
link video
Hontra is based in a batshit delusional way
Based dad
Conspiracy is the patricians King album, it's got even better hooks than Abigail, riffs for days and some of King's finest vocal performances. I know it's like picking a favourite baby but for me, it's the one I can listen to 3 times over and still not want to put another record on (that's a genesis reference for my fellow dadrockers). Only downside I think is that Mikkey's drumming feels a bit lackluster because he was about to leave the band.
I like Contra, despite being diametrically opposed to "her" on practically everything. Though, s/he is the only person in that entire lefttube circle I can enjoy.
Conspiracy's weak point is it's pacing. At the end there are a few to many interludes, and there are a few to many intros/acoustic parts in the album it self. However, it does have hooks out the ass, and it's almost objectively King's best vocal performance.
I can't say one album as his best though. I can't think of any other metal artist with such a great run of albums in the 80's/early 90's (Mercyful Fate included).
I think Iron Maiden up to Seventh Son is an extremely solid streak, only the first 3 records have proper duds and even then the rest ooutweighs them so much those albums are still seen as masterpieces. Powerslave, Somewhere In Time and Seventh Son are perfect masterpieces and if you think otherwise you have shit taste.
kys discord tranny
Power metal that riffs?
try niggerdevil
Destroyer of Worlds is actually fucking good, not top 5 for sure but comparing it to Octagon and Requiem is retarded. I would maybe argue that I liked it more than the Nordlands.
Dir En Grey
What are you having for lunch /meal/? FLÄSKPANNKAKA IST KRIEG!
sorry I don't speak Esperanto
you said it, not me
why are you constantly ass pained?
Grillad kyckling glazad med honung och sriracha, tomatsallad vid sidan
det där ist nicht så much krieg
hva? Svensker?
Sant. Gott som fan, dock.
äggmackor med kalles
melodeath sucks
but what does it suck
I am fluent in high school japanese and feel proud of myself for being able to read that
teach me, user-san ˭̡̞(◞˃ᆺ˂)◞*
you should feel ashamed, weeb
what are your favorite second-rate thrash bands?
Battalions of Fear
you wish
That's speed metal.
He's literally said this himself...
It’s borderline and more power than speed. You just probably think that power is only modern synth wanking.
Where exactly he said that ? Source or gtfo
The first BG album that's more power than speed is Tales from the Twilight World. And I know old school power metal very well.
a bit of exaggeration but he has a completely unironic "old computer games were so much better, modern games are SJW crap!" bit in the latter, this guy is a fucking nerd
Battalions of Fear has
1. More complex song structures, sections, riff changes (the thing you won't find in most speed metal)
2. Strong lead guitar that outshines rhytm guitar (the thing you won't find in most speed metal)
3. Fantasy lyrics( not all songs though) (the thing you also won't find in most speed metal)
It's more power and it's what power should look like
his taste is ultra based
>lyrics define genres
thanks, now I know you actually have no idea what you're talking about, so I can just ignore you
>so I can just ignore you
Do me a favor, imbecil
>implying he isn't right
literally all new games are garbage or just are rendition of older ideas
Could anyone rec me their top 2-3 black metal albums for each month this year, if there's anything decent that is, I've been a bit out of the loop.
Dutch stoner sludge
I ate a rostbiffwrap with potatissallad I bought at Willy's. Tasted like shit.
>he doesn't like Octagon
>he doesn't like Destroyer of Worlds
>he likes onions
necrot is peak poser dm
No vittu lihapullia ja perunaa.
Var den krieg, though?
Den var kall, blöt och sladdrig, så svar: ja
Bara Willys är äkta
>mfw new teitanblood LP coming out this year
Jamen, dåså
Æig forstaar ittj - kva dau seier svenske jevler?
Caveman Cult - Savage War Is Destiny
>Bestial Black Metal
Vem fan släppte ut dig ur buren?
De Mysteriis Dom Will-thanas
What bands do 30 year old boomers listen to?
the lyrics are all about fucking you dog
This is the only correct answer
King Diamond
svenske hundevoldtektsmennene flokker seg om meg
swedish trad metal, came across it through youtube, this shit slays
reportan, feels good to share
>What else would it be
Unmitigated shit
Bathory, Windir, Moonsorrow, Enslaved, Darkthrone, Immortal, Edge Of Sanity, Opeth (old), Sepultura, Testament, Kreator, Sodom, Destruction, Bloodbath, Death, Atheist, Carcass
Regards, 30 year old boomer
And lower aswell kek
Deiphago - Satanik Eon
Jag vet int', men det lutar åt stekt blodpalt eller leverkaka med rårörda lingon, potatis och brunsås om jag ids.
it warms my blackened heart to see edge of sanity come up every now and again in this threads
t.32yo boomer
is this thrashened emocore
No, it's groove metal
nah its too whiny and depressed
Still a 9/10
yea but it's thrashened emocore
Well maybe that's what I want to listen to
Sepultura sucks
Good for you user, not giving a fuck.
4 first Sepultura albums are essential for every metal faggot. You have shit taste.
Hammer Film Productions (Hammer Horror)
Are there any other bands with this kind of frequent changes in vocal style? Someone who goes from deep singing, to falsetto, to demon growls and shrieks in the same song.
New album fucking WHEN?
Anaal Nathrakh. Dave Hunt uses basically every metal vocal style ever invented, often in the same song.
>black metal screams
>death growls
>toilet gutterals
>Seth-Putnam madcünt shrieks
>trad operatic vocals
>King Diamond Falsetto
>Atilla croaking
>hardcore shouting
The man's got it all.
Unholy Grave all the time.
Is Kyo the King Diamond of butt-metal? I keep seeing people hype him up as some kind of genius but he just sings mickey mouse falsetto and screams
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
his clear singing is a ripoff of kiyoharu (Kuroyume). he used to be a roadie for them
Kuroyume suck ass though
glad someone acknowledges their greatness
Emo Burger in general are fucking awful but Stormblåst is a classic, much better than Emperor IMO.
death cult armageddon is the pinnacle of industrial black metal
its production is impeccable
scanner sounds rad, thanks for the rec
hey im just glad you've heard them at all
I checked them out ages ago specifically because of Dir en grey, found out they make awful buttrock and that Kiyoharu is a douche, stopped caring. They have a song called Autism though which will never not be funny.
they've gone through a few periods. early kuroyume is more goth rock
Og Stormblåst is good, but it's in no way as good as ITNE. Ancient is a more apt comparison I think.
Does the Lord Of Chaos have even any music of Burzum and Mayhem in it? I know it's inaccurate as fuck, but I think I will watch it for shit and giggles. I ain't gonna bother though, if it doesn't even have actual black metal in it.
>Too cool to care about fitting in with metal aesthetics
This fag said it himself. Not metal.
fuck off
It has Mayhem songs
Freezing Moon is played in the scene of Leipzig concert and Funeral Fog in the scene of recording Dom Mysteries. That’s all I remember.
leave the thread
>Based and redpilled
>Burned churches because they're based
>Alphas who got attention drawn to them
>Started it all
>Estrogen-infused guitar playing
>Opens the floodgates for faggots and onionboys
>Too embarrassed to have any convictions
>Claim to fame is being signed to a show run by a faggot magazine that pays more attention to jungle monkeys than white people music
It does. I like the first half of the movie because it shows chad blackies partying and blasting first wave RIFFS, the second wave is painfully biased and cringe though
>Leipzig concert
It's not in Leipzig, it's just some show in Norway
Most of the shit with the churches is terrible, that's where it goes from a good /meal/ comedy to a shitty drama.
whats some balls to the wall metal with heavy, loud drumming
bonus points for snare rape
not metal actually
i like it a lot though
So nu-metal
this your school buddy?
still too early
t. faggot
I'm digging this right now, my favorite from 2019 so far
Such a good album
lol, what a fag
Satanic themes are fine on old-school 80s and 90s bands. It was shocking to normies of that era. Now satanic lyrics do not shock anyone. If new band uses satanic lyrics for "shocking" purposes, it sounds cringy and fake, because band would avoid the actual shocking topics. If new band uses satanic lyrics just to be "metal", the lyrics end up being cliched and boring. Exploring actual real satanism lyrically without trying to create Sodom's Blasphemer 2.0 is fine though. Satanic lyrics are also fine, if band is pure old-school worship also by influence and production vice.
whats some power metal with good vocals (think messiah marcolin)
doesn't matter how entry level it is. I've listened to like two bands of the genre in my whole life
If you like Opeth, just to listen to it. Nothing wrong with old Opeth. I listen to traditional death, black and thrash, but sometimes it's nice to listen stuff like Opeth or Enslaved.
Don't listen to guys at Yea Forums, they are all posers anyway, who can't form real taste without seeking acceptance from other posers. I'm old metal fag, who spent my teen years with others who listened real stuff, but sometimes we would listen to stuff like Ulver's Bergtatt or Amorphis' Tales. It was fine to enjoy that melodic/progressive/atmospheric stuff back then, and it was respected. There was not any mainstream "atmospheric metal scene" and not hipsters that listened to metal. All extreme metal was still far from mainstream and accepted, all extreme metal listeners were real metal faggots.