Nicki confirmed superior
Cardi B exposed
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>then drug and rob them
pretty based if you ask me.
theyre both talentless retards
>t. pleb
wtf I love Cardi B now
i blame the men for falling for this bitchmonkey's tricks. ya gotta pay me to sleep with this lmao
buying her album is like being robbed without the drugs
based cardi
if anything this only adds to the gangster street cred she continuously raps about on her song.
i don't see how this could be viewed as a negative to anyone other than sheltered incels or cuckservative boomers on facebook.
yeah that worked so well for 6ix9ine
pretty sure Cardi won't be heading to prison for petty larceny anytime soon
Imagine waking up next to that and asking god why he hates you so much.
Based Cardi
>based cardi
exposed as what?
a based stripper?
unironically this
Imagine my SHOCK when I found out a STRIPPER wasn't a MORAL PERSON.
Cardi b was actually a stripper and was actually affiliated with degenerates. 69 did so to compensate for his lack of actual authenticity
>giving a fuck that a stripper wasn’t mother Theresa and was robbing people
Everyone involved is dumb
>a rapper used to rob ppl
>ignoring the drugging
Nope. When I'm forced to listen to these rappers lecture me on politics and morality, they better be squeaky clean.
>Cardi B is woke! She's really telling it like it is as a black woman!
lmao, y'all wanted rappers to be respected but can't handle what that entails.
Wtf arrest that bitch
Nicki is better but not because of this
Cardi is just a mouthbreathing retard for admitting it and then trying to backpedal but she’s ugly as fuck so I don’t care if the media gets rid of her
Don’t think she was raping them just that she gave them NyQuil or melatonin or a depressant so she could rob them
they are both ugly as fuck. only iggy is cute and talented
Horrible false inequality. A lot of rapper started off young as drug dealers who had to turn to violence/gang activity out of poverty. Cardi is a college dropout who couldn’t work for shit so she drugged and endangered the lives of men (which is kind of natural selection for wanting to have sex with her in the first place 2bh) to afford luxuries. Honestly I would have thought the baby fetish videos would have been the end of her but this is fine too
anybody paying to fuck this beast deserves to be robbed
talent wise for mainstream fem rappers it goes Nicki>Iggy>(powergap)> cardi
It will always puzzle me that Iggy didn’t make it as big as cardi but I’m guessing offset had something to do with that
You're retarded if you think this is a career ender
It’s getting a lot of attention because people are rightfully drawing parallels to bill cosby getting clocked for date rape drugging people as well
Literally who?
Who the fuck wants to fuck that ugly coon?
God, I wish she'd do that to me. Imagine if she sat on my face as a joke, haha.
What rapper isn't an absolute piece of human fucking garbage, even the women are sociopaths now
yeah, just burn the whole genre
Just jacked off to this whore. Couldn't bust a nut cause she's disgusting. 0/10
haha that would be hilarious. Imagine if she let off a big brap, i would get so owned haha
She literally has herpes
actually herpes isn't a big deal
you have 1 zit once every month, and that's it
I have no idea why people are freaking about it
Is using seduction to rob some one rape?
id kinda say yes desu as rape is ultimately about power not actual sex
Cardi Based
seriously, how can you function as a living being on a day to day basis while being _this_ dumb?
>I'm forced to listen to these rappers lecture me on politics and morality
You aren't though you fucking retard
Why is this board full of reddit sōyboys who call everything degenerate "based"? Is "based" the only Yea Forums maymay you know?
>nyquil or melatonin
whew lad
What are you? The meme police? Fuck off
cringe post
Yeah, only problematic deplorables expect people of color to be held responsible for their crimes. Blah blah oppression something something whypipo.
Crime is good and you should commit it more, especially against wealthy men. This is a fact.
You're a fucking retard my man