How are you holding up on this unremarkable Wednesday, Yea Forums?
How are you holding up on this unremarkable Wednesday, Yea Forums?
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One day at a time, homie. Take it easy
It's Wednesday? Shoot. Time passes by so quickly.
Meh, could be better, listening to one of my fav albums right now
Just found out my lease is ending in may now instead of July. Fuck.
how do i cope with a soul crushing realization that i will go nowhere in life?
I asked for this girls number after class today, she said yes and we even had a nice chat as I walked her to car. I decided to send her a text message this afternoon and it’s 3 hours and she hasn’t replied. Guess I might have misjudged the situation, thought she was into me. Feeling sore but i’ll get over it.
dude you're going to be fine
me on the other hand... game over
you stop giving a shit and become a hedonist. actually you can accomplish so much by not giving a fuck anymore. the irony.
Pretty much finished my coursework with two weeks to spare. Celebrating by replaying Dark Souls 3 and working my way through the backlog of 2019 albums I've not had time for. Just finished the new Devin Townsend and it's as disappointing as I expected.
Why do people want to get with someone in a class? It will only results in awkwardness. Just go out with people in your social circle.
better. Finally getting to write over break. It’s been so long sense I’ve gotten to work on a short story
drinking myself into a coma and hoping i die
I'm alright. Been getting more into different types of music lately maybe to distract me from the fact that I'm a 23yr loser with no friends but i'm hangin in there
My social circle is two guys i’ve known since middle school and my ex gf
I bet your two friends have other people they know. At least you got something to work with here.
i've seen office space and fight club but it didn't help
I had an awkward moment with the person I’m into. Feels bad. I think they hate me.
I’m sure you obsessing because you care. They probably don’t hate you after one moment, especially if you already hanging out
a couple of weeks and it-'s my day ......
literally why didn't i pick up an instrument as a teen
My parents did everything for me but paying for a producer, I regret it too. Lessons, gear, the whole shebang.
been out of work since the beginning of this month. just sitting around listening to music and playing video games until I hear back from the places I applied at. I should go out and do some volunteer work instead of being stuck in my apartment all day.
Ryo started at 22.
hes also dead and a youtube meme
it didn't work out for him
Thanks. I needed that.
But undoubtedly skilled technically
Thanks. I needed that.
i've cut myself and am now in trhe hospital because im overdosing on H and simultaneosly panicking because i might die and because i might live . it's weird
it's all good man, i'm playing tf2 and listening to this
wtf is there anyone with you
>still shitposts on Yea Forums
based if true
I'll kill myself eventually
we all probably will
listening to mr soul blue stream
trying to stay awake because i hate sleep.
i'm poor and have no friends. trying to take things day by day but it's hard when you feel trapped and like your life is already over. i try to keep myself occupied but it doesnt help much.
honestly thinking about suicide is so comfortable
knowing that i am free to do it whenever my life gets completely hopeless feels really liberating
>Yea Forums - Music
I had an argument with my mother and feel terrible. I feel like I'm not progressing anywhere socially. I'm tired. I miss my ex. Blah blah blah white guy problems etc etc etc
enjoying a beer, playing some kenshi, listening to a witch house mix because i'm feeling nostalgic.
been on lexapro for 1.5 months and i have actually felt hopeful for the first time in 2 years, so its a start.
qt3.14 didn't go to class today
i feel like i've had a cataclysm in my worldview recently but i think things are looking up for me:
>dumped my girlfriend two weeks ago because i thought it would make things better
>it hasn't
>bisexual and i don't know how to come out
>feel like all of my friends will leave as soon as highschool ends
>will have to start looking into colleges soon
>C and D average since middle school
>don't want minimum wage
>don't want to work for corporate entities without a face for myself
>smoked weed for the first time like a month ago
>friends are straightedge4life
>time has gone by considerably faster than last year no matter what i do
it's weird; in spite of this i can't help but feel aimlessly optimistic in the fact that shit is gonna get really good really soon, is this just the universal human condition of adolescence? here's what i've been listening to recently:
>>will have to start looking into colleges soon
>>C and D average since middle school
You must be over 18 to post.
bad, very bad guys. im so unhappy :(
I tried to think of something to contribute to this thread that wouldn't be self indulgent but i got nothing.
I just am.
if you guys just listen to , i feel like life would be great
i've also realized that if you altogether stop hoping or wishing for things, and just expect the simple goal of the goodness that comes from fun shitty things like breaking bottles or playing a jam or two with that homeless guy who always sits on the side of the street with his guitar life will be so good. unironically don't worry about being homeless or worried about the future so long as you can still find meaning in life.
lol you're just a kid, none of this will matter very soon. go to a good enough college or even community college for 2 years, then transfer to something better and you'll do well.
I also had awful grades in hs and made deans list my first semester. It gets so much better once you get to pick classes
-Elaborate on that.
>wake up
>walk to work
>deal with coworkers bullshit for 8 hours
>walk home
>listen to music
>browse Yea Forums
I am truly living the dream, aren't I.
and I just spilled my fishy crackers all over the floor.
Music for this tragedy?
>go to sleep
>wake up
>repeat ad nauseam
>Be me
>Decide to use Facebook again after 4 months
>A friend who I've constantly fell out with over the last 2 years messages me and apologies to me after we haven't spoke for months
>Say's how I am like a brother to him
>I also apologise
>We're friends again
>Today I sent him a message telling him how lonely I am
>Doesn't reply all day
>Sends me a message hours later telling me to fuck off and that he doesn't want to know about my sad life
>He blocks me
>I then make another Facebook account to have a go at him
>Threaten to go to his house and stab him to death
>Tells me his brother is a policeman
>Friend tells me he is going to show his brother the threats I made
>mfw when he blocks me and I have no friends again
eh, you didn't need him anyways.
this again??
No luck on Tinder today, which kind of bummed me out
I must be doing something wrong since less genetically fortunate people than me have used it to get laid
I guess I have a terrible personality
oh well it's only pussy r-right?
this is my plan once the #yangbux start flooding the market
Not too bad honestly. Working on a talk that I'm giving at a math conference in two weeks. Finishing up a proof that should become a new paper.
Hopefully this stuff will lead to graduation and a good postdoc job next year... Shit. Now I'm paranoid again.
i can't afford a decent car and even if i could insurance here is literally the highest in the US. i have a shitty car now but it can break down at any moment and then i'll be really fucked. i keep reminding myself it could be worse but it doesn't change the fact i need help.
besides possibly not having transportation, my car is my favorite place to listen to music.
My human gets me blues.
>You'll get another partner, dont sweat it
>come out if you wanna. Just dont hide yourself cause of others.
>You'll stay friends if yall wanna after hs. If not, you'll get new ones
>pick a college and go. I was in same position. It'll work out if you make it
>you'll probably have to work minimum wage at some point. It's not too bad
>go back to 3rd response about friends
>your 20s fucking fly by even faster
Honestly, none of this shit will matter in a few years. Just enjoy the ride rn, also get off of Yea Forums.
The brakes went out on my car today, and the car I was looking at buying was sold. Recently ended a 3 year relationship, and I haven't registered for classes in the Fall nor have I secured a job for the summer to pay my rent. Honestly wondering if an-hero is the way to go
not long after I made this post I got a phonecall from my grandpa telling me my grandma went missing. Apparently she was gone for almost an hour, so I checked around the woods nearby and around the block. Luckily the police found her just as it was about to get dark outside so everything's good now. It scared me real good though, I was worried I would find her body lying somewhere in the woods. Dementia sucks.
if you really just wanted to lay your pride aside and get laid put some stupid ass office quote in your bio or some shit dude its not that hard. pick an xxxtentacion song for your anthem idk
shit this actually really helps, thanks user
>supposed to prep a major project to finish tomorrow
>did the bare minimum and then got high instead (again)
Music for this feel?
If you haven't listened to pic related yet you should. It'll make even more sense once you leave high school
Just got yelled at by a fucking ticketier for running on the tracks trying to make it to the proper side. Dude told me to take the next one. All these MBTA ticket masters are pricks
Fluctuating between overexhaustion and an undying fear of being alone, because every time I feel like I'm always the second option.
why didn't you just take the underground passage to reach the right platform like your suppose to you FUHHHHKIIIN IIIIIIIDDDDIOT?
Healthy response. This guy's gonna be alright.
life is complicated, isn't it?
I just wanna say this to you and whoever else makes these threads. I'm glad you make these threads and give a place for anons to vent and such. I love y'all
when will it end, Yea Forums?
whenever you want it to, user
We love you too.
Had a dream that I was still dating her and I cried for 20 min this morning after I realized I wasnt
I'm just waiting til my parents are dead before busting out the helium tank desu
i hope you make it out okay
most of us are going nowhere, user.
Unless your family already has connections you can network with, a good 60-80% of us are destined to be wageslaves until the inevitable collapse of society.
don't stress about it. reduce your need for money by living cheap, start to value yourself as a person for your talents and qualities instead of your ability to be "productive."
the reality is even if you're making six figures a year, you're still a slave to somebody with a tiny hat.
OP, I love you too frend.
Just saw death grips live in dallas
snorted some pretty unremarkable meth and been listening to DK. Not bad
>and it’s 3 hours and she hasn’t replied
he's still in copeshock right now. three days from now and he's gonna' be pining for that girl
Cuz it was far away and I didn’t think I could make it in time to actually get on the train. It was an overhead pass thing. I was exhausted after being active all day and going to an interview and said fuck it. Took me like 7 seconds to get across and the train wasn’t moving
How's it going, anons.
I remember being a junior in high school, browsing here.
>been nearly a year out of college
>went for acting, now I'm one in a horde of starving artists in NYC
>can't even commit to a creative pursuit
>at least I'm signed, even if I don't book anything
TIme's starting to move really fast, how do you adults keep doing things every day instead of just succumbing to the passage of time? It's hard.
Oh, and I started listening to american football LP3. Better than I expected it to be.
Hell yeah dude, best of luck to you. I'm trying to claw my way into a very competitive field, I know the feeling of uncertainty. It'll work out.
Anyone ever gone back to school later in their life? I'm getting near my 30s and plan on going to university hopefully next year. I'm just tired of working a shitty job I don't care about and seeing people I know from high school starting their career after earning their degree. I had a panic attack last summer thinking about my future when I was working this awful construction job that made me realize I need to get my life in order.
>Sends me a message hours later telling me to fuck off and that he doesn't want to know about my sad life
Why would you think that was okay? Good on him for blocking you.
I broke up with my first and probably only gf. She said that she just rushed into the relationship and therefore wasn't comfortable with it. It only lasted a little more than a week. I realized that nothing good was ever going to happen to me and I was bound to accomplish nothing. I couldn't deal with the stress so I cut myself for the first time. I just feel empty.
>friends are straightedge4life
lol, those friends are going to be the people going the hardest on drugs/alcohol in 5 or so years. Remember this post user
Asked my crush to go on a cruise with me today. She texted me lets go and I asked her if I should pick her up and she responded an hour later saying "Im sorry I took a quick nap, lets do it some other time".
Also related whats some music to play with your crush in the car?
hum - you'd prefer an astronaut
>tfw the social isolation is finally getting to me
>after months spent living like a hermit I realize I'm lonely but forgot how to communicate
>when in conversation my mind goes blank from anxiety
How was it? Did they play your favorite song?
Give her your phone and let her pick.
>I cut myself for the first time
Hopefully you didn't go too deep. Do you feel any better? Self harm is strange, most people see it as very taboo but I feel like there is some catharsis from controlling your body and feelings. Just don't get addicted to the feeling.
it sure is, user. we're gonna make it
>Be a NEET for nearly 2 years, think about how poorly i spent my money I saved up and how i should have invested it wisely instead of buying weed,alcohol and fast food.
>Get a full time job, think about how poorly I spent my time as a NEET and how i should have spent my time wisely and started tackling some personal goals I want to achieve with the copious amount of hours I had in a day.
This hit right in the feels. Being a NEET is way too strange. You have all the free time in the world, something more passionate people would kill for, yet it's spent watching anime, playing video games, and getting drunk/high. I used to scoff at people who say that humans need to work, but now I think their is some merit to what they say. If you have too much free time you probably won't do anything with it. By working eight hours a day and sleeping eight more, you realize how precious time really is.
I moved away from everyone I know for work and now I'm almost certain I'm going to turn into a recluse.
i'm doing so fucking shittty that i'm posting on Yea Forums for the first time in years
what'd i miss?
The 2016 election really fucked things up and brought in an influx of redditors and /pol/ ideology across all boards, even though most boards shouldn't be political.
This happened to after my first year of living in my apartment. I never went out anywhere with anyone, just work and go home, that was it. After doing this for so long I was having trouble talking to people and felt anxiety building up to the point where I would end a conversation abruptly just to get out of there and go home. Even when running into people outside of work I felt nervous and didn't know what to say. I eventually made friends last Fall for the first time in 5 years. It started off with one guy, then he invited his friends over to my place one night which made me really nervous at first but after hanging out having drinks and shooting the breeze I felt more comfortable around them. Since then we've been going out almost every weekend getting drunk, playing music together and going to bars/parties. Feels nice having a social life again after being isolated for so many years.Hopefully I won't have to move out of this city too soon, I feel like I've known these guys my whole life now.
Hung out with a few friends and finished a lab report at the eleventh hour. Had some nice Chinese food at a local place. Might be starting a band with them soon. Could be going better. Could be going worse.
holding up to what?
> If you have too much free time you probably won't do anything with it.
A day as a NEET zooms by you and you pay no attention, but suddenly those days become months, and those months become years. You start thinking to yourself "Didn't I promise myself I would have a job by December last year?" It's scary seeing your life fly by you, and living as a NEET is essentially like clicking Fast Forward.
Very happy to read a story of someone finding friends as an adult, nice to see you've found your boys.
i post on reddit too so whatev
being territorial on the internet is for faggots
Yup, I've been out of work for almost a month now and been doing the same unproductive shit everyday. I have been submitting applications online,other than that, I just sleep in and play video games all day. I keep telling myself I will get up early and go volunteer somewhere but just end up glued to the computer. Hopefully I find another job soon.
20 year old loser here. Pretty comfy if you don't let your anxiety get to you. Once you stop giving a fuck about school, work, your insecurity towards your social anxiety, bettering yourself, and the fact that you'll never pass on your parents genes.
i just started browsing here again recently too
24 and trans. Crying and playing guitar alone lmao. Brother didn't invite me to his birthday so Im Shitposting and shilling out of spite.
What? No, he sent me that message
I miss her lads. Like, not even in a romantic way. I miss being her friend. We got along so fucking well.
Also, man I love Beatles. They have been making me happy so much lately.
>really like qt co-worker
>pretty certain she was into me
>am always shy and awkward around her
I've known her for 4 months now, she doesn't seem interested anymore. Why do I always have to sabotage myself?
played sekiro all day, bout to play some more after a music/primetime break. i love it
Beatles are great. Top lads.
Because you’re scared of success. And by that I mean I’m afraid of success and you may or may not be the same as me
I spent all my time growing up sitting in my room playing games and I feel like it really fucked me. Most basic tasks in real life like getting a gf, driving, moving out, etc. seem so foreign and unattainable to me. It's almost like I'm condemned to be a neet loser. I just want a normal life, user.
>tfw this is me everyday at work
Can't tell if shes being really friendly/trying to be my friend or dropping hints. Anyways I feel like the windows closed for me. She hasn't been interacting with me as often
Thanks man. I had some shitty friends in the past which later made me develop trust issues towards others I interact with. I actually met my friend through this shitty job we were at. I dreaded everyday going into work and being stuck with assholes all day. Working with my friend is what got me through those awful shifts. Meeting him at orientation was the only good thing I got out of that place, along with the money of course lol. Had I not taken that job, I never would've met him and I would probably continue being a hermit today. Now that I have friends to go out with, now I just need a girlfriend, which is a whole another level..
One step at a time my friend. Take it slow and resist being overwhelmed by the big picture. Live life a day at a time
I'm this guy and I deal with the same shit. One of the reasons why i'm not comfortable with women/coworkers is I feel so self conscious about what I haven't done yet and my social anxiety. I feel like if I were to open up to people they'd see me as a shallow loser.
Basically a man in suspended adolescence who has no real love for anything outside of music and video games with no real life experience(which I do have, but i've dealt with so much shit I don't want to bring people down)
Been sick since Monday so pretty shit
Went home from work early yesterday and took today off. Going back in tomorrow regardless of how I feel because money.
Pic related, me all day.
Take an extra pair of clothes user. Accidents happen. Also wear dark pants.
>23yr loser
lol gtfo. yer a fucking baby. once youre a 30+ loser then you can cry. you have plenty of time to get your shit together. just stop feeling sorry for yourself and actually get your shit together. you know what you need to change, dont bullshit yourself and dont make excuses. go watch shia lebouf yell at you 10000000 times if you have to, but srsly just fuckin do it
Just remember user, there are plenty of people that are exactly like you that turned out fine. It just takes longer for some people. Just remember to improve yourself everyday with small steps.
Thanks guys
I met this girl last year at this awful factory job last year. We started roughly a week apart from eachother on separate teams so I didn't get a chance to talk to her until one day I was transferred to her crew to cover someone who called in sick. We introduced ourselves and found out we both came from the same small village that was far away up in bumfuck nowhere and went to the same school, what a small world. After that we were great friends at work and always sat together during breaks. I was really interested in this girl but didn't build up the courage to tell her how I felt, so I just kept it to myself during our time working together. This went on for about 5 months until one day she told me it was her last day at work and that she found another job far far away in another city, We were both upset about it to the point where tears were actually shed. I spent the rest of the shift crying under my welding mask thinking about her and how I'll never see her again. We went out for drinks with some coworkers afterwards and said our goodbyes. Going back to work the following week knowing she wasn't going to be there ever again was so goddamn soul crushing. It sucked looking over at the work bench she once stood at now completely empty. Going for breaks was worse sitting alone at our table and thinking about all the funny conversations we had. It was such a shitty experience after she left. I eventually quit that job the following month when I accepted a job offer at another company just to escape the pain. She was the only person I looked forward to seeing at work, other than that, I absolutely hated the place.
TLDR: worked shitty job, met a girl, girl left, I got sad, I left job. life continues
Man I wish I was 23 again. I was on the right path but eventually fucked up and back at step 1. But you know what? I experienced this at a young age and learned from it and still have time to turn things around before I hit my 30s. I know plenty of people who fuck up in their 40s and have a harder time going back to fix things.since they have enough on their plate by that age.
I had plans on going back to school but got scared I would fuck up my studies, fail and in huge debt from student loans. So I decided to take the wageslave route on auto-pilot for a couple years until I realized my life was going nowhere and now I want to go get my degree and start a career before it's too late to do anything.
A girl I didn't really know but seemed cool unfriended me on facebook. I asked her why and it was because I flirted with her on linkedin and she's not interested. Now I've got to repossess my anima so I can forget the dumb shit I said.