Fucking retard
Fucking retard
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White boy be buildin walls n shieeet dayum deyb racist
Tea, sistard.
Isnt this from 3 years ago?
Is this real. Jeez.
umm no sweaty
they did have a wall though
Build wall
How is he wrong? Berlin wall was a thing.
Three years isn’t enough to quell the perpetual outrage machine that is the internet
he's comparing it to trump's wall
Nazis didn't build it, East Germany/USSR did
It was built after WWII
It wasn't built until 16 years after nazi Germany fell, and it was built by the commies.
He's implying the wall was built for racial separation reasons by the Nazis to make a point about the border wall when it was built by commies to keep East German people from visiting the Western side during the cold war.
Nazis had literally nothing to do with the berlin wall, communists did that
His twitter feed had masses of people calling him an idiot, or his fans politely telling him how wrong he was. Talib's 100 or so replies to various people were all.
>You are a racist, white supremacist Trump supporter.
haven't heard from this faggot since like 2005 and this is what he comes up with?
Last year, also refused to play in Norway "because racism."
>2017 was 3 years ago
Oh how the time flies
>2017 was 17 years ago
fuck me right in le feels :(
This is why affirmative action exists. It would be so awkward to acknowledge how retarded even the most successful blacks are. Yes little man of color, ooga booga Trump wall! Yes Shaq, the Earth IS flat!
>White people can't actually prove him wrong
poor ignorant whitebois
these polbait threads are boring
I sure hope this is just trolling and not just an unfortunate result of American education
>tfw you literally have to build a wall to keep your citizens from fleeing and thereby turn your country into one huge gulag
Truly the logical conclusion to communism
the absolute state of zoomers
I'm sorry user but this is just too sloppy to make anyone believe for even a second that you might be serious. You'll have to put more effort into that.
>No arguments
>American education
Lol read this thread (the one you are in)
But, user...
>that wasn't real communism
Nitpicking minor shit doesn't change anything point that walls are oppressive gross and racist. Alt right focuses only on minor historical error as an attempt to distract people from the message. Fuck yall alt right bitch bois
communists built the wall because they wanted to keep people from fleeing their brutal authoritarian dystopia, Trump wants a wall to stop human trafficers from smuggling child sex slaves into the hands of hollywood pedophiles
Actually they had a wall called the atlantic wall.
Alt right bullshit fuck you
lol sweet summer child
>objective factual truth is "alt right" now
kek, democrats live in an eternal delusional state
>Alt right bullshit
>communists didn't build the berlin wall
>The truth as I define it is "Objective"
no one is this retarded.
damn i took the bait hard. but yeah nobody is so fucking dumb they believe nazis built the berlin wall, and nobody is so dumb to believe that the wall was built to keep people out as opposed to keeping people in. nobody in the world is this entirely completely moronic.
>walls are oppressive gross and racist
out of curiosity could you list any other inanimate objects that hate minorities?
is a rock transphobic if it trips a trap?
it's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of public record. it's objective truth, whether your circlejerk triggered hugbox tells you you can agree with that or not. your opinion literally does not matter and does not change the fact, which is a matter of public record.
These bigoted rocks must be crushed.
>Hurrr you disagree? You must be retardo
Still not an argument kid.
That doesn't matter what matters is walls and borders oppress people
>let's move the goalposts
kek. nah.
triggered ignorant whitebois in here
dude this has to be a bot, because sentient beings are not this unintelligent.
nazis did not build the berlin wall. period. not an opinion. and the wall was not built to keep people out, period. this is not debatable, it's facts.
if you disagree with objective truth, then yes in fact you must be retarded.
Walls are fascist. Trump is fascist.
Remove the door off your home then fascist. Physical barriers to entry are fascist.
>repeating myself is an argument
found the fascist
>daily reminder that fascists obscure the truth with their brainless propaganda
Lol I'm a radical commie but I'm not gonna lie, the idiot moron autho-auto-commies were the ones who put the wall there. Mr. Kweli is just stupid, folks.
>facts are obscure truth
They teach this in American schools, these zoomers are just retards who didn’t pay attention in class
>not knowing the facts is facts
this is 4th dimension delusion we're witnessing here, folks.
It's actually a scab of a nation driven insane by too much TV. Just saying.
>My facts are FACTS
lol, prove them then
What would you like to know about, friend? I'll take over for the user who can't capitalize sentences.
S m h at these cave dwelling CACs
Having trouble distinguishing what truth is? I'll give you a hint, it's everything I've posted
honestly you're right. these kids stood no chance, they were fed nothing but leftist propaganda in schools. of course they don't know basic history or how to look up actual history, and they weren't taught the importance of objective fact.
Wait, which side are you arguing for here? You sounded lefty at first, but now I'm confused. Is the guy who capitalizes his sentences the leftist here?
>go to school, everything is fine
>children go to school, everything is leftist propaganda
You say we are delusional? LOL
I agree, Hitler did nothing wrong and the Holocaust is a lie.
>go to school, everything is fine
>You say we are delusional? LOL
well i never said "go to school, everything is fine" so in that regard, yes that's one more imagined delusion which you have.
So wait, did the right-wing guy call the left wing guy a fascist? What the fuck is happening in this discussion? You know what? Fuck it, go back to for this.
>What the fuck is happening in this discussion?
Don't try to deflect, shill
black people are so fucking stupid oh my gof
he’s so fucked up
Kill yourself racist fuck
>Yea Forums - Music
The thing is, some organisations like to target specific independent thinkers by deliberately provoking cognitive dissonance in them.
>he doesn't think talib kweli makes music
And also, sometime Jew writers disparage popular artists because they can make a name for themselves.
Yeah sorry man, really not into the conspiracy theory thing. You just described advertising and its effect on every single person exposed to it.
>really not into the conspiracy theory thing
It's not a conspiracy. It's a well known war tactic in the art of propaganda.
It's called advertising, man. We know all about it. Noam Chomsky is on this shit. Look it up.
>EVERYONE who posts something I don't like is a disinfo campaign to make you dumber
>It's called advertising
Well it can be used that way, but it was mainly used by the west and soviet union in the cold war.
Yeah, you're part of a grassroots disinformation movement. You're a conspiracy theorist. It's not something you voluntarily admit to, though you'd be more honest with yourself and others if you did. Whether you admit it or not, you are a conspiracy theorist.
You're saying impossible things happened. These things you are saying are impossible. Psychological warfare is performed through trauma, not through "mindfucks", unless you're talking drugs, but you aren't.
it was erected by communists. wtf is he talking about?
>You're saying impossible things happened. These things you are saying are impossible.
>Psychological warfare is performed through trauma, not through "mindfucks"
You really are naive.
It's called negative conditioning.
I am finding nothing about this online, so I can only assume it is some kind of conspiracy theory you saw on the History Channel one time.
It was literally a bunch of leaks by, weirdly, the FBI.
t. believes everything he’s ever been told
Really though, that doc confirms that everything is fucked if agencies are being this retarded.
In bongland, you don't get the USSR in history. Here's what you get:
- 1066
- Vikings
- Jacobites
- the blitz
- the Holocaust
then you get the last two repeated over and over
We get the holocaust and aboriginal slavery over and over.
What you don't get is any alternative take on any of it.
lol wat, because of breivik?
>these people will rule Germany in 150 years
the absolute state
This was a troll post made by /pol/ obviously and Yea Forums took the bait baka racists leave this poor man alone
please die