Ctrl+f, "chart" = no results

ctrl+f, "chart" = no results.

Let's make a new one. I'll start
r8, rec, guess personalities and other things about the posters

Attached: topsters2.jpg (2577x1400, 492K)

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>CTTE, LYSF, Geogaddi, VDC
oh okay nvm
Try dots and loops by stereolab
Meddle by pink floyd
In Absentia byPorcupine tree

rec-pill me, Yea Forums

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good stuff. Listen to Pink Floyd - Pompeii
Mingus - Let My Children Hear Music

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good shit. listen to more fishmans.
try some nick drake, joni mitchell, the classics

in the attic of the universe - the antlers
you too

I need recs ploz

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+fishmans, boc, sweet trip, americ, candy claws, alvvvays, brothers
have you heard The Big Come Up? improvised and super bluesy black keys stuff

+sweet trip, americ, illinoise, fantasma, fishlads, boc, candy claws, spiritualized, giles, crumbling, burial, plantasia, bla, jonathabn hopkins, opn
check out Djwwww & Sentinel - Designer Environents

+ocean, astral weeks, fishbois, screw, clouddead, 0%
check DJ Yo-Yo Dieting - Dormant Mirrors/Drum

+hanl, van morrison, mpp, bla, dismemberment plan, george clanton, AIA, glow pt 2, mbv, ys, nmh, dots n loops, stott
check out ታፈሰ ተስፋዬ - Zemana Getem Derasi

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Charts are for newfags and people who care about image

stay mad faggot :)

great taste ITT so far

Mercury Rev- Boces

Hard disagree, these threads are a great place to get recs

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Nice taste. Honestly anything off of my list would be something you might like

Mandance might be a fun album for you

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Still working on my top 100
Eric Chenaux - Guitar & Voice
Oiseaux-Tempête - s/t
Kleg - Eating And Sleeping #15
A Silver Mt Zion - Born Into Trouble As The Sparks Fly Upward
Giles Corey - s/t
The Body Lovers - Number One Of Three
Pram - The Stars Are So Big, the Earth Is So Small... Stay as You Are
Eric Chenaux - Sloppy Ground
Its All Meat - Its All Meat
Clotted Symmetric Sexual Organ - Are You Excrements?

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