>girl messages me a few times
>even go to a concert she asked me to
>talk about music
>we have similar taste
>offers to make me a playlist of stuff she likes
>never does
Girl messages me a few times
she met Chad and has been busy fucking him
sounds like she's making every move and you're doing absolutely nothing
good meme answer
i even see her in real life a lot and she doesnt really talk to me
i dont understand i just tried to make a friend over some fuckin music
shes the one who never responded nigga what u want me to do be like YO WHERES THE MUSIC AT?
also im helpless
>shes the one who never responded
move on, retard; she's lost interest
she lost interest re-evaluate your shit
thats what ive done
just dont get why she offered something and then never did it
this is Yea Forums not r/teen relationships gtfo
you retards are my only friends
This girl I dated asked me out then when I said yes she straight ghosted me out of nowhere. People are dicks user
i feel that homie
just move on desu women are easily replaceable
i thought i met someone who could share my interest in music
guess not unfortunately
i know
but i wouldnt give a shit if i was like 'hey send me all your music' and she didnt
thatd still be dick, but offering it to me and then not doing it is just confusing as fuck
she was either shit testing you, or she's forgetful as is every other girl
she didnt forget, im tired of giving people excuses for shitting on me like 'oh they must've forgot'
just fuck off
Honestly man, same. I gave a girl a ride home one day and i felt like we really bonded, first over music, then we just kept talking during the car ride. We parked and got some coffee. It was a fifteen minute drive from the place we started to her place, we ended up sitting in the car for three hours, talking the entire time. The next day i made a joke that had to do with having another talk like that, and she responded non-jokingly that she "definitely will be able to sometime this week" (this happened in person and im not autistic, and she still seemed genuine). A week later, she doesn't even look at me. I dont get it. I had a girlfriend and still do, i only wanted to make a friend
similar shit has happened to me and people i know lmao people are shit
dont get it man, and if you dont wanna talk to me dont fucking message me first, thatd be a good start
we have shit in common besides music too
>I had a girlfriend and still do
sounds like you want another one
you realize you can be friends with girls in a non sexual way, correct?
some of them, believe it or not, make good friends
This, but unironically. In non meme terms, she probably found a better match, sorry OP.
>finds someone she likes better
>never speaks to me again
This. He can be insecure about it (the playlist) or thinks you don't give a fuck.
As in she is not replying to your messages? If that is the case then move on
>bond with girl in car, sitting in a car for hours alone
>joke about doing it again
>while you have a girlfriend
Gee, I wonder why she stopped looking at you?
she said shed make me a playlist of her music and then i said yeah thatd be awesome and then she said shes gonna do it and never do it
welcome to the roastie mind. maybe if he's mean to her one night she'll text you again
it fucking stings user i know I've been there, you'll get over it eventually
Shit's happened to me, it happens
sometimes people just forget things
t. 19 year old
you'll realize eventually
im friends with other girls
yeah every girl ive ever met must be really forgetful lmao
>bonding with women over music
when was the last time you left the house
ill take being onions if it means i get to cuddle with a girl while listening to the cure
>i-im not underaged i swear
im not an incel i swear
t. 16 year old
Having female friends can be quite beneficial
female friends = networking and acquiring more female friends = when and if ever you break up with your current partner you've got a whole array of 'female friends' to choose from... just don't be autistic retard
>reddit buzzword is the first insult this retard could come up with
hit a little to close to home there roastie?
women will never even just be friends with a guy they cannot imagine being attracted to
They aren't your friends then retard, you're just using them to get other pussy
>teenagers giving out life advice
>frogposters pretending to not be teenagers
>not underaged
>some of them, believe it or not, make good friends
I used to think this. You will learn young one.
you were probably posting pictures of retarded negroes on Yea Forums during the concert
To be fair, we were on a break at the time, and the girl i drove home had known about her for a long time. Only incels can't be friends with girls without wanting their pussy. The girl has plenty of guy friends that have girlfriends Besides, told my girlfriend about the entire thing, and she wasn't upset, so it doesnt seem fair to try to make me out to be some kind of unfaithful prick.