What does he listen to /mu?

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Other urls found in this thread:


tim heidecker - i am a cuck

Anime openings

did* he


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russian techno

This one is better

rammstein - like every other spree killer

Avenged Sevenfold

Phil Collins of course.

whatever hell sounds like


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Virgin Killer

Bikini Kill

elliott smith

Gives off Nathan Fielder vibes

Something ethnic

Probably Frank Sinatra

i read that he liked nickelback. he was also listening to that feel good song in his car, from the 80s. i forget the name

What does MatPat’s wife Stephanie listen to?

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the smiths

Be nice to Stephanie, Elliot.

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>Pinkerton is commonly referred as an "incel" album
>First song is Tired of Sex
We truly do live in a cruel twisted world

roy harper

I like how everyone is listing artists that have had sex/romantic relationships before. The only correct answer is Daniel Johnston. Maybe Nick Drake but his music is too mellow for an incel to relate to.

i remember when he went on his killing spree and a lot of the headlines were like "Son of the Assistant Director of Hunger Games Goes on Rampage" as if that meant anything to anyone


She just seems like the kind of girl who listens to the stuff her dad played when she was growing up.

He listens to the sounds of everyone having sex, except for him.

Yeah. I guess that makes sense. Good choice, user.

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Bump to see if mods do their jobs.

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>mods on Yea Forums

It's worth a shot. At this rate, kiddie lovers are gonna use this place as a hub. Which is very bad bad thing.

Lol the Yea Forums of today is vastly more normiefied than the Yea Forums 15 years ago. This site is the cleanest is been of the site since ever. The worst you see is cunny posters on Yea Forums but those get taken down very quickly


Eh I don't know. A couple of months ago I saw some dude posting Cheese Pizza on Yea Forums and another instance of a guy posting a gif of a dog being skinned alive before dying on Yea Forums not too long ago. Both were pretty bad, but haven't got a clue how the site was like pre 2010's.


Something that sounds like someone turning insane but still remains classy, like this youtu.be/QYzPcoUgGsA


without knowing the context behind this picture, my guess is he's an American school shooter, so "Kill People, Burn Shit, Fuck School" by Tyler le Creator

He listened to new wave in his videos. Generally, 80s pop songs.


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Sweet sounds of silence

Incels actually have the lowest fucking IQ so no shit they fundamentally understand the album. But to be honest a lot of listeners don't ever notice the Madame Butterfly connection or even care about the context in which the album was released. They just like to reduce it into a tfw no gf album so its easier on their brains.