I stumbled on this guy's stuff on youtube and it's been a while since I've been actually excited waiting on someone to drop music. Can I get some more of this "Metal Trap"? or anybody that does stuff like this?
More stuff like Zilla???
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop shilling
why would he be shilling? Nobody honestly gets paid to advertise artist on Yea Forums, that's just a silly idea.
This is my favorite song so far.
Wtf bro I can't like new stuff and talk about it? Don't you have a Billie Eillish thread to get to?
Sk8 head is cool too
>"Metal Trap"
There's probably some rappers on soundcloud you could find that have already copied city morgue's formula
Stop shilling
begone nig
>Yeah, I fuck with city morgue. How could you tell?
they look like they smell
>trap metal
Zilla hates it when people refer to City Morgue as "trap metal"
literally zoomer nu metal
loved 33rd and their other single whatever it was
their project was shit
Now you're just making stuff up. The average city morgue fan is probably a soundclown goth wigger
True. I just liking posting that picture
Nigga looks like a retarded cabbage patch kid. No wonder he needs to overcompensate lol
Man, you told him. Close the thread, give this dude a lolipop.
the exlpicit vesion
Walk into the poorest neighbourhood you can find and start talking to the local crackheads.
this obvious shill is obvious
This kid is a grade A dorkus malorkus
this kid is a manlet and a fag. fucking tryhard suburban kid.