i unironically miss hipsters
I unironically miss hipsters
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Back when p4k promoted shitty Brooklyn buzzband indie instead of post ironic woke poptimism
i unironically agree user
Sufs not a hipster. Hes a poet laureate
what is there now? instagram influencees and rainbow hair zoomers?
vapidity and consumerism is really off the charts this time around
wtf are you talking about? They are everywhere.
me in the back many le funny face
I miss ska
>They are everywhere
the only poser normalfags with no dickhead attitude who are why too late for the party
anyone who act or dress like them post-2012 is a wannabe poser faggot
are subcultures dying as we all merge towards a homogeneous internet culture that ridicules outcast with real time 1080p footage?
Hipsters still exist, but in slightly different forms. I live in Bushwick. They're still in their awful bands, but now party like normies, do a ton of coke, and blast trap.
Yeah, me, too. Maybe it wasn't totally sincere (although they genuinely enjoyed music, and sought out less-acclaimed stuff as a virtue), but I think the phoniness is a lot more pronounced now, and more consumeristic.
Would anyone even argue that this wasn’t a fucking great little bubble in the music community for awhile?
>homogeneous internet culture
This won't happen, try as social media giants will.
imagine the smell
gas yourself boomer
what are you talking about? it basically already has. what are the current subgroups today compared to the last decade, or decade before that? they're becoming less and less distinct with each passing month
Name any niche and you'll find a segment of the internet dedicated to it. Just because you can't name some broad, agreed-on subgroups doesn't prove anything—in fact, quite the contrary. No one is going to have a godlike grasp of internet taxonomy, because it's too varied.
I'm not saying they don't exist, but the trend is moving that way. Subgroups are dying. Mainstream style is largely already completely homogenized (no visible subculture flairs anymore) and monopolies on media are creating a generation of Instagram copyclones with near identical interest, values and beliefs (and when not identical, it's binary and polarized).
Like everything else, this is all relative, I'm not speaking in absolutes but comparing to what I've personally experienced and what it seems like the past was like. There will always be threads of interest in various niches of the internet, I frequent many of them, but on a macro level it's like we're all approaching some sort of hivemind singularity of style, beliefs and other humanistic metrics.
OK, touché. I see what you're saying and it's valid. It's just a reversion to the pre-internet norm, though, and I've anticipated it for a long time. It's unfortunately only natural.
>on a macro level it's like we're all approaching some sort of hivemind singularity of style, beliefs and other humanistic metrics
and what would that be?
Just to expand a little bit more, homogeneity is a sensible consequence of the global social media state we're in, we're social animals and our instincts will be towards a relative center of the herds values and beliefs, imo. With the social herd so large now, it's sensible that there'd be some kind of averaging across the board. Kind of like a social and cultural globalism.
we didn't mean to trigger you so hard in the other thread, OP. you really didn't have to make this one
our only point was that you really seemed to be struggling to explain how any of the people in the pic are hipsters. in any case i feel weird now because you clearly took it hard
True, but we won't approach a 'hivemind singularity.' It's asymptotic. There will always be, to put it overly simply, contrarians.
the only one who looks like a hipster is the girl in the mint blue green whatever the fuck color sweater. girls with short hair and messenger bags in general are very hipster.
they look the same as alt-normies of today just with the style of 10 years ago. i doubt the culture attitude or taste is all that different
it's going to be hard to put it in exact words, but basically a (sometimes polarizing) blend of /r/poltics, /r/pol and various eCeleb personalities like Instagram influences, YouTube people, etc as a "baseline" personality. It's hitting woman hard and fast, they are all the same at this point. The men are talking a bit longer, but they seem to center on sports and video games to stay tethered to the hive. I think they're losing Test, getting apathetic and depressed though. Woman are comparatively taking it very well. High consumerism everywhere, the antithesis of /diy/, every thing other than work will be personally outsourced. Living in a crowded city is a must. Strive to be a celebrity.
>a reversion to the pre-internet norm
Mass media was much more coalesced and unvaried. You had a few mainstream, acceptable opinions, and innumerable less-averred fringe views—with no major outlet. The same thing is happening now, just with the internet.
pic related. time for a paradigm shift but it's not gonna happen
the bicycle is the greatest invention in mankind, I don't know of any other mutualistic relationship I have with any technology. like a lever that makes a task easier but only works by improving my health.
my 17 year old hipster cousin really likes my taste in music and she constantly flirts with me
music for this feel?
Chuck Berry
You only miss them because you are older, otherwise you'd just call them numales or soiboys or whatever other buzzword
Also true. Nostalgia changes and tempers how we see things. Which is good, because imagine still caring so much about these things as you age.
Hipsterdom was great because it kind of openly accepted that everyone was painfully insecure and desperately trying to find some kind of identity which spawned a wave of creativity and search for some kind of sincerity. which to me seems preferable over a kind of passive conformity in an attempt to not stand out as a weirdo
>and search for some kind of sincerity.
really? i associate hipsterdom with irony and distachment. identity based around things that we dont actually like
the best acts were always ones that never fully embraced a particular scene in general. All my favorite musicians pushed boundaries instead of releasing stuff that is pretty similar to like 6 other artists at the same time period
There was a lot of that, but it's inaccurate to cast it all in that light. Many so-called hipsters just passionately loved music and wanted to find others who felt similarly.
Good post, thanks for taking the time to make it user(unironically)
I think the irony was used more as an ice breaker rather than the core of the identity. but of course you had a lot of people who thought that it was all about irony
great description, sincerity revival WHEN
Me on the top left too busy wishing I could be as cool as teal shirt girl to notice poor Elliot
Elliot confirmed for NEETest name.
Spilled bongwater cheap beer and dogshit.
So I'm a hipster because I'm not intentionally a conformist and I'm passionate about finding new interesting music, not just listening to the same old shit or what's trendy? Do you people think a hivemind is good or bad?
Some hipsters were quite conformist, actually, hence the stereotypes.
I don't miss hipsters but I miss elitism in music. Most people don't want to dig in deep anymore, even in supposedly music related places like this shithole.
I still hate popular culture and popular music for the most part. I don't have any social media accounts. I make art. I'm not social, but am in a relationship/have a sex life. I wonder what this makes me. A hipster, a doomer, a bore---I've no idea. I'm just invisible. Or do I mean something?
2008 and the early '10s were fun, time flies and hipster isn't really the thing any more.
Holy shit. Elliott Smith lives!
What about "sincerity" and "passion"? There are a lot of definitions floating around in this thread. It just seems like a meme word to me. The things some people are saying sound like "the whole world confirming is better than people having their own sincere passions cuz then they'd be hipsters"
"hipster", "goth" and "emo" describe quite different styles, but basically the same thing. a group of people (poorly defined to begin with) who are just like everyone else. but who everyone loves to shit on because it's a safe default. almost always brought up in this way:
>don't you guys hate [blank]?
>i fucking hate [blank]
reminds me a bit of the term "SJW" in the context of Yea Forums. you can go years without meeting one but you can't go ten seconds without hearing someone bitch incessantly about them
Hipsters at least weren't obsessed with wokeness and cancelling. Some even reveled in their selfishness.
a normal artist, unless there's something you're not telling us like you're pagan or vegan, then i'd probably call you a new ager.
that's because they dont actually enjoy it.
i mean it. you tell people "why dont you try listening to more music?" and they'll answer "why?"
"Why? WHY? Why would I listen to more music?"
they already have their pleasant wallpaper, all their friends dig it too. it pumps them up. it plays everywhere. when they get bored of it, their artist will release a new mixtape. why expand? this is fine. i don't need new music, i don't find any passion in it, any enjoyment in listening to some secret gem hidden away somewhere, a new song i relate to that i can share with others. they don't because that's not what it's for. it's an accessory. it goes with your clothes and you play it at parties. maybe you'll play the sang song on the mixtape by yourself.
satistfied with their artists in their trend, spoonfeeding them their opinions and tastes and aesthetics right back to them. why go further, when this prolefeed tastes delicious?
don't worry there's lots of them still around
You beat the system
Selfishness is far more in vogue nowadays than then.
i have a facebook account that i basically use as an email/skype utility and i drew the fucking line there, i refuse to get an instagram or whatever the fuck is up today.
i just hate popular culture with a passion. i can't stand it. i can't stand pop bullshit on the radio, i have a fucking millionaire singing some empowering anthem written by 12 execs in a boardroom, lyrics about rising up and backing it up with nothing.
what i miss about hipsterdom was that at least it was about getting away from popular culture, it was about abandoning it and realizing that there was a massive world beyond it. i cant stand how people are just suddenly like "yeah but frank ocean is pretty good."
i cant stand how i'm expected to like popular culture either. i don't like it, it all reeks of commercialism. doesn't it bother people that they're being manipulated?
I can't stand capeshit and all these "geeky" shit shows and movies that have taken over popular culture, most of all.
What does Chon have to do with this?
They’re stil around, they’re just way more onions-based
I was unironically born in le wrong generation
No! You can't dislike pop culture or else you're a hipster and you'll get made fun of!
I agree though. It's ALL based on what's the flashiest and what catches the average person's eyes/ears to make the most money.
That's what all our contemporary "art" is based on.
There's still some music made for music's sake out there. Obviously it's the stuff that isn't popular though, and obviously one is probably labeled a hipster for listening to it.
I was I was 18 again, scrolling through hipsterrunoff stoned again while listening to vampire weekend.
These past 10 years have been pretty god awful for Hollywood quality, seems worse than ever before, don't think it's just a matter of aging
The last ten years were the 2000s of the music industry for movies. I don't think there ever was a more terrible time than those rnb and rap for white people years.
Hipster isn't used anymore. Haven't heard it in years. You'd get called an incel which carries a very different connotation with it though
95% of all albums and especially charts here are simply variations of Yea Forumscore which is the next level after music on the radio. Highly anyone is not mainstream here.
thats how most ppl define hipsters tho. dude i listen to Animal Collective and Deerhunter so alternatve XD
Dude I listen to Borbetomagus and John Zorn so alternative XDDDD
this is also another way ppl define hipsters
Hipster is the guy that rides to his ice cream startup on his fixie. Hipster is the guy that wears suspenders and a moustache while smoking a pipe. Hipster is the guy sitting in starbucks barefoot dressed as a 19th century settler writing a romance novel about zombies
When you put it like that, I don’t fucking miss them one bit.
“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.
It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.
Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own). One may be quick to coin such interests and garb as "black-rimmed glasses, flannel, and indie music," however said mainstream-avoiding "hipsters" will logically turn down abiding to such a popular consensus, voiding the interpretation null.
You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.
The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.
Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.
tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.
I am just getting tired of the robot ant people bullshit. Everyone wears plaid shirts and yoga pants, Lululemon is ubiquitous. Medium cut hair. Guys are wearing beards but they aren't even cool just alt right beards or some shit.
People have stopped even caring about art, everyone just cares about hip hop because its become a more socially acceptable black version of WWE. Oh what did this guy say? Lets cancel him! Yeah! Or wow what a diss track! This changes everything! Mandrama!
The best you can hope for now is that random college student likes movies like Hereditary or actually attempts to understand Fantanocore, you won't get those TS Elliot reading, fashion designing, guitar playing, fine foods and drinks genuine people anymore. Its sad.
This is not even remotely accurate. As an old fag who grew-up with friends who converted to emo and then hipster fads, sincerity is last noun I'd use to describe them. They wanted to be counter-culture for the sake of it and became so by behaving exactly like the mainstream consumers that they were trying to contrast. Hundreds of parties, thousands of conversations, and not a single sincere or original opinion to be found. Thrift store drives, dumpster diving, smoking cigarettes in tiny bathrooms, all of it done out of conformity and as a disguise to seem interesting before drinking Goose Island and getting high, which is when the real dullness of sincerity appeared.
If you want sincerity, join a church. Christians have usually been the more sincere people that I've ever met, and it's truly a shame that I can't genuinely share their ideology, because they are good, chill folks.
all of those terms are very well-defined.
We're still here.
Bro same