Hey everyone,
how would you rank the five major music genres? I'll go first
1. Rock
2. Rap/Hip Hop
3. Pop
4. Jazz/Classical
5. Country
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Hey everyone,
how would you rank the five major music genres? I'll go first
1. Rock
2. Rap/Hip Hop
3. Pop
4. Jazz/Classical
5. Country
How did I do Yea Forums?
There are only genres:
>Art Music
>Pop Music
>Folk Music
what genre does eai fall into?
Art Music.
>no electronic
electronic is pop
What about abrasive and noise electronics? Do they just go into rock?
still pop
So instrumental hip hop is pop and not hip hop? Ebin
no, it's hip hop
hip hop is pop
the fuck is that picture
only if it's popular, which isn't usually the case.
You listen to the radio recently? Check out the charts?
hip hop is predominately only on niche radio stations. therefore, not pop.
These genres are like apples and oranges and comparing them is silly. That said:
1. Classical/Jazz
2. Rock
3. Hip Hop
4. Country
5. Pop
Classical/jazz has the most artistic integrity and they're the most diverse genres. Rock is so popular that it's bound to have some boundary pushing among the pop stars, and I just prefer it in general. Hip hop was pretty original among these genres and stands on it's own but it's been commercialized and bland these days (with a few exceptions). I don't care for country but the old stuff is still better than pop music which is literal valueless homogenized onions green art for NPCs; nowadays it's pretty much pop with an accent.
Not him but I don't listen to hip hop just because it's popular. Some of the hip hop I listen to is popular but that's not the only reason I listen to it.
Blueface, carti b and Post Malone are some of the top played artists currently
why the fuck are we now throwing jazz and classical into the same category they're nothing alike whatsoever lol
only on certain stations in very specific regions
all around the world
>lumping jazz/classical together
Terrible. An hero.
If i throw rocks at a banjo is that Rock or Country
1. Rape Scream
2. Jizz Splurge
3. Cowgasm
4. Nutslap
5. Polyphonic Queef
1. Amplifiers/pedals
2. synths
3. voice
4. guitar
5. violin and shit
>How did I do Yea Forums?
1. Classical
2. Avant Garde popular music & Traditional music
3. Jazz
4. Popular music that actually tries
5. Shit Popular music
Amplifiers and pedals don't make music on their own user. They need some kind of input, unless its some kind of 'no input' shit
You could argue that for any instruments, amplifiers on positive feedback loops can make sounds out of nothing though
whatever the fuck i wanna listen 2 /thread
1. Rock
2. Electronic Music
3. Metal
4. Jazz
5. Hip Hop/Rap
>1. guitar music
>2. synth music
>3. guitar music
>4. guitar music
>5. synth music
what's the point here mate?
experimental/electronic autistic high bpm dream or euro pop nightcore synthesizers drums instrumentals singing-y voice kinda-sometimes melancholy voices rap post punk post rock old white dudes some black guys rapping some black guiys playing tuba look its man on trumpet guitars are cool too i forgot to say some edgy young white ppl im going to bead goodnight im high
Absolutely this you plebs, get a higher world view already. Stop being so west centric.
I guess it depends if you count the quiet 'buzz' of an amplifier as music.
Generally even positive feedback loops need some kind of signal to get kicked off - as shown when you do them using VSTs (Where there is no background hum). I've done positive feedback loops with VSTs and you always need some kind of sound to start them off, after which they will run forever.
>bass clef key
Actual ranking coming through
>Piano concertos
>String essambles
>piano concertos
are you retarded?
1. Western European White Classical Music
2. Eastern European White Classical Music
3. Arabic Caucasian Music
4. South Asian Aryan Classical Music
5. East Asian Mongoloid Classical Music
The rest is not included, but it's mostly Nigger/Abbo/Injun Music that is at the very bottom of the chart.
They're the top stuff lad
I dislike the sound of pianos and prefer pieces with few voices like partitas and sonatas.
Violin concertos are better anyway.
yeah i bet you like the sound of dick too
no i'd imagine it would sound like the muddled and muffled sound of a piano
no he's right i live in wisconsin and listen to mainstream radio and i've only heard post malone and he doesnt even make hip hop anymore
Why aren't you pairing classical and jazz? That must be the stupidest thing I've heard what do they even have in common?
imagine being so fucking American that you genuinely believe Country to be one of the five major music genres jesus fucking christ
>rap/hip hop
Nothing personal
Popular music because it’s improvised and recorded. How is it art music
1. Metal
2. Rock
3. Electronic
4. Hip Hop
5. Pop
Really those aren’t genres as much as they’re 3 different ways of reproducing music. 2 of which are outdated
>this thread
country is too broad a term anymore. there's just too big of a disconnect between old mainstream country and new mainstream country. they're literally two different genres but for some reason we still insist they're the same thing
Well, you know, it depends on the time of day, or how I'm feeling.
>major music genre
fuck you