ITT albums you think top their genre
ITT albums you think top their genre
Progressive drone metal.
fuck fantano but taiga is uniroincally pretty good
just from the thumbnail i knew that bird reminded me of Merzbow, his twitter is pretty good
ladies and gentlemen
That's not Iowa by Slipknot.
the genre is nu prog
slipknot is nu thrash
Indie rock
Indie pop
90s lo-fi
Noise Rock
post rock
Are you serious? Really?
Name a better post-rock album. It's not like it's that good of a genre to begin with.
Shut the fuck up
I could name several better post-rock albums than F#A#Inf and Come On Die Young, do you seriously think those top their genre?
progressive pop
What an useless post.
Are you gonna name any albums or do you just want to scream "lol plebs" like a toddler?
>doesn't answer question
Is your autism this strong that you're upset I didn't answer a rhetorical question?
The answer is yes. Now answer my question.
'O'rang - Herd of Instinct
Cul de Sac - ECIM
Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden
Labradford - Mi media naranja
Dirty Three - Ocean Songs
Gastr del Sol - Camoufleur
Bark Psychosis - Hex
Long Fin Killie - Houdini
Roy Montgomery - Temple IV
Hood - Cold House
A Silver Mt Zion - Horses In The Sky
There we go, a good post.
I always preferred This Is Our Punk Rock over other Mt. Zion albums but Horses In The Sky isn't a bad pick. I'm glad you didn't pick their debut, at least.
I'm not sure I agree with you, but that is a very cute bird, so I'll let it slide
I prefer my post rock to be more melancholic than those which is why I chose CODY
Also, shoutout to some underrated Post-rock such as Pram and Kleg
Christian Rock
do i need to say it
doom metal
black metal
>Post punk
psychedelic/space rock
though its live not an album
not even his best, come on
Well most Burzum fans happen to think it is and I'm one of them
this tops all music
Very based
Really? most people I know who listen to black say its Hvis Lyset. Oh well
A lot of black metal fans have a "anything that's popular isn't good" attitude
Uh oh
Unwound is leagues better
Blues Folk
NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!!
NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NO!! NOOO!!
NO!! NO!! NO!!! NO!! NO!!!
French House. Daft Punk be damned
Got a different answer? Blues Folk is my favourite genre so I'm always up for more recs
Here are some better Noise Rock albums:
Daughters - s/t
Big Black - Songs About Fucking
Big Black - Atomizer
Drunkdriver - s/t
Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation
Dinosaur Jr - You're Living All Over Me
The Jesus Lizard - Goat
Most of the early Swans albums
Fushitsusha - Pathetique
Les Razilles Denudes - '77 Live
Polvo - Today's Active Lifestyles
Shellac - 1000 Hurts
and even the noisier Post-Hardcore albums like Unwound - Repetition if you want to count those
Alt Rock you dunce
I'm a big noise rock fan, and I really didn't enjoy Jesus Lizard's Goat, are their other albums better or am I just dumb?
never understood this meme
>revolver best beatles album
fuck off chud
memphis rap
it's not a meme
name one memphis rap album thats better
i will wait, patiently
Underground Vol 1
R&B, neo soul
>inb4 contrarian comes to say popular album bad
technical black metal
progressive death metal
worst post ive ever seen on this board
post hardcore
lemme correct your dumbass
Finally some good taste ITT
thanks for telling us its IDM, aphex twin gets posted very rarely so no one knows what genre this is
Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not
Ugly is from richmond and mista thug was recorded in Baltimore. Not to mention the fact it was clearly more influenced by Houston rap than Memphis
Art Rock
Linkin park is better
And if you count SOAD as nu (which they arent even in the slightest bit but most anons are tards then every single system album is better than limp bizkit.