what are some cool sounding major/minor scales. i want to write a song!
What are some cool sounding major/minor scales. i want to write a song!
Every major scale sounds exactly the same, and every minor scale sounds exactly the same. The distance between notes is all the same, you just move everything up/down depending on what note you want to be the root note. You should really be asking for some good chord progressions/beats/melodies/rhythms. Scales are nothing more than your pallet of notes.
Mixolydian scales are the way to go
This, desu
Or use pythagorean tuning. Some scales will suck ass, but others will be more interesting
I have trouble making chord progressions and melodies sounding good together. I use the same scale but it just sounds like ass to me. Is it just trial and error?
Stop thinking about music theory and treating music like it’s some math equation
You don’t sound like a creative person
ur dumb
there are more scales then major or minor, if you want to solo, you need to know some cool scales. at least pentonic
also, they do not sound exactly them same, of course. different scenarios (diff keys, etc) necessitate different root notes on the major/minor scales. they do all however elicit the exact same emotion.
math is one of the most, if not THE, creative pursuits on the planet u dipstick. music theory is a very useful body of knowledge to have at your disposal for leverage
you don't sound like an intelligent or rational person
literally every scale can sound god if you know what your doing. you cna be more unique by using more uncommon scales. but asking ppl to tell you what to write shows you dont know what you are doing.
i mean brian eno and steve reich disagree but whatever
>math is one of the most, if not THE, creative pursuits on the planet u dipstick. music theory is a very useful body of knowledge to have at your disposal for leverage
>you don't sound like an intelligent or rational person
left brain as fuck, just give up song writing and be an accountant already
I loled
Just use chromatic scale and play whatever the fuck you want
>still believing in left vs right brain wumbo jumbo
An appreciation for structure and systems only aids in songwriting. It's not like it detracts from anything else, retard. This isn't a min/maxing character build game where by adding intelligence I have to subtract creativity.
Double harmonic
>tries to reinvent the wheel, but fails
That's you.
eno hates 'music theory' right? i wish, instead, that he would've contributed to it.
No, no. Ur dumb.
There are definitely more scales than major and minor, but he was asking specifically for cool major and minor keys. While the *pentatonic* scale is different in a way, it contains five notes that are founds in both major and minor scales in their pattern. Its mostly used for learning how to solo, but definitely has a place in musical academia. Bad example though to be honest. You don't really write a song in the pentatonic scale, you solo over scales with the pentatonic scale, typically.
You might think then, maybe the melodic minor, harmonic minor, diminished, or augmented? These are not at all beginner friendly and require you to understand the major and minor keys, which OP obviously doesn't. You could maybe suggest modulation like did, but once again, any modular scale (mixolydian, lydian, phrygian, dorian, etc.) is just a major/minor scale with a different root note, and can't be properly utilized by a beginner. OP is stuck to just playing major or minor keys. Dummy.
i insist it is u who is dumb
you're getting a bit pedantic if you're going to call it a bad example, that's based on your subjective interpretation of the OP, i.e it was not made clear if he wants a scale for soloing, or for the basis of the song. and i specifically used pentaonic scale as an example for SOLOing
>but he was asking specifically for cool major and minor keys
uh? no he wasn't, reread the OP.
> Its mostly used for learning how to solo
that is why i offered as an example scale for a solo, so not really a bad example, shit reading comprehension retard.
>You don't really write a song in the pentatonic scale, you solo over scales with the pentatonic scale, typically.
ok? in the OP he did not clarify what his intent with the scale is, he just asked for cool ones because he wants to make a song. that's an open ended question and applying your own subjective interpretation then calling me wrong for mine is dumb.
>You might think then, maybe the melodic minor, harmonic minor, diminished, or augmented? These are not at all beginner friendly and require you to understand the major and minor keys, which OP obviously doesn't. You could maybe suggest modulation like did, but once again, any modular scale (mixolydian, lydian, phrygian, dorian, etc.) is just a major/minor scale with a different root note, and can't be properly utilized by a beginner. OP is stuck to just playing major or minor keys.
who cares? let him figure it out. he asked for cool scales, I'd give him cool scales, not 'major and minor'
A flat OP trust me
>what are some cool sounding major/minor scales. i want to write a song!
Let's break this bit of English down. In the latter half of the first sentence, OP mentions major/minor scales, and if you look just a bit before that, he is asking for something. Now if we put that together, he is asking specifically for some cool major/minor scales.
Now the next part is where the, "intent," comes into play. Notice how he says "i want to write a song!" We can now assume that he wants to use a major/minor scales (remember what we talked about before of him asking for some, "cool sounding major/minor scales,"?) to write a song, which would be his intent.
Just tune to DGDDAD and find a fun rythm that works with alternating bass and treble
Korean pentatonic scales
One thing I forgot to mention is, how the fuck is suggesting the pentatonic scale better than suggesting to focus on rhythm, melodies, beats, and progressions? A song is note made by the individual notes that happen to be chosen, but by these things that I originally listed. Why do you think the vast majority of music is just written in C major, G major, D major, E minor, and D minor without them all sounding exactly the same? In my eyes, the four things I listed, broadly speaking, are the most important aspects of writing music, and then you come in saying, "dummy, you don't know shit. Here, play the pentatonic scale with no context in which the pentatonic scale is even useful. That's better."
You embody that kid in high school who just plays guitar solos and feels superior to everyone because of it. Literally kill yourself.
>what are some cool sounding major/minor scales. i want to write a song!
holy shit i can't believe i glossed over the "major/minor" portion of the OP, lmao. gg
>how the fuck is suggesting the pentatonic scale better than suggesting to focus on rhythm, melodies, beats, and progressions?
because he wasn't specifically asking about that. i thought the op was just asking for cool scales, so i was just gonna give what he was looking for. while it may be more beneficial to him to focus on what you mentioned, he didn't ask for that and I don't care enough about a fucker shitting up the catalogue view with a retarded question to actually help him.
>You embody that kid in high school who just plays guitar solos and feels superior to everyone because of it. Literally kill yourself.
you're assuming a lot over a misunderstanding.. projecting, perhaps?
Any beginner asking questions should get genuine answers. What is there to even talk about with music other than the culture surrounding it, and the feels it gives you? Look at this board for example, discussion of any meaning is just non existent because there really isn't much to say about music on the surface level. When a question about making music comes up, its fun and interesting to give proper advice, because not only do people benefit from spreading information on theory, but you may learn something yourself. That being said, I didn't learn a thing because the majority of this board is completely musically illiterate.
and to be clear, my understanding of our argument was
>what are some cool scales?
>major and minor (which are the only scales I know exist) sound exactly the same
so of course i was gonna chime in and try to call you a retarded and just drop a cool scale, but it backfired.
>Any beginner asking questions should get genuine answers
I agree but there's threads for that kinda stuff (not that the average thread quality is any higher). And I was (so i thought) giving a genuine answer, just not the additional direction you provided.
>When a question about making music comes up, its fun and interesting to give proper advice, because not only do people benefit from spreading information on theory, but you may learn something yourself.
>That being said, I didn't learn a thing because the majority of this board is completely musically illiterate.
also true. though i've found the generals like /prod/ and /gg/ to have a much higher quality bar. i keep meaning to try hanging in /classical/ too because they are probably theory nerds