Do musicians have an obligation to speak out on social/political issues?

do musicians have an obligation to speak out on social/political issues?

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no but they should if they want to

Care to elaborate?


no but we should if we want to

musicians should be banned from speaking outside of performance

people should only speak out about things they take the time to educate themselves about, which musicians almost never do

seventh post best post

nope, and if they do, they should only do it if they're part of a problem and never deviate whatever cause they're speaking off
nobody needs representation from the outside

cringe and bluepilled

what is ethos

I'm a musician and I agree with this. I'm dumb as fuck, and most of my musician colleagues are dumb as fuck. Half of my friends dropped out of school to pursue music, and every musician I know (myself included) uses drugs. We don't know what we're talking about lmao

no but they should if they want to


No, as most musicians are ignorant of things outside of the musical world. Especially this nigger here that sings about Zulus. YOU'RE DESCENDED FROM WEST AFRICANS YOU STUPID FUCK(s).

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They should refrain from doing so. NWA is a good example. Rapped about problems in the 'hood, didn't say that the problems were of their own creation. Nobody forced them to skip school. Nobody put a gun in their hand. Nope. Just blamed the Man. They also glorified gang culture - something that has been exported all over the world. Their entire shtick is based on a lie.

Okay righty

They can do whatever they want.

Yes, if you tell it like it is, you're RIGHT-WING!

Get the fuck out of here, you dweeb.

Angst makes people do stupid shit user.

absolutely not