i'm not even halfway through it and shit is so deep and inspiring and instigates the imagination, how do i use that to start writing lyrics?
I'm not even halfway through it and shit is so deep and inspiring and instigates the imagination...
Other urls found in this thread:
a concept album about cleaning your room to please grandpa
Lmao cringe
this is thinly veiled bait
fuck off
>An Antidote to Chads
fucking incels saving thumbnails
Rock Lobster
> Rap genre.
> Rename to 12 Rulez of Lyfe
> 12 tracks with 10 skit tracks in between to fill the 77 minute CD.
> ??????
> Profit?
>get asked a question
>go insane
if you only expanded the thumbnail it would read chaos clearly, you surly old fart
Kill yourself neckbeard
After making fun of self help books for years I actually bought and read this one. I am drug, alcohol, porn and smoking free for the first time in life
yikes man
galaxy brain take right here
whats the problem
i am really enjoying reading it
OP here, my thoughts were that it helped form some sense of meaning and story on my head that lyrics require
I like how Le Logic and Reason Man has simple to follow graphs that look like the kind of shit you'd see scribbled on the inside of asylum walls
I’m so tired of hearing about this over blown self help hack.
read more faggot fuck
Add a verse about hair transplants
peterson is like the king of alt-right pseuds
his basic self help stuff is fine but don't go assuming he has any clue what he's talking about with regards to anything else
tim heidecker - i am a cuck
Wow, this is actually incoherent nonsense. Complex but almost no depth
You think a man that is so sure about himself would be better than worrying about such superficial things
I'm pretty sure you don't really read that much
what these people look like IRL
Fuck off tranny
if you have to ask you're not cut out to be an artist
>dont go assuming he has any clue what he's talking about
nigga is literally a professor of psychology chances are he knows more than you will ever know
This is the kind of thing anime characters look at to show the audience that they're smart/quirky
these look like some trolley problem you'd see used to derail a thread
>down with academia it's nothing but a den of commie propaganda!
>except this one guy being in academia is proof that he's right about everything including things far removed from his field of expertise :-)
the guy is an expert at using 10 000 words to say absolutely nothing of value.
>clean your room bucko!
Omg!! what a based and red pilled genius!!!
Get this bullshit out of here
Clean your room and shower because the leftists trannies are degenerating the west
12 rules is for retards
maps of meaning / bible seminars are good entryways to other philosophers
cant hate a man for opening doors
>maps of meaning
That's the book with the insane scribblings about chaos dragons
wash your dick
Fuck a lobster
>uses circular logic and refuses to address the topic directly
>is asked to actually clarify what his beliefs are to some extent
>refuses to and becomes angry
Why do people take this pseud seriously?