Is Maryland the most underrated state for music?
Is Maryland the most underrated state for music?
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Fuck any state with those kind of borders
Name three good bands (please I’m curious)
Full of Hell
Animal Collective
Beach House
>beach house
Shit forgot about Baltimore. Your right
i live here and it fucking sucks but yeah there was a really good music scene here up until like 2015 when the baltimore city council cracked down on art complexes
No. I don't say that just because I'm a Marylander either.
>Philip Glass
>Maryland DeathFest
>David Byrne moved to and grew up outside of Baltimore
>Baltimore Club
>Angel Marclod is from here
>Beach House
>Animal Collective
>Dru Hill/Sisqo
>Frank Zappa was born in Baltimore
>Half Japanese
That's just off the top of my head.
Baltimore is pretty sweet despite being something of a shithole.
Man I cant believe the entire state of california fits down there
Baltimore is literally the coolest city in the United States
They didn't crack down on anything. Everything moved around a little and it really is all under your nose if you know where to get easy info.
It's cool if you like the not-so subtle lawlessness outside of the yuppie neighborhoods. I have a love/hate relationship with Baltimore, like any reasonable person here.
I wonder why that is. Maybe because it's cheap and close to DC? I've lived in New York and Boston and while I felt safer in both those places I was also surprisingly much more bored and felt ripped off with the cost of living.
The crime and hyper political atmosphere can be nauseating but somehow it doesn't make me wanna leave. Although to be fair I live in the North. I wouldn't wanna live in Sandtown or similar.
Maryland fag here. Actually just got back home from Towson. Nice to see Baltimore get some love
also baltimore fag (real fag). One nice thing about baltimore music scene is its super accessible. Not very hard to get in on the in-crowd. also not uncommon to run into victoria legrand or dan deacon at parties
Yeah it's cool if you like dirty streets, psuedo-anarchy, and black people.
Dope Body
Double Dagger
'sn*gga still payin attention to meatspace lOl
>all these people talking about how much they like it in bmore
what fucking alternate reality are you people living in? it's awful where i'm at (curtis bay).
who cares. crap. dumb. give me a waveform. is the waveform dope? im into it. waveform crap? sux. fuck ur geography. im all about the waveforms. 'woa the scenes poppin brooo that swath of land is do-ho-hoope' buncha cornball band-practice bullshit. innanet's where it's at. band practice basement fades into obscurity who cares not me
not really related to music but i just moved to glen/pikesville from the pacific northwest and im strugglin to transition to the new atmosphere any baltimore natives wanna give me tips
go back to oregon, boy.
yes, sir.
sorry, sir.
Oregon sucks donkey dick
Why the fuck is California on here it's like a suburb
Lindsey jordan snail mail
I once drove right through the ghetto and it was fucking surreal. I was born and raised in the rust belt and I never saw urban decay that horrible in the Midwest.
Oh man, I've got some bad news for you.
yeah i love all those
no you don't
That barnes & noble on the pier is pretty cool. Not sure about the rest.
>unironically naming 2 of your cities after other states
Yeah I see other posters already informed you.
I think this song sums it up well, and this is 40 some years ago.
I live outside baltimore. It's not safe. But it is a beautiful city.
>A city in Maryland