What would rap music be like if black people were actually intelligent?

What would rap music be like if black people were actually intelligent?

Attached: 90B63C3C-2075-4163-B103-98877EB44760.jpg (480x360, 13K)

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SJW slam poetry

Hip hop being so tied down to ghetto culture is such a travesty. An electronic genre focused on spoken word has the potential to be incredible, yet the production always ends up being bland and the lyrics are generic about drugs, money, and girls.

who is the guy to left of melonboy

Anthony Fantano


Flavor Flav

Did this motherfucker really just post this fucking thread? Racism is not allowed outside of Yea Forums you fucking idiot. It's against the BOARD RULES. Fuck off.

Didn’t see you saying the same thing in the ten threads making fun of white people you dumb hypocritical roastie

>you can't post uncomfortable truths, dat's racissssssssss

Attached: african-iq-of-70-2707-black-and-white-iq-distribution-in-america.jpg (1032x815, 443K)


IQ is a very effective measure of outcome... on the dumb side of the distribution, but not the "intelligent" side. People of measured IQs of 70 are well predicted to not get far in life. The difference between 70s and 100s is massive, but the difference between 100s and 130s is not on average.
Because of the above, many very strong correlations between IQ and other things are spurious because IQ isn't really so predictive/causative at all levels.
Thus, IQ tests are pretty much effective in that they can detect utter morons fairly well, but so can any other arbitrarily defined test; the IQ test isn't especially effective or some grand discovery.
IQ tests have been designed to award a particular type of abstract thinking that is not generally helpful and can lead people to be oblivious, naïve, boring and dangerous. The Talebian IYI.

That said, this does not disprove or counteract the black-white IQ gap. It's just that meme white N's care too much about IQ.

Racism is NOT ALLOWED outside of Yea Forums. It is AGAINST THE BOARD RULES. I encourage other posters to report this thread.

>An electronic genre focused on spoken word
Do you have any examples of such music?

Like J Cole

>b-b-but iq is meaningless
>what about eq?

Stop posting pictures of that child molester.

what would op be like if he got laid

that’s unironically one of the most ridiculous rules i’m surprised someone wrote that
>racism outside of this one place where racism is apparently allowed

oh and suck a dick op

Have you listened to milo before?
Not as good as you think it would be

it'd look like 2 limited or deltron, it'd be music that you wouldn't have to reduce your IQ to enjoy since the emphasis won't be on the lyrics but the whole song. You'd get songs with fine lyrics with creative audio engineering.

Benjamin Zephaniah, but without the victim hood complex.


It would sound like Eminem

Attached: effigy of the forgotten.jpg (953x953, 246K)

More like Donuts


Brave thread op



Rap is cheap music for poor niggers. Metal is cheap music for poor in spirit whites

Like Public Enemy or Nas.

>le sad chopped up boom bap instrumentals :((((((

so how come the average IQ of billionaires is higher than the average of the middle class?
real question, i dont wanna get into a fucking insult-fest

Nasir's new EP is dogshit