>tfw gf
Tfw gf
congrats bro
waiting on mine
sorry just got a gf for the first time and had to make this thread after years of posting in >tfw no gf threads
Music for this feel?
me 2 user feels good cuz shes hot
happy for u mate
what's his name?
look at our digits mate
she's cheating on you right now
how did you do it?
I have no doubts this will happen eventually but hopefully not this early on in the relationship.
Years of trying and failing.
i will never get a gf and for some reason i’m ok with that
i feel like i should be worried but i find it hard to care.
Back to r*ddit, you tourist normalfag.
your either lying (to yourself) about not caring
or you're test levels are so low that you have the sex drive of an eunuch
the former seems to be a very common coping mechanism round these parts
post a pic
i’m really not lying. i’m just so engrossed with other things that i don’t have the time or energy to care.
this isn’t even about music you fucking retard
Dude nice
I'm bumping this thread to see if you get banned.
Happy for you, but jealous. I hope you two remain happy together
Power of Love by Huey lewis and the news
just being myself
She'll cuck you with a nigger.
he already says he knows it's prolly true lmao
Me too user. And she loves jazz :3
>guys who use “:3” have gfs and i don’t
god i wish i was a normie retard instead of a high iq incel philosopher
What if I am a nigger
user are you... being racist outside of Yea Forums?
Not him, but I started to use it because my gf uses it
>tfw had sex for the first time to this album and it's amazing as Yea Forums said it would be
feels good man
It's ok user, i'm the same as well. Yea Forums unironically fills the void of nogf.
>fap material
>can talk about my deepest insecurities with no judgment
>can talk about niche hobby bullshit with people all around the world
>if conversation is boring i can just stop reading
>no social commitments that having friends/gf has
>tfw in a 99.7% white country
heh see ya l8ter homos!
>high IQ
sad as fuck