Why is this getting hate? It's legitimately a great album.
Why is this getting hate? It's legitimately a great album
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art hoe tier
>It's legitimately a great album.
You need to be over 18 to post here
What's your take on the album?
it's a piece of shit you edgy nigger
I've got a feeling you haven't heard it
not but tyler is for zoomers, you need to be 18 to post here.
best thing to come out of OFWGKTM in its entire run is this
He caved hard and became one of those Black Excellence NPCs after Cherry Bomb (his best album) got shit on desu
Just because a certain group of annoying people tends to like an object doesn't mean it lacks artistic value. This only proves that you only listen to music for the image and it's honestly pretty sad.
zoomers can be over 18. I'm 20 and identify as a zoomer. You wouldn't catch me dead calling myself a dirty millennial
It's not bad but it's obvious he's selling out
In that interview/conversation thing he did, he literally said he changed parts of the album from how he wanted it to be so that it'd become more mainstream
Cherry Bomb was much better
I used to love it on first listen, but it gets worse the more I listen to it.
Props to him for combining hip hop and the modern Mac Demarco/rOC indie sound I guess, but Cherry Bomb is unironically better
I think it gets better each time I listen to it. I enjoy the production/mixing of it more each time. But Cherry Bomb is great too. Much more raw and high energy
I personally love it, Garden Shed is the best track
Wolf was so much better
new here?
That album is shit, though.
Its a really good album but its not without flaws. Mutards just like picking on the weaker aspects of it while glossing over its strengths because they didnt like it.
This, along with disassociating with it because of its fanbase
or it's because Tyler literally crafted the album for people like you and he even outright said he did
he sold out
>or it's because Tyler literally crafted the album for people like you
People like who? What is this supposed to mean?
>he sold out
He made an album for an audience? This somehow invalidates the artistic merit of the album? As I recall a major theme of this album was Tylers apathy towards all of the money and fame and how he wants to grow away from that. I feel lime you are missing the point of the record.
He has said for years that he wanted to create something along the lines of flower boy you delusional faggot. The quote you're referencing is him talking about how he made a couple songs more poppy than initially intended. Go listen to goblin you 14 y/o white kid
its just so good youtu.be
>wants to grow away from money and fame
>makes album for money and fame
it's like you didnt watch his interview about the album...
goblin is dog shit
>new here?
newfags are infinitely more based
This is ironic coming from someone being an edgy tripfag. Go back to your hole faul creature
What does an interview have to do with the rest of the album artistically? I dont need to watch an interview Pink Floyd discussing their records to appreciate Dark Side of the Moon. Not to say the artistry and craft that goes into an album isn't interesting and insightful but its not really what we are discussing here. I haven't seen Tylers the interview yet but I am watching it now.
newfag spotted
lurk 4 years before posting
>all these posters thinking Cherry Bomb’s muddy-as-shit production and incoherent structure is better than flower boy because “waaah my favourite edgy rapper made a pop album”
Grow up, it’s definitely his most accomplished release. Cherry Bomb might be more of an ‘authentic’ statement, but that absolutely doesn’t make it sound better.
it's obviously crafted to be commercial is the point
he threw his personality in the album so it would sell more and be more popular
stop posting if you don't have any clue what you're talking about
>t. gay
Im literally watching the interview and he explicitly states he wanted to make a popier record that people can jam to while still being emotional and personal because he wanted to challenge himself. He states he went to clubs with taco just to see what things people enjoyed even though Tyler hated being there. He didn't sell out, and the pop sound wasn't there to just "sell more", it was his own artistic exploration. youtu.be
>hated being there
>wanted to make music to be played there anyway
Why are you so intent on the album being this artistic masterpiece
"Best to come out is this"
>generic trap beat
>calling others zoomers while putting trap shit before funky ass beats
Because he wanted to challenge himself artistically you dense fuck. Its in the interview that you brought up. The album is no an artistic masterpiece but it is really good, I dont see why you are so intent on the album being artistically barron. The production alone is worthy of great praise
He went to see what parts of songs people would go nuts for, just because someone doesn’t like going to clubs doesn’t mean they don’t like it cause of the music