I can't really enjoy an album unless it's been critically acclaimed or has alot of good reviews from people like...

I can't really enjoy an album unless it's been critically acclaimed or has alot of good reviews from people like pitchfork of fantano, how do i stop doing this?

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By not being a literal NPC and actually formulating your own opinions.


I am gay and I voted for obama. Does that sound like an npc to you?

You can't. You are brainwashed to have no opinions of your own. The only thing that could change that are drugs. Try psilocybin maybe.


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by aging past 13




this is pretty sad man literally just listen to things and form an opinion without reading reviews. It’s like you’re asking us how to drink water

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he's right though

start your own music blog and write a 500 word essay about each album you listen to. it'll force you to actually use your dumb brain to piece together original coherent thoughts instead of relying on others to think for you. c'mon man, we learn this stuff in grade school

Get your head out from those mags and websites who try to shape your style
Take a risk just for yourself and wade into the deep end of the ocean

why ask us for advice if you’re just gonna be a whiny fag instead of taking it

I'm gonna take the advice, it was just my initial reaction...

Taking such obvious bait

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Its fun to play along

Stop watching Fantano and reading pitchfork. Isn't it obvious?

You can't. You don't like music. Stop listening to it and leave Yea Forums


>Does that sound like an npc to you?
>I am gay
Not necessarily
>I voted for obama


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And for a serious answer .
If you don't want to make your own blog then review music on rym.

is it possible to go mainstream without becoming souless?

I don't hate popular music, however it seems that to be able to maintain a certain level of sucess and money, you need to "easy up" your music.
if once you started as a masterful lyricist, with unique instrumentals and a great voice, sooner or later you change your style to something more repetitive and upbeat. is there a way arround this?

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Make your own music my fucker, and you will enjoy all kind of things.

>Listen to the radio
>Hear the single on the radio
>Illegally download album if no preview online
>Buy album or single if you like it

That's how it works.