
Thank god that's over

Attached: loveless is shit also the game.png (591x589, 548K)


I like the VREWs

based zoomer attention span

Ahhh. My ears are safe once more...

Attached: spirit.png (600x600, 830K)

Good because that album is overrated as fuck.

heheheh GUYS what IF that one band bullet FOr my valentine that everyone like s is actuallt bad and overrratED huh?/ im mean they play only vaccCUM cleanerb noises and are prettuy cringr not based at all lmao why people don't understand trhat fickinf brainlaets amirite?/?? *owns libs8

lmao ur mad

Stay mad faggot, Loveless is cringe.


you make me embarrassed to like loveless thanks

I bet your mom wished you were a load she swallowed

Pleb isn’t willing to give himself tenoidus for the greatest album of 2000

Only Swallow



>jingle jangle jongle
ah, much better

*throws album away*


holy fuck lol

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>"Death is re-"
fucking pseudo-depressed bullshit

Attached: aclam.jpg (1200x1200, 227K)


>says death is not for singing about
>does it anyway
dishonest album

Liked it during the intro to Only Shallow, the rest is emo garbage

It hurts but it's worth it