Did it live up to the hype?
Did it live up to the hype?
No it's 4/10 wallpaper music
what hype? its pleasant indie music, okay voice, inspired (if wholly unoriginal) guitar playing and sometimes cringeworthy lyrics here and there. nothing remarkable anywhere and there wasn't much indication it'd be anything special from the earlier stuff. still, she's insanely young and its always interesting to see how someone who gets caught up in the industry that early on in lifes career pans out.
Exceeded it for me. Music isn’t particularly innovative but doesn’t mean it’s not done really well. Lindsay is a very mature songwriter for her age imo.
p4k gave it a fucking 8.7+BNM and it got shilled endlessly by all kinds of publications about "The new sound of Indie"
yeah it’s pretty fucking great for a debut
good album
It kinda is tho
Lindsay is saving indie
> be me
> be Yea Forumstant
> love snail mail
> any day now she'll show up at my door
> she'll tell me she's not a lesbian anymore
> she'll tell me she's attracted to my neckbeard
> she'll tell me my acne and body odor gets her all hot and bothered
> she'll tell me she likes 600lb guys who spend all day looking at 2d titties
> she'll say she wants to be my waifu
> any day now it's going to happen
> it's the only reason i haven't offed myself yet
Answer is no, but that won't stop half this board from feeling like this.
she isn't even that good looking
I absolutely agree. There's a lot of people on this board who will pine after any fresh, female indie star though.
Good album but nothing groundbreaking
Snail Mail?
More like, Snail Trail.
Just gave some of her music a listen.
Melodies are kind of interesting. A few spicy, unexpected notes in there. Nice.
Her singing is getting on my nerves though. I'm not a fan. And that's coming from someone who enjoys listening to Tom Waits.
more like snore mail
simply eric
this is pretty much how I feel. lots of great catchy songs. shes very young and already has some interesting songs and instrumentations and song structures
Yea, industry plants work that way
I want to put my heat in Lindsay's wave if ya know what i mean
she's got a nice voice but Lush is heavily front stacked and has a lot of boring filler songs.
Better than Girlpool, worse than Alvvays
>"The new sound of Indie"
Yeah, that's the weird part. I read somewhere (maybe pitchfork?) that she was "the sound of Indie's past and future" which I found a little interesting. Like, the sound of the album is definitely not that original but I would rather of that simple Rock song with clean guitar structure than the uke/banjo/acoustic faux-folk indie pop of a few years ago. If she is going to prove to be prominent in the Indie scene and influential then I hope she goes in more of an interesting direction with the guitars and songwriting formula and doesn't just resort to using synths and electronics and massive amounts of reverb to expand her sound like everyone else.
She probably doesn't make the top 10 of Yea Forums waifus. Occasionally you'll see someone say she's cute (which imo holds true only when she's smiling and thus hiding the droopiness of her cheeks), that's pretty much it.
Have sex.
lmao she's literally indie-flavor-of-the-month, at least 15 more new queen/"savior of indie music" have been crowned since Lush....
Back to
and that will allow me to enjoy boring music?
grow the fuck up
Snail Mail is very good
I like the album very much
Have sex.
larp somewhere else faggot
Heat Wave is the only worthwhile song there
>le ebin asp poojeet
Have sex. :^)
go back
Have sex.
how was this /pol/