Hasn't aged super well, has it, Yea Forums?

hasn't aged super well, has it, Yea Forums?

Attached: 220px-Music_for_Airports.jpg (220x219, 19K)

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this album is the Iliad of ambient

in that they both heavily feature methods of transportation

are you an airport? then you're not the target audience retard

Some of the synth tones and compositional devices have been incorporated pretty widely and are slightly cliche now, but I don't think that it's difficult to separate that from a listen of it. It's a rewarding record, and 1/1 and 2/2 are total masterpieces. I'm not sure what issue someone could take with the record.

that's pretty funny.

Cringe. This post hasn't aged well.

Actually I agree. Ambient 4, on the other hand...

It has aged so well that it still influences every drone and ambient musician today and in the future.

Music For Incels when?


overall it's still pretty nice as an ambient but there were more than enough times for me to be put off by how synthesized a lot of the instrumentation was imo

aw, man

not denying its influence, definitely a very significant record

Also, not saying it's bad by any means. Just personally found it to have been notably dated. But eh, what can ya do.


2/2 is still great.

No, it's still great.

And 4: On Land is the best in the series

On the topic of Brian Eno - is his music on Spotify botted or something? He's no obscure underground artist sure but look at these fucking numbers.

Attached: 846.png (965x455, 77K)

No, it's not.

Attached: Wendy Carlos - Beauty In The Beast.jpg (598x598, 129K)

All me. Sorry, when I bathe I like to listen to Eno.

Maaad youtu.be/xXrKplAsMtk

It's still very enjoyable

4 aged the best easily
Sounds like it could've been made today

People overstate this album's influence on ambient music. Honestly Eno coining the term "ambient" on this record had a bigger impact than any of the actual music contained in it

That album isn't remotely ambient though


Attached: a1239935333_16.jpg (700x700, 54K)

>"Airports have some of the glossiest surfaces in modern culture, but the fear underneath remains. Hence this record is not a utilitarian accompaniment to airports, in the sense of reinforcing the false utopia and fake idealism of air travel. Unlike Eno's Music for Airports, this is not a record to be used by airport authorities to lull their customers.
Imagine being this hostile towards an ambient album made to help people relax


Maybe they put on him on those staff-curated sleep playlists

weakest of his ambient series but still a good record

Ambient 2 is obviously the weakest

It's aged amazingly. Literally better than most modern ambient. The melodies, chords, textures, and atmosphere are all perfectly conveyed in spite of the aged recording techniques.

the piano melody on 1/1 irritates me

1/1 is amazing, but the fucking "choir" effects on the other tracks sound like they came straight from a $50 casio keyboard.
Ambient 2, 4 the pearl, thursday afternoon, and apollo are his best works.
extremely incorrect.

Those keyboards didn't fucking exist when that album was made, 2/1 and 1/2 use real voices on tape loops.

I listened to this to drift off to sleep on Sunday, very pleasant :)

That's cool, thanks for the fact user

I know they didn't exist, and I'm sure back then, it was a pretty cool sound. But they do now, making the record sound shittier. That's why it hasn't aged well, user.

More like Brian Anus lol