Why haven't you listened to the Christian and the Hedgehog Boys discography yet, Yea Forums?

Why haven't you listened to the Christian and the Hedgehog Boys discography yet, Yea Forums?

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checked double dubs

cause it sucks and chris chan is a weirdo

Bro, that's kinda cringe


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Every time, with this album, it's always a GET.
Why do you do this?

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Unbased and Slaweel-Pilled

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Maybe because Christian and the Hedgehog Boys is based as fuck

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Based and checked.

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trips says what the best song is off the album

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Hello, I'm Satan, the lord of darkness, and current CEO of 4-cent_garbage.com.
I must say, this album is absolutely the bee's knees! Every night, I boogie-woogie to every track, A-U-T-I-S-M, and Sonichu Zip are especially groovy and funky! I must admit, although I'm not a huge fan of the Noise Rock genre, this doesn't stop it from being one of my favorite albums! I blast this album from my speaker system every night when me, and my wife, are slow dancing. Thank you, Christian and the Hedgehog Boys, thank you!

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I knew about Chris-Chan, but when I first saw this image I thought it was just a meme, today I saw the thruth.

His music actually exists and I am unironically thankful for that.

Now, a pleb would think this ins't a trip, when in actuality, it is.
You see,
>86753667 post number
>1 figure in the image
Now, as you can clearly see, this is actually a genuine trip.

absolutely based and redpilled

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ngl, that's some pretty fuzzy math...
But I'll still accept it.

>mfw i saw that all the lyrics of the entire discography are on genius.com

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Now, the guy that did that is

Normally, I wouldn't even think of listening to it...
But those Digits man...

Listen to it

I'm halfway through it and i honestly want to kill myself

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You start to like it after the third listen, at first your body rejects it but comes to terms with the amazingness that is this album.

No way in hell am I listening to this more than 1 time.
I know im a pleb this is suicide for me

I think you should stop drinking the bong water, user.

chris told me this is now a get thread

*blocks ur path*

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Imagine being such an incel that you turn into a tranny and become a "lesbian" in a vain attempt to finally get a girlfriend.

I miss Chris
Christine is just depressing.

was thinking about getting into his stuff, where should I start in his discography?

You might as well dive right in with this classic