Other urls found in this thread:
tomorrow at 11
I like both kpop and gaypop
Mind if i stretch out?
any sharkman in
>People get into Kpop for the sick beats despite not knowing the lyrics
>The entire point of rap is the flow, play on words and rhymes
>People are jizzing their pants over a rap track they don't understand in Korean
jucchan could have been someone...
>he didn't learn korean for kpop
based rapmon
you know the lyrics are subbed right?
So did we like KARD's comeback? The song's kinda meh even by KARD standards but the concept and visuals they've got going on are pretty amazing, I often forget how cookie-cutter concepts in kpop are.
Stan Wonho, that man got some BIG PECS
>that key
is this a kingdom hearts reference
some people simply like kpop for how it sounds, and dont care that they cant understand it
You know translated lyrics lose the play on words and rhymes right?
link it so I don't have to bother searching for it
where do i make friends in korea?
u can learn hangul in 10 minutes
u can learn korean in 3 month
u can read fking subs even for 1 time
ive always listened to music that i cant understand dbh, usually i look up the trans but sometimes i dont, its about the aural experience
they like rap but don't like rap in a manly voice
and you can easily look that up on genius or some shit
Which is my first point about how it has good beats and catchy repetitive words both which are absent in rap tracks.
Yeah. I am sure the word plays and rhymes are subbed or do you need TN?
I like the new BTS
stan talent
stan WONho
friendship ended with jhope, now rapmon is my best friend
jueun? did dia flop again?
Then what is the fucking point you moron? The entire point of a rap song is understanding the flow of the lyrics. How is that any different from someone speaking in mongolian?
>only into kpop for the beats
Seriously tho.
The only way to truly appreciate music is if you don't understand the language it's in.
Eunbi is so FAT
the superior non-indo-european feel when you can understand most korean figure of speech that indo-europeans canno into
iljin too lewd
Yeah. I am sure you love the deep lyrics of Gotta Go who is about a girl who needs to go home at 12 instead of how catchy the song melody is.
not all korean rap tracks lack good beats, repetition, or the general audible appeal that you say they do
literally this
concept visuals good
music is the worst song of the year
Namjoon delivered.
>She want it, dripping like faucet
What did he mean by this?
This one does. And yet people are creaming their pants over a rap track they don't understand at all.
can't wait to lift for this tight little cutie later today
I love everglow now
the point is people are already analyzing and pointing out stuff in the lyrics and video. and besides people like rap songs with shitty lyrics in english so it ultimately doesn't matter
she cant stop talking
>flow, play on words and rhymes
You don't need to understand the language to appreciate first and third
I see J.seph is going for the long hair trend right now. should have been styled a bit better, but I guess it suits him.
song's ok
pop musically generally isn't a deep with its lyrical content
it's literally designed to just be catchy and have replay value.
>learn korean in 3 months
yeah elementary level Korean, unless you're a genius or you studied for 5 hours daily for 3 months, you're only going to understand a respectable amount of basic korean.
can't handle this
People that like rap songs with shitty lyrics is due to the catchy beat. It is no surprise that half the rap songs that get really popular have the chorus sung in a traditional manner by a featuring artist.
>the point is people are already analyzing and pointing out stuff in the lyrics and video
Lmao. And that makes the song better somehow? The world of fucking secondaries.
원호 많이 많이 많이 많이
>listens to garbage kpop
>expects good lyrics
i cant believe im unironically defending bts right now
what the fuck
>it's literally designed to just be catchy and have replay value.
Which is not what a rap track is about.
Nor is this one catchy or have replay value unless you actually know Korean.
This is no different from listening to mumble rap but at least with mumble rap you understand the lyrics 50% of the time.
i didn't say it did but saying people are only blindly praising it is dumb
yikes... even jackson can tell ratmon is a talentless hack
not samefag, but like girl group singles you can mostly understand with very very basic korean.
better rap lyrics? not so much
check out this freestyle
what's the point of this literal twitter screenshot
I listen to kpop because I like pop songs.
What I don't understand is people listening to Kpop and then pretending a rap track in Korean is good when rap track are an anti-thesis of everything that attracts a non-Korean to Kpop.
I literally got into kpop through SMTM
i'm an mx stan, and i was forced to defend bts yesterday, cause someone was trolling with some stuff that i don't even want to repeat
might fuck around and start liking rapman
People are blindly praising it, you faggot.
They don't even understand the lyrics and lyrics are what makes a rap track good.
>one million likes in one hour
Beatles btfo
godddd this is so fucking cringeyyyy what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk
why is macklemore in stray kids new mv
>Run through the maze like a beast
>I’m avoiding all the familiar paths
>Though inexperienced, it’s a new challenge
>Imma Bear Grylls anything that blocks my dream
>I’m going to eat it up
>I drink my piss, it’s the adventure for my dream
what did squirrel mean by this?
You must enjoy the advent of mumble rap then.
you missed where i said ONLY or are you trying to tell me bts has 0 fans fluent in english and korean?
how many likes did the beatles get in an hour?
I agree to some extent, but there are also lots of girl group singles that use complex/advanced Korean grammar that you wouldn't be able to understand from 3 months of study alone
I've been studying for 4 months and can watch shows unsubbed and understand like 25-30% of what is said without any help, and the other 70ish% is either words I don't know or grammatical structures that I haven't learned yet.
At a certain point when learning Korean literally all you learn is different ways to end sentences
K-RnB ain’t so bad
>I found me, I found me in Sana
stray kids always have weird lyrics
SMTM is shit. That show gave rise to shitty tryhards like illionaire.
this man looks extremely gay
I dislike most pop music.
I just like kpop and for some reason got into the lyrics, lmao.
Lmao. You are telling the faggots praising RM last track all knew Korean?
8 of the 70 IPs in the last thread knew Korean? More than 10% of this thread isn't fucking secondaries? Please.
In the gym clanging and banging for momo
He wanted Bear Grylls sunbaenim's attention. He got it and now Bear is following them on twitter.
>reeeeeee lyrics reee
he's using jungles/wilderness as a metaphor for urban life. the whole song uses that metaphor pretty heavily
Do you at least know Korean? Or did you get into Kpop for lyrics that you don't understand?
shut up nigger no one cares about the lyrics or understanding korean
why else do you think he's a gym freak
there are a lot of anons in these threads who know Korean to the point where they can carry out some kind of cohesive conversation in the language
>first pitbull and now bear grylls
how do they do it
For me, it's gotta be Hime-sama!
lyrics is quite the most plebian element of music. Read books if you want good writing lmao
Lmao Armpits BTFO.
There is a reason why Run, I need you and Save me are constantly named as BTS best tracks on these threads.
Fucking armpits creaming themselves over a mediocre rap track they don't even understand.
I can't believe I'm going to hear Persona live
new kard kinda slaps
I know enough Korean to have basic conversation =/= I know enough Korean to understand Korean wordplay and flow in rap songs.
pitbull was just out of nepotism though
I find Korean rap sonically appealing than English rap desu, idk the exact linguistic terminology but it sounds "sharper"
i mean the suffixes are kind of the most important bits, so yeah. oh shows are easy for sure, like first off you have a lot of visual clues, but also in daily speech they just use so much english.....
momoland second win
You in me is still kard's best song.
I do understand them thanks to translations.
I got into kpop with snsd but nowadays most kpop is very unappealing to me
its just an instrument the words shouldnt be used for anything other than sounding good
>lyrics is quite the most
lol shut the fuck up you seamonkey retard
Then why is everyone creaming themselves over this shitty rap track?
Don't tell me there is a redeeming quality in the song that IS NOT the rap?
Lmao Armpits are so pathetic.
on first listen I like persona
Daily Dubu!
he's bi, he's ready to eat ramen with anyone who knows how to make good ramen.
bam, now you have to know basic korean slang to understand, damn i'm so witty.
speaking of which, i know enough korean to know my korean is shit.
>REEEEEEE discussing music is bad REEEEEEEE
And I wonder why /kpg/ gets a bad rep
spamming the same comment and argument is not discussion and is literally no better than spamming the same memecrops
kpg gets a bad rep cause you idiots don't post yeji
>No one cares about the lyrics
>RM's new song is good because it is BTS
These past few threads have shown that armpits are literally cancer.
if anyone thought THAT photo was gay...
rap god
BASED yejichad saving the thread
Keep seething
Kek, the salt that BTS generates is entertaining as fuck.
Till now no one has fucking told me why RM's new song is so good besides the fact that it is good because it is good. Yeah nice discussion faggot.
>xiumin invited kyungsoo over to his house
can you imagine
word, he goes fucking wild in Boxer
>2 days left
>no one cares about Strayshit
every fking JYP's comeback lol
imagine if han and changbin were in the same group
You are really mad.
its good because it sounds good to them
why are you asking for subjective information that you know you're going to immediately refute?
>muh pop music lyrics and gaypop posting at the same time
this is the worst thread in a hot minute
imagine being this autistic
So why is the song good?
You literally can't enjoy kpop completely if you don't go searching for lyrics.
This album's selling far better than any of their previous ones, and that's the only metric that matters
it would probably be the best rap line from any kpop group
the end of the last thread was arguably as bad
is kpg really trying to force me to listen to rm? leave me alooonee
its good cuz its a banger
>you have to understand the lyrics without reading the translations to enjoy khiphop/kpop
To be fair, even Tiger JK didn't know Korean when he started Korean rap.
Reminder that Beenzino is Illionaire
Also, Dok2 has been spitting bars since he was a toddler and he was actually poor as fuck, they've even asked him to join Bigbang back in the day and he still made it to the top alone after turning down the offer.
He's good when he's not in full tryhard mode (which is want Koreans want though)
The Quiett also has plenty of good songs even though he has the same cringe factor of Dok2.
Nothing's going to beat that black tranny thread tho
y'all niggas are all fucking delusional thinking you are into kpop for the moosic
here are the reasons:
>the cute girls
>the hot bois (if u swing that way)
>the fapcams
the music, lyrics, dancing are all just secondary factors. now if you'll excuse me i'll be preparing my 7 streaming devices for the upcoming blackpink
cuz it's good
gayshit time has been growing recently
fags need to go back
can exo comeback please
people like it because it's a revamped version of a 2014 trailer, that's it. most people who like bts liked the musical style they did for that era. discussion on this version's lyrics and sound are okay but most won't care
hopefully not
I'm pretty sure it was like 4 threads in row
To save the thread I have linked objectively the best kpop song ever made.
dok2 and thequiett are easily my top 2 most hated rappers
they barely edge of jvki wai
I didn’t know women could look THIS good
that would be lit
pentagons is shit without edawn
>albums count
implying JYP sells music lol
Are the people complaining about needing translations to enjoy it even know more than one language?
Why are you talking about Shownu again now? Making me jealous.
I literally spat out my water at the time. I only drink water. Still the best gaypop lyrics out there by far, only genuine shit (esp. with that rap before, the 'last out the seven/You think these guys are better than me?/Think again.') Kgays dissing each other is the only genuine stuff, rest are all POSERS.
has he posted since then or did he neck himself?
wish i was that straw
what happened?
ah... okay. annyeong
I feel blessed
pentagon is soo good.
can't wait for the lives. i hope they'll have kino hang from the ceiling as a prop.
nancyincel lost his virginity with a black man
not even kidding
something something ATTENTION
for me, its scat threads
tincel paid for a 40 dollar black trans prostitute and started preaching about how sex is overrated since he has now mastered the topic
learn the best language and make everyone else speak it
that's what chads do
their comeback was trash
my favorite whore
the way the announcement sounded, he won't be showing up on any of the stages. not even in a chair or something to stay still and sing his lines like other idols with injuries sometimes do
really disappointing
word but feet
pretty sure tinny has aids now
dark & wild is one of my favourite bts albums so I'm looking forward to this comeback now
I don't feel nearly as bad for being a virgin ever since that happened
wow, she's beautiful
i go
i go
Can JYP fuck off with ads
>They think it won't be idol 2.0
leave korean rap to me
eating nancy's shit
i hope it is all an act
well, 99% chance, since he has gay sex in Florida.
can't you get adblock on an android
let me have hope okay
as a fellow human being i'd be the happiest if he didn't show up at all. just do physio and rest.
but he did attend a few events here and there with them already just sitting, so...?
dear god no
>JYP trying to save you from shitty produce group
Hope is what kills you
can call me artist
can call me idol
rap is shit anyway
leave korean rap to me
based straight white male
how come rm gets a pass on this but wendy gets to be a racist?
I'm gonna stream the shit out of Violeta. the new BTS is also good
The concept of Oppa can do no wrong applies to every single male group.
Armpits > Army
who /BTS (방탄소년단) MAP OF THE SOUL : PERSONA 'Persona' Comeback Trailer/ here?
did you forget people are still defending seungri? oppa is literally god to fangirls
he didn't, people still shit on him for it
he also apologized and wendy never did
i always felt rap was missing something then i realize what it needed green haired effeminate midget fags
It's happening and you can't stop it.
I've got no hopes for his collab with Dok2, but Bewhy might pull out something decent, his previous international collab wasn't too bad
>People think they are going back to the "Dark & Wild" era when it is going to be promoted in the west
It will be a earworm friendly, mainstream pop song. And there is nothing wrong with it.
why would wendy apologize to some snowflakes on twitter who are always looking for a reason to be upset
i always felt rap was missing something then i listened to stray kids and realized everyone else is just shit
god does dok2 even know how cringe he is
jesus christ
i didn't say she had to, but it is one of the reasons why she is still bashed for doing it
To this day armchairs defend racist monster for being racist when other fandoms call them out for calling other idols racist, bg fangirls are batshit crazy.
I’m black and I fantasize Wendy degrading and calling me nigger. It ends with her telling me to give her a black baby
>he also apologized
bts doesn't even belong to kpg anymore
bts btfo bp
he did
She shouldn't apologize when she literally dindu nuffin.
leave rap to america
Go make a BTS general
wendy just calling a spade a spade nothing wrong with that
rm was wrong to apologize for a hairstyle that blacks have no right to co-opt. sm was right to not say anything about wendy in fact acting like your typical white and black city chicks.
did you read my post?
>He did
its funny because literally anyone you ask would do something along the same lines of what wendy did when asked to impersonate a black person but because shes a celebrity she gets shit for it
Is BTS the MC Hammer of Kpop?
Since when apologizing works with twitter? Even if he didn't apologize they would still be acting like it never happened because he's their oppa.
i will have to if this continues.
army seems to be worse spammers than [whatever the name of twice fandom is] ever was, and twice spam was already annoying.
No you said she didn't have to apologize. Not that she didn't do anything wrong. There is a difference.
she didnt do anything wrong though
what wrong did she do?
>rapmon is racist
>Even if he didn't apologize
i agree that she shouldn't have to apologize but because she didn't she's still getting bashed
if she did there would be less hate towards her
persona looks familiar
Nothing. But that post mentioned she didn't have to apologize not that she didn't do anything worth apologizing for. You can do something wrong and not have to apologize.
literally the only member of twice i can tolerate, so thanks.
>the only member of twice he can tolerate is the most annoying one
maybe you had shit taste all along
When you say she shouldn't have to apologize, that implies that she has done something that might be worth apologizing for.
>can finally listen to the singularity vcr without screeching in the background
it's a good day
She got 100k RT and 200k likes, nice
i haven't seen this much samefagging on here ever before
I always believed in my niggas BTS
annyeong chingus :) what are we posting today?
thinking wendy did nothing wrong but rap monster did is being a waifu apologist
Bighit isn't tight on cash it seems. Instead of teaser images, let's just release a 3min video.
didnt he literally say nigger
wendy did nothing wrong
they've been doing that since wings...
Dude. RM literally said nigger.
really? never been here for slugmfy time?
still laughing at Dreamcatcher's company renaming themselves to Dreamcatcher company, and then immediately whoring them out to TerryTV
post her feet
Well maybe it's time niggers should get over it. Having words banned is stupid
BASED rap man
Ko Seung Hyung
Park Bom
Stray Kids
The T-Bird
no octashit lol, but strayshit will be
oh i have seen a LOT of that. but the number of posters per thread i haven't seen this low before. 61 as i type this, and we're getting close to the limit....
Yeah they should. Doesn't mean it is not currently racist to say it.
is this butt plug?
>filling a lawsuit on YG following the cancelled of the winning group debuted
a fucking esl seadonkey wrote dreamcatcher's wikipedia page lmfao
So this is the power of oppa can do no wrong...
is this the guy who was checking out soob's ass?
chunghas boyfriend
That's about the average number of posters though
who the fuck cares about some wikipedia page? post kpops
Leave Doug alone
only cute girls can be posted from this point forward
did somebody insult loona again?
is it? i tend to see 80-110 mostly
actualy he is right
biggest chad in the industry
>list of nonames
post cameltoes
now this is what i would call cute
this making for my english less good .while after reading
no idea
>just called someone based in irl conversation
kpop for this?
based pronky saving the thread
RAP MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he said nigga in a rap song
i don’t like either one but if you argue that wendys impression wasn’t out of malice i don’t think you can argue rm’s was
as long as you didn't call them basedeon it's fine
That is like arguing causing accidental injury is the same as causing an accidental death because they are both accidents. Clearly one of them is more serious.