is it too late to make it as a mildly successful indie artist bros?
is it too late to make it as a mildly successful indie artist bros?
can you play an instrument
>those quads
I think you’ll be fine my man
>still a virgin
There's no hope for either of us.
there's a handful of late bloomers to success in artistic fields, including some who didn't even start crafting their skill until late 20's. might as well go 4 eeet
the problem is not my ability it's my autistic personality and inability to self promote
become friends with / hire someone who has good people / business skills
Not necessarily, but desire for success will crush you regardless.
this, no idea why losers worry about some vague, abstract end goal of "success". do what you can do today to improve and move towards the person you want to be. do the same thing tomorrow. rinse and repeat. all answers will be apparent eventually, may as well be a sick cunt in the meantime.
dubs and I'll make it too
if you made music worth hearing that wouldn't be a problem
based truthposter
age LITERALLY doesn't matter
whatever you want to do
what matters if you suck at it or not and if you want to improve at it and also if you know how to improve
it is if you're mostly planning to sell on raw sex appeal
Why the fuck is everyone reminding me that im turning 25 soon and havent mastered the electric guitar yet? Fuck bros i hate this world being all about money. If that wasnt an issue i would have energy to follow my musical passion.
most if not all people want to do it for the money, don't lie to yourself.
Yeah, your young face should've been spread all around the world 5-7 years ago.
You're not gonna get on any magazine covers anymore.
Can you really "make it" as a solo, non connected artist in 2019? It feels so hard now. Say you are making incredible music that deserves to be heard by more - how do you transition to a random bandcamp artist to someone successful? is it really just endless shilling?
where is there to even shill besides mu?
it would still be a problem you filthy philistines
Why the fuck would anyone voluntarily want to become famous? No one in their right mind would deal with that shit for free.
If it's about the art or the just the music you can enjoy that in peace in your own home and solitude.
i think that there's a sense that if you're making music that will be listened to by fewer than 100 people then your music is relatively worthless
even if you believe in your music strongly, you compare yourself to your heroes and how meaningful and cool their music is to you and many other people and then feel bad that your music lacks that meaning, or that the obscurity is indicative of your music being inferior, which is indicative of you being inferior, and then on top of that you have to work a wage slave job, all the while wishing that you were a hero
This is not sports, just start now and worry about shit later. Just improve every single day like that based user said
because being famous creates a sense of meaning, that your music matters, even if there's a different and maybe more intense kind of suffering to being famous, it seems better than the suffering of insignificance
For the Pussy, thats why.
it's a self-worth thing but also a belief that your music is so good that it should be heard
These days the path to becoming a successful artist is basically gaining proficiency in your craft and joining groups/making music in your teens/early 20s, then making connections and getting a record deal by your mid 20s
Is there really anyone who only just starts these steps in their mid 20s and then achieves moderate success? Some of these kids even know that they want to be in music when they're like 16 and have parents kicking down doors for them
So your music is no good and you want validation from others instead to make up for it?
"It must be good if it is famous"?
underrated response
What i mean is that if we lived in a world where money wasnt an issue i would make music my purpose. Theres no such jobs in modern days unless you make it big or become an industry plant like that fake wanna be psycho bitch you guys post all the time.
links to your music!!
that dashboard confessional guy didn’t make it big till he was like 26
you can always go for it senpai
everyone's going crazy over the new Stella Donnelly and she's 25. that age is still pretty fucking young though, if you keep worrying whether you're too old for this and that you'll actually end up too old and wondering why you spent all that time worrying when you could've made music and become the new p4k 10/10 bnm. but what do I know I'm only a twenty year old zoomer.
(OP) #
Are you willing to try trap music?
My plan is to keep accruing songs until my midlife crisis hits and I become an outsider artist.
That depends. Are you Robert Pollard, Ira Kaplan, Thurston Moore, Wayne Coyne, or James Murphy?