/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

>How do I start learning guitar/bass?
>Guitar chords and inversions
>String tension calculator (D'Addario):
>Music theory:
>Guitar Maintenance and other information:
>Why is my guitar buzzing?
>Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Are hybrid amps the real /masterrace/?

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it's all just too much fun

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>owning amps

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How are my fellow bass players doing?Today I discovered I dont like how hammer on/pull off sounds most of the time,is that some sort of metal only technique?also I still cant slap for shit

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Guitar sommeliers are in universal agreement that Marshall makes the worst amps.

Who makes the second worst amps?

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Bugera, obviously.

Wew lad.

definitely bugera and agreed marshall is shit

They really did a good job of cleaning up their shitty qc. Almost a different brand now. They last exactly 3 years. Instead of 3 months now. Pretty good first tube amps

Why do you people only talk about gear and never about the things you play?are you just collectors?

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If youre just gonna samefag im out. Im trying to have fun not play spot the samefag


Because I don't think anybody here is bored enough to waste 20 minutes listening to my band's first EP.

Why do you always ask this and never contribute?

Post where you play /GG/ inspire me to reorganize.

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Ill listen to enough of it to decide if i want to hear it all or not if you want. My buddy and i can gice it a real time rating

I wanna hear it
Several anons point out the same thing as I do there is no need to be upset,and I do try to discuss my man


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Well then next time instead of bitching be the change and thread you want to see.

Nice studio

So /gg/ I was wondering if holding a guitar in your lap is like a pacifier for manbabbys who are otherwise unhappy with their lives? How many guys here are basically doing something along these lines to distract themselves from their misery?

Alright but it was recorded by a Mexican and performed by 4 Mexicans so don't expect Skrewdriver covers.
Here you go user.


This post is an easy way to spot someone who knows nothing about guitar production.
Hating on korean dean is a known pleb filter

I am not bitching user I just wanted to know,there is nothing wrong with asking questions,it may give me an insight on how others see this thread so I can contribute more accordingly,if this thread is for collectors then itll be fun to become more knowledgeable on gear anyway

I can't speak for anyone else but I'm long past the stage where I need critique or validation from others. I'm here to talk about guitar-related things, not stroke my own ego or have it stroked.

Fine ill expect C-lekktor covers. I like screwdriver btw

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good shit

Not bad dude. The cocsls just cit through the mix a bit much. A.more passive vocal style i think would fit it great. Lr maybe it needs to be more aggressive. But right now i dont know of the song is sad happy or angry because of the vocal inflection

Im currently listening to an album Ive heard a million times already,but as soon as Im done with that Ill listen to your record,also I love your band name and aesthetic already

fuck shitskins

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I want to be a cute girl in a cute anime girl band

You sound jealous mi amigo


Who doesn't?

So you want to suck and never make it anywhere and just get shagged when youre passed out drunk just to end up pregnant and then a single mom with too many tattoos? Cool.

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New purchase. How'd I do, /gg/?

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lol you're gonna be so embarrassed when you turn 15 you have no idea

Forgot link:

It's a deluxe model 27" scale. Very rare

Hi Alex :) sounds good

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Im assuming its for metal only. Well in that case you fucked up. Notice how it has no floyd rose?

T. boomer

Does being a homo just come naturally to you bro?

Daily reminder r is a discord tranny working towards gay interests. Why do you think he spams guitar is turning you gay?

Just bought amp #4

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Why not?

you guys want a discord invite yet

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you will

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Haven't so far. Don't see that changing in the foreseeable future.

You just amp #4 dumbfuck. I swear to god trachefag if this is you. Get a fucking hooker already

>Haven't so far. Don't see that changing in the foreseeable future.

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Can you repeat that in English?


I do

It's a little battery amp dude. Cool your shit.

This doesnt even make sense jackass. Put your game up a notch

I'm not a frog


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Well then get a midget hooker.

Stop cross personality posting dumbass

Your mom's busy

This thread is fun

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It's Tuesday

I agree

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You missed me huh?

fortnite time

u jelly fu/gg/in' losers?

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do i buy a squier or am i wasting my money

it's always watching.

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Did you know you can tell someone's retarded just from a picture of their eye?

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it's the all seeing eye, or like the owl of minerva, never here yet always watching. who knows its true intentions

The guitar is pink :)

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Shouldn’t they be Asian since those are chink guitars?

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Wow dude...just wow

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He never went by "apple" ever, and any retard can change their name or use his images, and there is no post by that user on the discord at all let alone any proving it's him so it can be anybody

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sorry this is long

1: amazon.com/gp/product/B002RXXOX8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

2: amazon.com/Epiphone-PPEG-EGL1VSCH1-Electric-Package-Sunburst/dp/B00AGJKKH8/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1RU1I5O76J5BU&keywords=epiphone+les+paul&qid=1553616873&s=gateway&sprefix=epiph,aps,127&sr=8-3&th=1

so i ordered the first guitar already after discussing on the previous thread and someone told me i should look into getting a epiphone so i found a decent one thats a bit pricey for me but i think it could work out.

my question is since i already ordered guitar #1 do i just wait until thursday and keep that one and wait to buy #2? or should i order #2 now and return #1 when i get it on thursday? im only asking cause i can order #2 and itll be here thursday but im not too sure how much of a quality difference there is between these two brands. i want to learn to play metal or shoegaze music eventually but im not sure what im starting out with i have a lot of ideas for songs and they arent all the same genre

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you pay for what you buy, kid

i know that and im saying i dont mind returning the guitar i can get a full refund im just asking in terms of quality am i is davidson really that bad compared to epiphone?

What's with the Deanposting? Is it like Crateposting was on forums in the 00s?

Vox and Orange are fighting desperately for this title

Why do I suck so much at eliminating extra noise on bass?

Are there exercises for this, or will it go away in time?

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>not using 800v

Get a compressor

So how's this piece of shit?

Haven't installed it yet. Waiting on new components.

Why did this make me hard lol

Favorite tubes to mix and match in the preamp?

Sammy: The early years

Based zoomers

Thats right.

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how'd i do lads?

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>tacky finish
>dry fretboard
You couldn't pay me to play that

That's why you didn't buy it

If you like it, you did good.


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Muh superstrat is better

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Thank you user.
Yeah we asked for the vocals to be drowned behind everything else but they did the opposite lol. And yes having songs be ambiguously sad or happy is part of our "aesthetic."
Thanks user.
My name is David.

We've written like 8 new songs and will be recording them in the summer am pretty hyped up for it.

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Is there a more onions genre than djent?

80's metal

Modern Blues

jazz fusion
indie folk/rock

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Okay, i literally always feel the need to shart an assload of stinky kaka out of my kakabutt everytime I pick up my Les Paul now. This did not start happening until I read about kaka on these forums.

Why, /gg/? I do not want to resort to playing while I'm on the toilet with a continuous log of poopy kaka coiling around the bowl and smearing it brown.

Also, what would some typical upgrades to a Squier guitar be?


are korean dan electro's real shit? i kind of want one just for their looks

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Why aren't you practicing right now?

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If I'm doing a lot of double handed tapping and finger picking on the neck, would making the action higher make it a bit easier?

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trading up for a Dean

is a tele bad for a first electric?

and where can i get some nice cool looking straps?

no and the internet

That's a downgrade.

im on the internet retard where on the internet, what are some good brands or something


jesus google 'guitar straps' or just go to amazon
are you legit dumb?

If you're a real man you'll be able to make yourself a 3" wide minimum leather strap.


You can get any cheapo strap if you want one that looks cool. I'd recommended coughing up the extra shekels for a leather or suede one. It'll last forever and be way more comfy than a thin cheap one you find on Amazon and just buy because it has a cool design.

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Only a Gibson is good enough.

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I've been playing for 25 years or so (inb4 boomer)
New to /gg/, you guys made me start watching k-on! and that has me nostalgic about those first months of discovery.
It's actually made me want to learn new material for the first time in ages, so thanks for that /gg/uys.

So im looking to get a guitar and people are giving me mixed suggestions. Some say I should buy a Fender Squire, just to get the hang of it and see if I want to actually play, some say I should buy a preowned stratocastor (though i am not a fan of the strats body) and some say a preowned Squire.
I trust Yea Forums the most, what should be my first guitar? I particularly like jaguar and telecaster but anything cheap (sub 250 maybe? 300 is ok) is good

just b~ yourself

whatever you choose, make sure to save enough cash to have it set up properly at a pro shop. nothing is more detrimental to learning than a bad instrument with fret buzz or outrageous action or whatever.

Whats a pro shop? Also, major noob question, but guitars dont come out of the box ready to play? What do I have to do to set it up?


New persona detected. Better luck next time, Roman

Keep at it, user. It's the most rewarding hobby/profession there is.

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I'm not incredible at guitar, just a newbie learning the basics. I was having an absolutely vile day -- my anxiety made me break down in my bathroom today and panic. I went to pick up my guitar to practice is there anybody out there, I'm up to the third part, and I absolutely nailed it. Other than falling in love for the first time, that was the most rewarding feeling of my life, knowing I could find reprieve at any time in such a small piece of wood. i emphatically recommend it


>knowing I could find reprieve at any time in such a small piece of wood
That's what she said.

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holy shit my reply is just one big euphemism for me me wanting to fuck my guitar

>play a song so many times, you will actually mess up if you stop partway through and will have to play it from the beginning to remember how to play

does this happen to anyone else

I fucking love jamming on my guitar along to the Music Choice channels on my cable TV while being paid by the hour to watch automation software run on my PC.

Good evening :)

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they come ready to play in a broad sense, but there are always things to be fine-tuned like the action (space between the fretboard and strings).
When you're trying to learn chords at first, you're trying like hell to build hand strength and learn finger placement so that strings dont buzz and that each note resonates clearly. If your action is too low, the strings will buzz no matter what you do. If it's too high, it'll hurt like hell and you'll have to use way more hand strength.

I have some questions for you theoryfags.
When improvising, people say you should target the tonic, the 3rd and 5th, but is it from the current chord or from the scale?
Also, I've been watching these videos where the guy talks about signature notes that highlight the mode you're using, then I made some extra research and came across the concept of avoid notes... which are mostly identical to signature notes. What should I do? Are these notes only to be avoided on the strong beat maybe?

what's the point of vintage electric necks

>the strings are all really close together and the neck is curved
>"it's easier to play chords on bro"
>the strings are all really far apart and the neck is flat
>you could have the technique of a monkey and still play barre chords right the first time
>"no bro, that's for lead playing, it gives you more room for the bends"


wtf i love the guitar now

play what you think sounds good, ignore those fags

Are you saying it's easier to do thing like improvising when you don't know what the fuck you're doing?
Anyway, I don't want to start an argument about the usefulness of theory, I just want to have some clarifications about target notes.

Ear training you uncreative fuck. Suggested target notes are based on what sounds most basic and consonant, which you would probably end up at naturally just by playing what sounds like most naturally resolves the end of a phrase.

regretful men must justify their foolish purchases
and poorfags have to deride them to try and punch down all that irrational jealousy over the status conferred by having fancy gear

>O-only a gibson is good enough
>WMIC korea m-makes really good guitars
>y-your JHS pedal sounds exactly like my behringer!
>not having a tube amp lmao poorfags enjoy your roland cubes
>having a tube amp lmao i don't even need pedals my amp does its own effects
>P-pedals and amps? With only a $200 interface, you can have it all. Software is the future, heheh. What, you need an amp to drive a speaker anyways? my owne...girlfriend doesn't let me make noise.
>empty wallets without klons lol, enjoy your klones
>empty wallets with klons lol, klones are the same but cheaper
>you didn't buy the magical tone box because you're poor
>you're poor because you waste your money on magical tone boxes

An anime thread! My motivation to practice? Restored!
Thanks OP

Yes, well, don't worry about me. I just want to know what people in their armchair are saying about it.

>you would probably end up at naturally just by playing what sounds like most naturally resolves the end of a phrase
I have no doubt you are able to come up with modal changes, interesting chords that fit, non obvious candences and shit just by playing by ear and that it is the easiest and fastest way to do it

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You must really like K-On if it inspired you to practice every time you see it.

Whether it's bang dream, beck, or HTT I'm glad anime is inspiring people to do useful things instead of driving them to jerk off to animated japanese teenagers.

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>>y-your JHS pedal sounds exactly like my behringer!
This is funny considering JHS pedals rip off other company's --and freely available online-- circuits and charge top dollar for it.
Too bad all of these suck ass.

dont cover it up with pedals like the other guy suggested, learn to mute properly

kinda want to trade it for something, been playing my LP most of the time.

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kinda amazing how you replied to something and yet it totally went over your head

Oh forgive me user I did not realize you were being ironic until now, I had just woken up then.
Carry on.

wtf how u get paid for that?

oh, nvm. thought you were getting paid to watch music and paid programming type stuff on the tv

start forcing yourself to play through when you fuck up, no exceptions. start playing at very deliberate speeds, esp slower and more careful and focus on dynamics

I'm not even one the people you replied to. Just found your attitude and lack of perception annoying,.
>forgive me

I'm sorry I made you mad because I said Beck is shit user but they are.

is froosh back or what? can someone in the discord try to get information from this supposed member?

>canes fan

sure just post a discord invite and i'll check him out

is it worth it to get one of these, maybe not this one specifically, but a headphone guitar/bass amp in general?
just looking for something to use to practice/fuck around with while at home or on the go that's cheap but good and quiet

it's worth it if you don't have the space for a practice amp or don't wanna lug one around yes

thinking of getting a few different ones since they're quite cheap
yeah, I don't have space, you are right and I also don't want to have to carry around an amp when I go on vacations and such

>2 acoustic basses

I’m learning with that right now. I’ve never played with a real amp so I can’t compare, but it works for what it is. Took a lot of tweaking to find a sound I liked but I did find it

I don't have it. that image is from older threads and nobody in the discord is giving the invite yet apparently he is there

I have one of these and it works great. Use rechargeable batteries and don't expect a great tone out of it. I recently bought one for my girlfriend to go with her new Jaguar (she has oompah-loompah hands).

does steve vai or joe satriani makes mistakes on live performance?


I find myself playing piano more these days honestly.

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Can /gg/ please explain to a total noob what are some ways to preserve strings other than just not playing?

Lads so I was wondering...how would a guitar with a P90 and 2 lipstick pickups sound? This would replace the HSS configuration on my guitar. Would this sound retarded since nobody is doing this?

pic unrelated

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like shit why would anyone want p90s theyre ugly and sound bad

gg compressed

World Music does make good guitars though. Both my PRS SEs hat i bought used from korea have had less initial issues than the used S2 I got from America

go on

HS is the superior pickup combination

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Danfag here, they’re pretty damn great. Obviously the lipstick pickups are an acquired taste, but what you get out of it really is like no other guitar. I’ll use it in the studio for a James Williams kinda strat sound but with more punch and sharpness. The steel nut adds so much character to your tone

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I wish i owned those guitars

Stop showing me pictures of these traps

So I decided that I'm going to buy a Jazzmaster, fellas.

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What does your boyfriend think of that shitty pau ferro board?

God i want a Mustang

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Mustangs are girl guitars


Motherfucker stop trying to buy starter packs.
Seriously, go to a fucking pawn shop or something and get a real guitar. Hell. I even found an epiphany SG for like 175$ and it played alright to my ears and hands

They’re both shit.
When I and some other user said “buy an epiphone” I and assume they meant get a REAL epiphone. Not some fucking starter pack piece of plywood.

Get an LP traditional or some shit. A real fucking epiphone, or an agile, or if you’re into strats then a Yamaha or something. Get a professional quality instrument. It doesn’t have to be expensive but nigger you’re not gonna get anywhere with a *bad* starter pack

I was given an old Kramer by a relative like pic related, it's one of the 80's Korean models. I love the way it plays but I wanna swap out the pickups and give myself something wildly different from my tele, any suggestions /gg/?

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What up with shredders saying the best way to play fast is to pick as lightly as possible? If I try picking a note or series of notes as gently as possible (regardless of the speed) they sound like total shit. Am i taking it to far?

Im not buying that one i just needed a picture bro

use the wrist, use jazz iiis and try to keep ur movements as minimal as possible. its more like sliding the pick instead if separate notes

Put a Dimarzio Crunch Lab or Steve's Special in the bridge.
Put Choppers in the middle and neck position

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Seymour Duncan distortion in the bridge. Then take out both single coils for maximum tone.

I've been playing guitar for 10 years and have never owned an electric or an amp. I'm looking at buying a Fender Thinline Tele soon and I'll need an amp too. Does anyone have recommendations or an infographic for me?

I'd love to be able to replicate this sound: youtube.com/watch?v=Wi0zbwFWlF8

Fender champ 100

Got any tips on shrinking those picking movements down? I have heard other people tell me my hand looks like im trying to play funk when im soloing so i guess that means my tehcnique is shit beyond belief (i honestly feel like it doesnt work very well, i miss so many notes). I have so far settled on just sort of bunching my hand up into a pseudo fist shape to try and shrink them down.

How do I get a tone like at 1:38 in this song?

>rent free

>Today I discovered I dont like how hammer on/pull off sounds most of the time,is that some sort of metal only technique?
I use that shit constantly, particularly for the intervals between 7-9th fret and the open string

Yes, Epiphone makes nice guitars. Return the cheapo one.

Most Ibanez guitars are really good for starters. Thin neck and overall quality for the money.

Kek, you're not wrong user

Which model user? I love Jazzmasters; I find the body to be the most comfortable one on the market

Buncha dumbfucks.

Lace Sensor dually Red/Silver in the bridge, Purple middle and blue neck

Probably just the Player Jazzmaster because its the cheapest

The newer Fender one? I haven't played it, but it is missing some of the Jazzmaster features. It's a little stripped back, and obviously has the hums so it's more a Jazzmaster in shape than use.

Yeah. It's only $675 because it's stripped back but its got all the core things i want.

Hi bros, can you please suggest a poor man's JS2480

Holy shit thank you so much this is just what I needed

it's also funny because clone pedals are often 1:1 circuitry, maybe with one different chip, and a plastic box instead of a metal box

every pedal i've had from behringer has been great but i think they would break if you were actually enthusiastically stomping on them over the course of years of gigging

So are gibsons

Short scale length for short people with short hands. Play a baritone guitar if you have a nanogram of testosterone in you.

Thanks user.
Good job user, they're the best guitars.
If you're gonna go cheap don't get the cheap Fenders, get the J Mascis Jazzmaster, it's way better than any MIM model I've played.
If you can save some more cash get a used MIJ or a 60s lacquer one. I also see American Professionals go pretty cheap on Clist all the time. Maybe even a Classic Player, those aren't as shabby as the new cheapo ones.

the j mascis jazzmaster comes with a sky high action set at the nut so fixing it doesn't mean turning a few screws

because j mascis actually plays with a high action

The ones I played all had normal action, his sky high action comes from his TOM bridge not the nut.

no half measures

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I have a Korean Dean too. It's a bit edgy looking (got it when I was 14) but it's always played and sounded great.

I would too if I weren't so shit at it.

The MG69s have a fucking boat neck. Always thought it was kinda strange to make a smaller guitar with a really thick neck.

Just ordered the components to wire my Strat and add the hum in the bridge. It has a push/push that turns the standard 5 way settings into

Bridge pickup only, same as in standard mode to provide that anchor setting

Bridge pickup split, for a thin bright tone

Bridge with Middle and Neck pickups in series, this position sounds similar to two humbucker pickups

Bridge & Neck pickups in parallel, simular to the tele twang with more meat

Middle & Neck pickups in series, sounds similar to a neck position humbucker

>hey look at me I'm cool, edgy, and totally not a fag because I like making things harder on myself. GRRRR look at my manly hands as I attempt to full bend a note for 5 minutes before giving up and shitposting on a Singaporean ouija board.

Look at me bro, so much testosterone! Fuck ya, I love stretching the fucking shit out of my hands just to play basic scales. I'm totally not a pussy like those other fags.

What pedal will most effectively mask my lack of talent?

The Practice Pedal™

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That's literally the only pedal I own, funnily enough.

noise gate

anything earthquaker devices, especially reverbs

what are some decent basslines to learn if i'm relatively new? Learning theory and stuff, too, but I think a healthy mix of theory and song learning will keep me the most engaged..

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got the time by joe jackson

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I recently picked up bass and learned Lovesong by The Cure, if you're into that nancyboy shit.

not picky on genre as long as it sounds nice

ty lad, i haven't really been practicing with a pick but i'll keep this in mind


Tried to learn how to sweep and I literally physically can't reach this pull off from the 10th fret to the 5th on the high E.

if you want something with fingers, demon cleaner by kyuss is very simple and catchy, i think it's tuned 2 steps down, but you can easily play it on standard

Can 4 pedals fix my horrible guitar sound?

yup if all 4 are boss metalzone

>Tfw I'm reluctant to look up basics concepts like how to play modes all over the fretboard because I've been playing for more than 10 years and I've been telling myself that these are things I "should" know how to do or be able to figure out for myself when I've been playing for this long
Guys, I think I'm retarded

And yes, I already looked it up, you just play for example a D Dorian or E Phrygian instead of a C Ionian because they all contain the same notes, just with different emphasis on the root notes

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Lets see it.

Anyone else progressed beyond their shitty guitars? My squier is slowing me down I reckon

enjoy RSI you big dicked alpha male

honestly you can fix shitty tone with just an eq and a compressor if you aren't a moron

That black hardware looks dope on the natural one.

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This entire thread is full of poorfags. It’s also full of people who can’t even write original music. No one ever posts their gear, and if they do it’s some $200 Chinese shit. No one posts any recordings of songs they made because everyone in here sucks and has like 0 talent. This place is a cesspool.

been playing for 10 years. just moved on from my bc rich to a cort............ livin the life

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I'm still guffawed how most people here own pretty shitty gear living in first world cities when my third world ass could afford a Fender bass and a Fender guitar no problemo.
I already posted my band's first EP too...
/gg/ has always been like this if it makes you feel any better.

>No one posts any recordings of songs they made because...

>No one posts any recordings of songs they made
why would i ruin the already small reputation i have in my scene by posting my music here and having soiboys call me racist for posting on le scary Yea Forums

Yep.. Constantly comparing myself to musicians and seeing when they picked up guitar kek


That makes you a scaredy faggot


that's quite a complex you have over there, not everyone who posts here (or in any guitar forum) has played for years, surely you started with top notch gear, right?

The Strymon Bigsky

i was excited to watch k-on! but its not really about the music is it? and yui seems magically able to play without lessons. oh well.

im a mealfag and the gear costs more

I did actually. I knew I wanted to play music so I bought a Fender bass when I started playing. 11 years later and I don't have to convince myself that it's "good enough" because I have attachment to it, it's a good instrument.
I always suggest to any new player that if they're serious enough they should buy a good instrument from the get-go, no shitplanks that you're gonna cover in stickers to make yourself feel better later on.
It's not about the music and it also is a pretty shitty series, monogender slice of life is the worst genre after isekai.

what kind of fender?

Excuse my ignorance but what makes a les paul a les paul?
I'm looking at buying a guitar and this ESP one and epiphone one look identical but one is labelled a les paul

I know this is the wrong board for it but can you recommend anything better about learning to play?

A shittier product for five times the price

starting slow and being constant with your practice will improve your skills, learning theory will make songwriting easier
use the links above, useful stuff

>tfw spic
>took classical guitar lessons when young
>just rediscovered spic folk music
>having an absolute blast learning to play flamenco and boleros

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'06 Mexican Jazz Bass.
Take lessons if you can, bad habits develop if you don't have someone to correct them when you're starting out, and they're really hard to let go.
Also practice, practice, and practice.
Practice to a click track/metronome, too, don't just noodle.

do you have you compressor and rat on the same time?

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>It's not about the music and it also is a pretty shitty series
Anything better about playing guitar?

Detroit Metal City is the only good/funny anime about guitar music.

This is simply not the place to ask this question lol. You will never get a straight answer. Phil mcknight save you.

But the answer is simple. What makes a Les Paul a Les Paul is the decal on the headstock that says "Les Paul"

thanks for the advice, friendos

what yall think of my voicing of G#sus4


how do you differentiate Am7 and C in a song?

There seems to be a third, technically it isn't a sus4

>tfw student asked me why theres a dot on the 9th fret and I couldnt give him an answer

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That's not a sus4, it's an add4 because there's a third. So it's a pretty bad sus4

the same reason theres other dots? to make it easier to know where you are

>grab guitar after a day at my easy job
>playing it feels like nothing and means nothing
>no desire to explore it and come up with stuff because i'm exhausted, or if i can convey some i cant bear it for more than a few minutes

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>Stop fapping
>Eat healthier
>Get at least half an hour sun exposure a day.
>Listen to music that gets you exited, play it and aim to composing something similar.
>Learn the elements that make up music you like

Convince me not to drop $350 on an epiphone lp

Been playing for almost a year (usually sitting) standing up and using the strap is difficult work and strumming sound more like scratching with a pick. Do I just need to practise standing more?

You can get a used mim strat for the same price.
You can get an rg 350 for the same price.

What if I already own a strat and want to expand my repertoire

i can't stop hitting the guitar body when picking and it's showing out badly now that i switched to acoustic

It's because the 9th fret is the major 3rd of the relative 4th? Am I getting it right?

Get this doomposting out of my face

Adjust your strap so your guitar is in approximately the same position for whether you're sitting or standing

wtf is that

What pickups do I need for an Angus Stone/Dope Lemon type of sound?

Is the thinline telecaster actually thinner or just lighter?

just lighter and it doesn't have a belly cut nor a forearm cut so you could argue that it's actually fatter that most modern teles.

Is there any kind of career you can get involving playing the guitar apart from being in a band and hoping to get lucky enough to become popular?

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semi hollow

Musician in a house band, on a cruse ship, anywhere you'd be playing but aren't going to get famous. Session musician. Guitar store, luthier.

Hello fellas. I started playing acoustic guitar 6 months ago and somewhere in the future I wanna move on to electric guitar. The fact is that I hate using picks and I find more confortable for me using my fingers. Will this be a problem in the future? Can I play electric guitar without using a pick or it's time for me to learn? (pic unrelated)

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wouldnt it be funny if someone hotglued their guitar before selling it lol thatd be a genuine laugh man xx

if i stop posting it will still plague me. do you not care about that?

>tfw meal babby

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peavey amps are literal dog shit

Just play a major scale.

Bingo, you've mastered 7 modes.

New thread

Dean makes some in the same shape and they're better.

I literally don't care about you or your problems. Go get a new more fulfilling hobby you loser

still i play better than you YOU loser so shut up off your horse

The transition is fine but you'll notice that trying to fingee pick on an electric is a little trickier since the strings are generally much thinner and slinkier, as well as seemingly closer together. I play finger style with the tops of my fingers, not nails, so this may be different. Ive also noticed I tend to hit the guitar body more since there isn't a sound hole. Honestly I prefer my nylon stringed Dreadnought guitar for that kinda thing but it reallu isn't a major transition and should be nothing crazy if you use a steel string acoustic to finger pick.

What is my "action", the strength i put on strings?

How high the strings are from the fretboard