Redpill me on reddit

Redpill me on reddit.

Attached: five-reddit-communities-1024x640.jpg (1024x640, 34K)

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f you've spent any time on Yea Forums you don't really need to be redpilled because at this point this place is pretty much reddit 2.0

same as Yea Forums but with user accounts

this and less shitposting, upvoting system and better organized+more specific forums for your favorite artist or fav microgenre. its pretty neat t b h.


You can't say nigger on reddit
That should tell you all you need to know

The main reddit """culture""" is trash.
However, certain small communities can be okay if they don't associate themselves with the wider redditor mindset.
Examples: watchpeopledie, piracy, ambientmusic

>he doesn’t know

r/greentext users

reddit is the biggest circlejerk on the internet. They are literally the grown up edgy 14 year olds of years past. Reddit culture and inside jokes are some of the most cringe things on the planet. Literally the same 5 comments are in every single thread with an occasional original comment.

This one has me GASSED!

>reddit is the biggest circlejerk on the internet. They are literally the grown up edgy 14 year olds of years past. Reddit culture and inside jokes are some of the most cringe things on the planet. Literally the same 5 comments are in every single thread with an occasional original comment.

replace reddit with Yea Forums there and it would fit perfectly well.

>he doesn't know
reddit is this close to tumblring themselves


Everyone always calls Yea Forums a circlejerk but it really isn't, even Yea Forums isn't. Everyone here fucking hates frogposters and other "Yea Forums in-jokes". The vast majority of reddit are lurkers just happy to be a part of something so they upvote the same unoriginal shit over and over again resulting in it being the only thing people see. basically fuck reddit culture, small communities are okay though.

The upvoting system is one of the few things I dislike about Reddit since it disencourages people for voicing different opinions.

For example if you are in some artist's fan subreddit and leave a genuine comment about how you don't like a popular song from that artist and why, you might get downvoted to the ground for that.

Attached: a2706182902_16.jpg (700x700, 55K)

this. the upvoting system completely ruins any individuality on the site. Reddit is a literal hivemind. you would genuinely be better off creating an entirely new subreddit for a contrary opinion than commenting it on the actual subreddit it pertains to.

>he doesn’t know
Also, what is this new web 2.0 faggy facebook tier layout? I thought the layout was already shitty enough.

The upvoting system is meant to give upvotes to people who contribute to the discussion. Unfortunately it became an "I like/dislike this"

pol, b = yes
everywhere else = no.

Sometimes you can find cool pictures on reddit and if you look at the general consensus there it's probably a good way to keep track of the average pseud guy's opinion.

>reddit is the biggest circlejerk on the internet.
straight after twitter, yes.
>Reddit culture and inside jokes are some of the most cringe things on the planet. Literally the same 5 comments are in every single thread with an occasional original comment.
the comments sections there are the most pathetic on the entire internet. adds nothing to anything except who can be more retarded than the next person.
>replace reddit with Yea Forums there and it would fit perfectly well.
sure wouldn't, redditfaggot.

>Sometimes you can find cool pictures on reddit and if you look at the general consensus there it's probably a good way to keep track of the average pseud guy's opinion.
i agree.

An equally shitty but less anonymous Yea Forums. Yea Forums used to be better of course, but the quality has gone straight downhill the past few years.

Reddit is stupid people acting smart.
Yea Forums is stupid people acting stupid.

So basically this.

I got banned from /r/music for mocking Lil' Peep's death

It's like 4channel but everyone's a tripfag and they care about internet points. They also have the most retarded design (tablet UI basically) and sense of humor/appeal for internet points, and they're a hivemind. The userbase consists of 1) facebook/instagram users who wanted more/different social media 2) underage gamerz who like the epic memez and greentext. It's run by some autists who banned everything remotely likely to cost them ad bucks, so you're not allowed to talk about politics beyond the 2 USA parties. If you do you're Putin's #1 spambot and an authoritarian traitor, so you'll be banned for the sake of muh russia confirmed.

Anne Frankly, I did nazi that coming. I literally came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'murican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. Just sayin', I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, 11/10 with rice, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You - I like you. You magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upvote to give for this cool story, bro. CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? Nice try, you monster. You are now banned from /r/pyongyang What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. You must be new to reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once.

based Russian bot

Jet fuel can't melt dank memes, that stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. OP is a fuzzy little man-peach, 2/10, would not bang. What is this I don't even know how is this wtf? Fuck Jenny. Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels. When you see it, they'll KILL IT WITH FIRE! But this has nothing to do with atheism. Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym, and SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, said no one ever, so you wouldn't download a strawman. /r/dadjokes. Damn onions, you scary like a BOSS. whoosh. Since rule #1 is 'be attractive', I'll just leave this here: This is my [f]irst post, be gentle.

Edit: This blew up. RIP my inbox.

Edit2: thanks for the gold kind stranger

Is there a Yea Forums version?

>forgot the dickbutt


le kek so kek dae le thanks lori? xD ftw le really really like this image xP
why cant scruffy marry le 12 TIME MACHINE MODULUSyear old xDxDxD tfw no gf :P DAE LITERALLY WHO?
I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIST jam of a lifetime haha nice mememusic pleb i tip my fedora to you, fine gentlemen le real men dont listen to le dadrock xD fuck reddit!!!!! dae vaporwave lel epic!!!!! ;p TIME MACHINE MODULUS xDDDDDD, sent ;)! xD, JENNY DEATH WHEN?!?!??!, le epic tripfriend! whos your waifu?
le epic MAC DEMARCO GOOFBALL!!!! le epic patrician here, ama :D, death grips is ICP? keke ebin... HES POINTING AT US :D XDDDDD, best new post, lelele so much kek FLAC FTW vinyl!!!!!11 dae le TIME MACHINE MODULUS weebteam? ;D le k-on ftw! epic memes, us Yea Forumstants huh!? ]:) tips fedora, whats essential fedoracore? TIME MACHINE MODULUS :)))))))
THE FACT THAT SO MANY BOOKS......... le meme gTIME MACHINE MODULUSrips (im a memer) dae le fantano!!! MELON :dd dae feels? le sad frog faec. ALL RAP IS MEMERAP, REPORTED FOR VIRAL MARKETING dae le Antz!? PRO-TIP: YOU CAN'T TIME MACHINE MODULUS!!!111 haha le TIME MACHINE MODULUSare underrated dae le CLT le dubs goy! le hehehehehehe..... pitchfork general @:=] 8.7 xd
le why dont you kids like tTIME MACHINE MODULUShe tool? is this a le new meme!?!?! screen capped for that TIME MACHINE MODULUS
that sure hit the spot ok now repeat that fucking epic ass M E M E haha us Yea Forumstants amirite :^) TIME MACHINE MODULUS

too tryhard