I believe in markets

>I believe in markets
And Yea Forums will stand lambast him as a "leftist." Pathetic.

Attached: aynthony_randtano.jpg (1080x596, 239K)

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you are all commie shitheads pushing the same shit

Fuck this porky shitlib
Seize the means of production


>I believe in markets
>people should be able to accumulate without interference
>but there should be regulations
He’s just hating on apple for being big and influential, there’s no valid barrier to entry here.

he and the video do bring up a good point about apple basically swaying public's preferences towards their own devices and apps, admitting to deliberately making them more easily integrated and easier to use across multiple apple devices compared to a third party app or device. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem but it is considering that apple is ~50% of all mobile devices in the US and possibly everywhere else in the 1st world

i do think its a violation of antitrust to deliberately promote your own app and hinder third party apps on your devices when you have as much influence and capital as apple does. Its not competitive and very underhanded

i hate you anthony

literally retarded

Read a book boomer faggot

Ah, an orthodox marxist.
t. autismal fascistoid tankiecel

the only clear solution is to start on fire spontaneously to own the libcucks

He's literally stated in videos that he agrees with a lot of socialist policies and has said plenty of shit that aligns him with moderately far left wing ideologies, mostly that meme Democratic Socialism which is just another word for socialism.

Anthony "I believe in markets but not for healthcare or education" Fantano

You'd have to be a real evil fuck to support that.

This. Triggered liberal fags are triggered.

Seethe harder Libby Libberson

here in Marxist-Leninist circles, Fantano as what we call a "liberal"...and that's a bad thing! a closet counter-revolutionary if I ever saw one..

>when your whole ideology is "owning the libs" so you call everyone you don't like libs

>Democratic Socialism which is just another word for socialism
Read Marx, this is patently false. Socialism in the sense of the historical dialectic is more akin to what we think of as "communism" (i.e. state-owned means of production, resulting from a proletarian revolution). "Democratic Socialism" is what could be considered the bourgeois revolution in a Marxist sense.

made me chuckle


i switched from iPhone to a s9 just because apple make it such a pita to sync with anything but itunes

now i just pop in my phone and it autosyncs with musicbee


the free market invariably leads to leftist results (watered down culture and weakened national sovereignty/borders as the demand for cheap international labor increases, etc)
some day the cultural left will realize capitalism is their tool, and the cultural right will realize socialism is their tool.


Attached: 8B084A50-5109-4AD6-99E9-C11BF42C85B9.jpg (600x336, 69K)

ok you retard dipshit