Just quit Spotify because fuck paying for music

Music for this feel?

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You're not even paying for the music, you're paying Spotify to host files for you, and in turn they pay the artists pennies on the dollar.


No music for you till you pay

I don't care. Spotify is fun.

so you're saying you pay money to listen to music ok got it

not even whole pennies. literally fractions of pennies. like 3/5 of a penny per stream. and that doesn't go to the artist, it goes to whoever owns the song's rights, and then that 3/5 of a penny gets divided up even more before the artist gets their cut.

you're not paying for the music you fucking mong, you're paying for a hosting service. If you were paying for the music you'd be able to keep the song files if your subscription to Spotify ended, which doesn't happen.

Wow your so cool

Just download a modded Spotify apk dude. You don't have to pay at all

Lmoa just use a cracked version and listen on your mobile data.

yeah being capable of understanding distinctions in the english language like "paying for music" vs "paying to listen to music" is pretty cool

It's money they would not make otherwise. Some band that nets 5000 streams a month? That's all algorithms feeding that music to unsuspecting people, not would-be buyers.

>It's money they would not make otherwise.

>adblock or modded apk

I have three Alice Cooper records downloaded on my Spotify. What the fuck is the chance that I'll purchase one of those, digitally or otherwise?

People don't make these kinds of arguments about used music sales, which is the majority of vinyl sales. Should I be fucking shamed for buying a used LP? Am I poisoning the music industry then?

To paraphrase the great Chris Ott, the people who run Spotify aren't making millions because they're stealing money from artists, they're making millions because they invented Spotify.

Netflix isn't stopping me from buying any movie or TV show. I haven't bought a DVD or a Blu-ray in years.

wow, the artist gets a fraction of the total sale? Oh, like how that's worked since...the beginning of recorded music?

Successful musicians can make money off of records and streaming is just money and exposure they would have never seen otherwise.

Save for the rare group of musicians who are so successful they don't have to tour (and who has that been since...The Beatles?), musicians make money by touring. Musicians make dough by playing music live!--what a concept.

>I have three Alice Cooper records downloaded on my Spotify. What the fuck is the chance that I'll purchase one of those, digitally or otherwise?

my issue isn't with the availability of the music but rather how much the artist is getting compensated. Spotify is the equivalent of a pimp or a greasy promoter that pays people in "exposure" while they reap a disproportionate share of profit from subscriptions and ad revenue. Saying "it's money they wouldn't make otherwise" is bullshit because it completely ignores that the amount itself is comically insignificant.

>People don't make these kinds of arguments about used music sales, which is the majority of vinyl sales

48% of all "music sales" comes from subscription streaming services. That's nearly $5 billion dollars in just the past year. I don't give a fuck about you buying used vinyl because it's such an insignificant portion of the whole market. Let me know when nearly half of all music sales comes form used vinyl and then I might have a problem with it.

>the people who run Spotify aren't making millions because they're stealing money from artists, they're making millions because they invented Spotify.

this is a meaningless sentence

You do have a physical collection of your favorite artists?
Right, user?

What do you suggest for a fairer consumption of music, user?

spotify is fine I just wish artists got more money. might make the app prohibitively expensive for some people but it would be worth it. maybe being able to stream music shouldn't be so cheap.

>Music for this feel?
Any one of the number of vinyl records I own containing tracks not available in any other format or even on Youtube

definitely this youtu.be/1gSaxPFNK0c

fucking files just standing there for you to take and these faggots still pay for shit

Disregard my last post, I suck cocks

Spotify doesn't even generate profit in its current state, it's kept afloat by labels and advertisers as a valuable platform. What's the alternative here?

Streaming music has put such a huge hole in music piracy because it's so much more convenient than using Bittorrent, and teenyboppers aren't spending any amount of time in front of a desktop computer.

If we're talking about music sales on a macro level then we're talking about big business, we're talking about pop music, and we're talking about garden variety teenagers.

So what's a 14 y/o to do? They're not going to buy a CD. What the fuck are they going to do, rip it with a desktop computer into iTunes? No way man.

They're going to pay to stream it or pay in advertising by going to YouTube. They're not going to pay even $9 dollars to iTunes, because your average kiddo isn't paying to download music at all.

You're talking about building an industry that supports artists first, and historically that has never occurred. I sure wish it could--I'm an artist! But it won't.

A lot of different businesses, business people, labels, and artists have to come together to release a piece of music in any format, and they all gotta get a piece. We had this exact same argument when digital music distribution came onto the scene, and now we're doing it again.

My argument towards this is that I can't imagine an artist who would be successful financially, but music streaming is stopping them from that. That artist doesn't exist.

If you have an issue with the value that our society puts on art and artists, great, so do I. But capitalism will never give artists that fair shake.

> breaking news, millenial discovers the world of torrents where he can get complete discographies in minutes

One of these days you'll get there user. Not quite yet.

Seriousky, kids today are so stupid it's embarrassing

Why even bother anymore? I have unfettered access to basically 95% of all the music I'll ever care about, I'd rather pay a small fee and not waste my time.

Thanks for giving a company that hasn't produced a single piece of music your money because you're too lazy to click a couple of times, wait 20 minutes and get whatever the fuck they charge you for free...

>What the fuck are they going to do, rip it with a desktop computer into iTunes? No way man.
Why not?

>not downloading the free hacked version

I'd rather pay and have a fraction of that money go towards an artist EVERY TIME I listen to a song than waste my time. My time is valuable and I'm happy to support artists, even in my teeny, tiny way.

Because teenagers don't spend time on PCs or laptops anymore. Shit, modern laptops don't even have disc drives.

What do they spend time on?

>not making 382593 accounts and living off free trials

Am I loser for using Youtube Premium/Music?

phones, buddy

have you had sex? please answer honestly

I use youtube music and block the ads. The radio function is great. :^)

it's not that it's stopping people from being financially sucessful, just fair compensation is all I would want.

They can't rip songs to their phones?

Yeah, they'll just have to get a phone with a disc drive.

this is Yea Forums we're takking about here. I wouldn't be surprised if it was just you and me now buddy

>this is Yea Forums we're takking about here
what do u mean i have my favorite album (loveless by my bloody valentine) on vinyl (no record player but im probably going to get a crosley when i do)

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