Is this the Pet Sounds of rap?

Is this the Pet Sounds of rap?

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808's the closest to pet sounds from all the kanye albums.

YES. More appropriately it's the Pet Sounds of the 2010s

No, because Pet Sounds had good lyrics, interesting song structures, and was musically beautiful. The only good thing about this album or any of Kanye's albums is the production (and that in itself is overrated).

It's about how influential it is to production, not the music. Also fuck you for posting 2 seconds faster than me

My beautiful twisted fuck ass has aged awfully
4 years ago I wouldve agreed with you but holy shit does it sound like shit now.
>Hold my liquor is more influential than this entire album

Yes, it's overrated shit

>My beautiful twisted fuck ass

>how influential it is to production

In that case, Kanye's first two albums (and production for The Blueprint) are closer.

How are his two first albums influential?

Gone is probably his best track

Moved hip-hop away from hardcore/gangsta, and MBDTF is just a more maximalist version of the production on those albums, which influenced everyone from Cunninlynguists to Brockhampton.

Though truthfully OutKast was probably more influential to overall hip-hop trends than Kanye. you... know the difference between good and influential?

overproduced garbage that destroyed a genre's reputation for ever? yes

This never happened, but ok

you think this shit piece is influential?

ok user ;)

if you want influential, look at chief keef's discography


unironically this

Nope, this is...

Attached: 220px-Tyler,_the_Creator_-_Flower_Boy.png (220x220, 93K)


hahaha nice opinion dude! people like you are what keeps this board fresh and healthy! Keep up the good work boy! :)



>le epic sarcasm meme XD