Honestly what's the appeal?
Honestly what's the appeal?
Other urls found in this thread:
dont like it
Yea Forums likes it because it's #relatable and #feels
also babbys first lofi
the aesthetic
the story
the fact that he's a furry
everything but the music
>also babbys first lofi
unironically kys for saying something so retarded
If you don't like this album you are a pleb. Simple as that.
literally just great music lol
sad gay moods and lo-fi indie to study and edge to
It's charming and sounds sincere. It's not for everyone, but if you're the kind of person that likes Brian Wilson, GBV, Pavement, REM, They Might Be Giants, and Leonard Cohen, it'll likely appeal to you.
>if you're the kind of person that likes Brian Wilson, GBV, Pavement, REM, They Might Be Giants, and Leonard Cohen, it'll likely appeal to you.
how dare you
Amazing and stunning sound, compelling story, beyond sad lyrics, amazing instrumentation, literally everything about it is brilliant. I understand how people may not "get" it but when it clicks...
>the fact that he's a furry
Sounds good
It’s exceptionally cool for a basic indie rock album much much more than most but it’s still just a basic indie rock album. The places like hat spoken dialog about galvanism and the stopping starting bits in Sober to Death are great examples of his originality but his overall style is way too cliched and restricted to people that like indie rock and has no value to anyone outside of that bubble.
That describes my enjoyment of this album precisely. In fact, I would compare it to Brian's solo output more than anything else.
he literally still has a furaffinity account
Good lyrics, heartfelt songwriting. IMO its the best concept album about a relationship/breakup that's been written.
I can understand why people wouldn't care about it but I like it a lot
it's a novelty:
1.) is there any other album I can say is a gay furry album about depression?
2.) is there any other album where the remake is better than the original?
Nice, me too. Furries rock.
>As I casually scroll through
>The fetish-based forum
>Of which I am an active member
>I promise I will never use the term anthro-fiction
>When describing your body of work
I was with you for the first half
bladee for rym discord trannies who dont listen to bladee
ok pseud
this is one of the stupidest things I've ever read
awful take
can't find that
has anyone a screencap of his page because im not going to create an account there
why are you so interested in wills furry page
some1 plz explain story.
hey, Eurofag, the correct grammar for what you're trying to say is "does anyone have a screencap..."
lots of people are gay.
Yea, but those people are gay
because someone said he's a furry and i don't believe it unless i've seen proof
he was in a relationship but now he's not
no, you lazy ass
I'm looking at it right now. What are you expecting to see there?
>Twin Fantasy is literally about his relationship with furry porn webcomic artist Partydog AKA Cate Wurtz
>vore references in the lyrics to Beach Life-In-Death
>dog motif
>his fursona appears in Lamezine
The dogdamn furaffinity account is just the icing on the cake, how much more proof do you need?
will in a fursuit of course
sorry i don't listen to lyrics but if that'S true that'S fucking disgusting
You realize when furries actually refer to that stuff, it's pure irony, right? Like, I hope you really don't take this stuff seriously. Even Cate Wurtz' art is pure irony. There is nothing "pornographic" about her art lol, you'd have to be some kind of autistic sociopath who can't discern other peoples' reactions to things to believe that this kind of thing is serious.
Just read the lyrics. Its a relationship/breakup story between teenage Will and his bf that he met online. Including a subplot about mental illness and the catch 22 that mental illness and dating create.
lmao, okay, """cate"""
i guess your diaper fetish is ironic too?
what'S wrong with your S key
and which part is gross? The vore reference?
t. autistic sociopath
Even saying something like this is sociopathic. You are less than a person. Fix your brain or something, you're fucked up inside.
>user defends X person
ok will
i continue holding down shift after pressing this ' button.
him being a furry
>okay will
see >holding down the shift key
out of curiosity, what keyboard are you using? US QWERTY has ' unshifted and " shifted
its more sociopathic and autistic to express yourself exclusively through insincere irony than to assume that people are sincere about what they say lol
This thread is out of hand
is billis in that box?
It literally isn't. Sociopathic autists don't have any sense of irony. It's actually one of the symptoms of autism. To think people are sincere about everything is peak autism.
it’s some skinny white kid with glasses singing about gay furry cybersex via skype. it resonates with Yea Forums in too many ways to count.
>cybersex via skype
t. didn't listen to the album, but is still almost on point anyway
you gotta admit though being ironic all the time is kinda retarded and beta all this pseudoscience aside
have u ever left the house?
whats billis
>he doesn't know
of course the album isn’t actually entirely about that but any album that even fucking implies it, much less has a song devoted to it, deserves to be mocked to oblivion
I don't get "ironic all the time" from this album. I even said, when furries refer to fetish stuff like vore openly in public? That's pure irony. It's a joke. You're supposed to think it's absurd.
What a moronic standard to set. Enjoy pleb life, loser.
mmmm love to listen to dickless indie rock peppered with jokes about vore sung by a guy who weighs 110 pounds
literally rip your dick and balls off
gee boss, i dunno, when i listen to music i prefer it to not be about gay furry forum drama. maybe it reminds you of yourself so you like it but you gotta remember most of us aren’t degenerates like you.
Lol wow. Thanks for exposing yourself I guess? I thought it would take more work than that to bring out the inner fash. Don't you have a room to clean?
oh okay I'll adjust my irony filter for a bunch of nobodies so I get their transcendent sense of humour
oh vore hahaha nice joke bro nobody >really< likes that right??! big lol from me senpai
seriously though i know more furries into mad shit for real than the faggy furries who think its all just a joke
if you gonna go fur pipe up my nigga stop being autistic and elitist about being a lowlife fetishist
not even him but now that’s what i call rent free.
is it me or is Yea Forums getting more infested with fags who can't dispute shit and just say shit like this to cope?
I know they were always here but it seems more numerous lately.
Most of them are underaged and emotional
Oh, I know people are into that stuff. But to sing about it on an album? Played for laughs, without a doubt. And you actually approached the point there, but twisted it into something else in your kooky brain. Also, I never denied being a furry. I openly offered to use my FurAffinity account to tell the guy who wanted to see his page what was on it. I'm totally a furfag and I love that the simple act of existing is such a horrific offense to some people who are apparently stuck in the Encyclopedia Dramatic age. Furries are normal now, guys. Time to move on...
Right, I'm a real typical. /pol/ster over here because I think Car Seat Headrest is insincere music for people who haven't interacted with a musical trend or their emotions since 2006. Car Seat Headrest is regressive, phony, and not just unoriginal but uninspired. Tepid stuff.
>Brian Wilson
>They Might Be Giants
I think I'm starting to understand why I hate CSH so much
Gay music for gay teens
Lol, Christgau over here with the laconic hi-vocab review. You having your opinion is fine, I see no reason to fight you on that. Have a good day.
It's not sincere, and it's only charming if you're the kind of whittle baby-boo who imagines performing the songs live at your high school talent show
OK whatever, it's not porn, it's a NSFW furry comic that happens to involve a generous amount of furry cocks in between all the depression and violent hallucinations.
But that's beside the point, the important part is the fact that Will Tostito is a furry.
the rest is your opinion which you're entitled to but I'm confused as to where you get the haven't interacted with their emotions since 2006" part. I'm really thrown for a loop
furries are a symptom of extreme introversion my only beef against furries is against the systems in place that allow for people to get introverted to the extent they identify as cartoon animals rather than just owning who they are
im not saying he did or didnt try to make a joke im just saying its a dead in-joke for basement dwellers to reference themselves bc they have no other hope of being acknowledged other than by themselves
i got respect for people into fur shit but the day being a furry becomes normal the street will be full of that autism that you keep projecting on everyone that disagrees with you
case closed
I don't think anyone would deny that, though he's clearly not that big of a furry. His page on FA is blank with the exceptions of favorites, which he adds to occasionally. Generally, he just seems like a sweet guy.
What's your fursona, Yea Forums?
heavy beta energy in this thread
I mean it's untrue, insincere. It's bullshit. Will Toledo is play-acting. He acts like he means it but there isn't an ounce of true feeling in his music. It's a show that's supposed to simulate what it's like to feel, like, y'know, Bono.
It's manipulative. Will Toledo thinks you're an idiot.
I'm pretty sure that's already happened, man. Pretty sure it happened the day Rick Astley stepped onto that float on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and sang Never Gonna Give You Up.
sure this is a penis but I have a hard time imagining anyone getting off to it
Psychedelic day-glo kitty cat.
nah thats just a fast food company advertising to its consumers
Music is usually written. I have a hard time believing anyone experiences an emotional situation then just starts singing and recording it. There is some imitation/recollection of emotion inherent to the process.
Or do you mean that the story with cate wurtz didn't affect him as much as he wants you to believe? He's literally written most of 5 albums about them
Partydog's great though
Yeah, I don't see how people could dislike her work. It's probably the best webcomic around, in all of history.
You don't even have to write your own words to be a sincere performer or musician. Elvis doesn't have a single songwriting credit, but he meant a great deal of what he sang.
Insincerity in music is elusive, it doesn't stem from any one particular thing. Kraftwerk, for example, is very sincere about what they're doing. Their art has a defined intention and stated end goal, even if it's intentionally robotic or cold.
Tom Waits is a musical actor who plays a lot of characters and writes little stories about colorful, made-up people. But he means it. He's honest about his creation, there are pieces of him in those characters.
Will Toledo is playing his audience and that's it. He's doing the musical equivalent of crowd work. He's clever, maybe even talented, but without drive, without some kind of emotional investment it's all meaningless.
classic meme
also I totally thought "mu footwork comp" was a reference to something Yea Forums did but unfortunately it's not
>without drive, without some kind of emotional investment it's all meaningless
5 albums. He wrote the majority of 5 albums about his ex boyfriend. Maybe 6 if you count the songs on disjecta membra
I don't see how he has a lack of emotional involvement in TF at all. You could argue that he doesn't sing with a lot of emotion and I'd disagree but I'd see your point. But to say that he was emotionally "phoning it in" is just ignorant
That's a fucking trick though, buddy! That's like 69 Love Songs. It's a cute little process art exhibit. Show me your fucking soul, baby.
gay shit
There was an article about a guy who was very gay and very drunk that explained pretty well why at least he did enjoy it. I don't remember much on it but I remember liking the article.
Also any other albums about being gay?
Queen - Jazz
>Also any other albums about being gay?
Kevin Abstract - American Boyfriend
that album sucks though
listen to the bob mould songs on zen arcade
>furries are normal now guys
Got some bad news, champ...
Its just you and you're at fault for expecting any sort of arguement.