What kind of man are you

>The "Abbey Road" kind
>The "Revolver" kind
>The "White album" kind
so which one is it?

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White album

Me, personally - the Abbey Road kind of man

Out of those, I gotta go White album. Magical Mystery Tour is my favourite though.

Rubber Soul. But out of those, the White album.

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Abbey Road

Abbey Road

White Album. But really, there isn't a wrong answer. Even their weakest album will still be worth listening to.

White album

I'm a Sgt. Pepper man, if I'm being honest.

used to be abbey road but white album is clearly my favorite now. they all have some tracks I don't like on them but white album's highlights stand out, not to mention the insane versatility displayed on it

lmao @ abbey road fags. White album all the way

Abbey Road

all equal fren!

First for Revolver

Revolver, of course. The pinnacle of Pop music and Beatles creativity.

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This kind

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Revolver for sure

that's not a real album you retard. get better taste

britbong still butthurt about the fact that the american version of MMT is canon.

Dude even Paul McCartney said that the album version is better get over it.

The "none of the above" man.

this one. paul's best writing in his life. john small input is great (apart from good morning), less of george. best ringo song. light concept album. day in a life is the best beatles track ever.
yep it's the greatest album of all time

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Shittiest taste itt.

>american version of MMT is canon.
there is no "cannon". there is their original output. that can't be changed and never will be. cd catalog isn't their original output.
>Dude even Paul McCartney said that the album version is better get over it.
doesn't make it real. anyway of course he say that, the cd collection came in post john's death where paul was the only one that cared. he orchestrates most of the shit projects like let it be.. naked and love

but why, there's so much filler on that album, I never understood why it's rated so highly

There are 0 (zero) fillers on White Album though.

But out of curiosity, what songs you think are fillers?

I can never decide between Revolver and White Album, easily tie for their best. Abbey Road on the other hand is pure garbage.

maybe not filler but I found at least half of those songs to be boring or just average, with the exception of While my guitar gently weeps, helter skelter, happiness is a warm gun and some others. I don't even remember most songs

>I don't even remember most songs
Then you weren't listening.


Abbey Road


I pee sitting down, so white album

hard to deny there's some filler, but as someone who doesn't love every song on ANY beatles album, it's the general feel of the white album that makes it my favorite. there are so many highlights and hidden gems, and the sheer amount of variety between those songs really showcases the talent of john, paul and george. what other album from that time could transition straight from helter skelter to long, long, long?