
Saw Death Grips this past Friday in New Orleans and got a black eye in the pit. Literally could not have had a better time. Anyone else have any live experiences thy want to share?

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>got a black eye in the pit ! XD

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It’s great to be able to say this my friend

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Hell yeah dude, I know what I am

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Didn’t take any pictures, just took a video that was about a minute long, that’s why everything is so blurry.

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What was the set list and which song was best live?

this dum bitch almost broke my glasses at this moshpit

Ok so I’m going to try to remember everything. In no particular order.
Death grips is online, hustle bones, 808, black paint, I’ve seen footage, I keep giving bad people good ideas,takyon, guillotine, the fever. I’ll probably remember more later but I’m drunk atm lol. I can’t really pic a favorite live, The whole room was pretty much going crazy the whole time

Dude I got headbutt in the face and my glasses got knocked off, my gf was the first to notice, I can’t believe no one stepped on them.

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Or that I was even able to spot them in the first place, had to bust out the flashlight

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Who else did you see at the fest?

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I break mirrors was also played. Going yhrough the albums trying to remember

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Looks amazing, good photos

Mine'll sound gay in comparison, I went to this Avey Tare show that was in a church that stood on a graveyard. Pair that with the themes of the songs themselves and the accoustics... it was just so surreal and chill. I also got to listen to most of the album he released last week back in 2017 which is pretty cool too.

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Thanks man!

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Excellent brother

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I'm going to try and meet death grips tonight lads, give me advice.

They will walk off stage and you’ll never see them again

Who said I'm meeting them at the venue lmao

You trying to kill them?