this is LITERALLY the ONLY album that matters on the whole entire Yea Forumscore chart.
This is LITERALLY the ONLY album that matters on the whole entire Yea Forumscore chart
worst tellyface by far
I do not like this album, In Rainbows and OK Computer are better.
loveless is the only Yea Forumscore album that's impossible to dislike
That's the only one that is below a 5/10, faggot.
In Rainbows is objectively their best.
But...Anthony Fantano said...
Radiohead sucks cock
Do you want them to suck yours or something?
Radiohead is shit. Grow up, child, Radiohead is not more a "cool" band (really, they never were)
Most of the songs on the album just sound like pop but with a sadboy aesthetic. Yeah there’s a couple unconventional tidbits like National Anthem’s Jazz splicing or Idioteque’s time sigs, but I don’t think those warrant the album being all time great status. If being sad boy was in vogue, a lot more music would sound like Kid A.
that’s funny because most people here dislike it. only a small clique of shoegaze fags worship it.
This is the most retarded thing ive read all day.
It’s true though. Structurally most of the album’s poppy/straightforward. Harmonically it’s different from pop, but in the way that it goes for the same kind of harmonic progressions on all songs to get a sad boy feel while pop does the samey progressions for happier feels. Having a horns or time sigs gimmick doesn’t change this underlying fact. If you think Kid A is top tier while looking down on pop, you’re narrow minded sad boy who can’t stand happy music.
>Pitchfork Baby’s 1stest Album
Fuck that retard. I like In Rainbows regardless of what some fag on Youtube has to say
............... hmmph what i just fell asleep to the album op recd me
But...Anthony Fantano said...OK Computer was...
Amnesiac is clearly the superior album
idgaf about radiohead, but the first time i tripped with a close friend of mine they put it on, and i will always appreciate it for that moment alone.
Hid a what