
>thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening
Why the fuck do people like them again? Their lyrics are trash and their music is mediocre at best.

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It's redditors and 90 IQ normies that like ellen degeneres who think they're"epic" and shit

Entry level "high concept" pop. For most people it's the most complex music they hear

>Poopy-di scoop
>Whoopity-scoop, whoop-poop
>Poop-diddy, whoop-scoop
>Poop, poop
>Whoop-diddy-scoop, poop
yeah, this is much better.
fuck off kid

I don’t know where you got that, but I’d rather listen to that than Queen


Queen is overrated in a sense, but you're a jackass if you don't see how they were good regardless. They pretty much had credibility in most scenes aside from maybe punk because they were anti everything.

it's arena rock cheese barely above u2

it's expertly crafted and enduring pop music

tryhard brainlet pissbabies who identify with "doomer" wojaks and are likely to enjoy the music of swans, death grips and giles corey

Go down your coors boomer

hes not wrong

You haven't listened to much Queen than and only know "the hits", you're as bad as the people you're complaining about.

There is a reason Queen can be covered by metal bands

samefag harder

>expertly crafted
>”thunder bolts and lightening very very frightening
“we will we will rock you”
“we are the champions my friends”
This music is for literal brainlet pissbabies

sad, boring, predictable
thank u, next~

A lot of genres an be covered by metal. You do know there are metal versions of christmas songs, even occasionally played on the radio? I fail to see your point. Metal is garbage in general

try again brainlet

Fuck off, don’t bring ariana grande to your shit taste

yes i agree, songs such as we will rock you should in fact not have lyrics that fit the style and mood of the song but rather michael gira edgelordness, or mark e smith schizo rambling, or maybe david byrne's patented dada delivery haha wouldn't that be wacky and epic and original

The point is, there is a reason Queen was loved by guitar nerds, you wouldn't know because you've never plucked a string.

Yea Forums is way off, as usual

we get it user, you hate your parents. don't fret, you'll grow out of it soon enough and join the rest of us in boomerdom

im crine r n

Don't compare The Fall or Bowie to this generic sports arena AOR. I miss the old Yea Forums where le real rawk fags got laughed out of here.

you're so cute thinking you have to prove yourself on an anonymous image board

Why are you implying there’s only one genre of music that guitars can play? I can play guitar, but you obviously havent if you think that way


Attached: 1bFcg3Y-830x460.jpg (830x460, 37K)

at least defend a good dadrock band like Zep

It truly is astonishing how Queen continues to trigger Yea Forums after all these years.

If you don't think Brian May is a genius guitar player regardless of what you think of Queen overall, you don't play guitar. Sorry.

the only listenable dad rock

Still getting bullied in high school by jocks, huh?

>if you dont like ‘x’ then you aren’t ‘y’
t. elitist retard
Reddit is thataway

It's because the hits are kind of corny (Fat bottomed girls, We Will Rock You, Bicycle) and that's all they know

>he thinks reddit is for elitists and not Yea Forums
Wow, how about you fuck off to tumblr, blue hair dyke.

self-professed elitists are the saddest posters on here

Could be worse, he could like Queen
It's all corny.

Who are you quoting?

do you live under a rock?

I like the hits, especially I Want It All