ITT: Albums men are aloud to cry to

ITT: Albums men are aloud to cry to

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top tier job op

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the tom delonge vocals completely ruin this album. they're hilarious


Horrible idea, horrible album

Imagine the söy levels required to cry to this garbage lmao
Are you beings entirely made of basedbeans?

this, deathconsciousness is generic garbage post-punk and lyrics are super cringy

Post albums that made you cry

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>this, deathconsciousness is generic garbage post-punk and lyrics are super cringy
Absolute pleb

Name your top 10 post-punk bands.
If it's genre tourist garbage your opinion is entirely discarded

>farting sounds
oh wow, this is post-punk classic

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the absolute state.

This made me cry:
Another good rendition:

any one. men crying should be normalized

>old people masturbating for three hours

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>genre tourist garbage y
it is genre tourist garbage but it toyally isnt generic. iys pretty unique but i get how one could finf the lyrics cringe or it overall a little heavyhanded and cheesy

>crying from watching old men cum

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>implying this doesn't make you cry when listening to the Passion

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I fucking love this album and i cant count how many times i cried to it

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Fucking plebs

This Heat
Pere Ubu
The Pop Group
Killing Joke
Gang of Four
The Sound
The Fall
Nick Cave
The Durutti Column
Included more because a few might not be considered post-punk

Forgot The Chamelons

all tourist bands lol. and have a nice life isnt a post punk band-- post punk influenced sure maybe even a few post punk songs but i would not call them overall a post punk band.

they are for normies and tourists and entrylevellers etc but they arent generic. a few bands have tried to emulate what they did afterwards but they were pretty unique at the time

International makes me cry.

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I mean, decent bands but who the fuck is crying to Pere Ubu, Wire, Gang of Four, etc. lol

It is only acceptable for an adult man to cry at the death of your parents and the birth of your first son.

obvious one

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those are his top post-punk bands, not bands he cries to


unironically tear up a bit everytime I listen to the song aeroplane over the sea

the true alpha cry album

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No homo....

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Wanky textured garbage
Muh sad monotone incel

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Muh shit tier screamo
At least post a good skramz album

sad boi hours

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more mark hoppus if anything

How could anyone call iwrotehaikusaboutcannibalisminyouryearbook "shit tier?" It's the logical conclusion of skramz. To each his own, I guess, I strongly encourage you give it another shot, though.
Not all skramz is okay to cry to. If you cry to pageninetynine or Orchid you're a faggot.

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Whole album is shit tier as fuck. Anything that sounds remotely close to that is shit tier.

cringe, that album sucks balls

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these too

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This. Loss in the family should be the only reason for a man to cry.

The rest are faggots.

Music women will never, ever understand, only larp.

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Not only is he correct, but he has the trips of holy flames to back him up.

river of tears every damn time

I tear up when Sometimes comes on

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It's actually has been a dude weed lmao album all along, you aren't supposed to cry to it

My bad

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the only song i've cried to (or will admit to crying to) is rock 'n' roll suicide.

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Only Skin is too heart wrenching. It literally reeks of emotion. Good pick.

bad album but men can cry at any time
fucking masculinity bullshit
i sit and pee, come at me

the most obvious choice

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they're "tourist" because they're the best post-punk bands
stop listening to mediocre music on purpose. it doesn't mean you have good taste

Worthless tourist-core.

The fact that no one posted this is unexcusable

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limousine makes me cry almost

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Hey Mama gets me every single time

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This one also

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not every song does it for me tho, i can only think of 2 songs off the top of my head that make feel a little emoitonal
>my boy
>twin fantasy

Could you be any more tourist? Like, seriously try, because I don't think that's possible.

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I never thought I'd see one of my favourite artists here. Good choice user.

unironically Let Down is the only song ive ever cried to

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