Hey guys look at me im adam neely

im so intelligent i know big words about music and i know theory and stuff im so intelligent lol beyonce is actually a really talented artist and put a ring on it is like really good and complex because it has like some notes that like don't follow the rules of normal music you could even call it edgy notes haha lmao get it edgy hahaha subscribe to my channel right now or your mother will die in her sleep tonight and i will rape your dad lol its adam neely guys thats ADAM NEELY for you guys lol sub now and win a free pizza lol

Attached: IMG_9787.jpg (900x900, 104K)

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Lol I don’t care I just want to see you look pretty for the camera

haha hey guys adam neely here again, if you have any questions like does playing video games like guitar hero make you actually better at playing the guitar haha well interesting question my friend to answer your question no i did NOt actually rape ur mom it was consentual haha sub 4 sub guys it's adam kneely

Someone posted his tracks on here and they suck.


well, post them

Put a Ring on it honestly sounds like it was written by someone with 0 theory knowledge. Just a really bizarre and shitty song.

Attached: 1553536659959.jpg (1592x2627, 1.01M)

Great but when are you gonna post benis

The Beyoncé song?

Yes. Of course the Beyonce song.

>weird dissonant synth runs
>modulates to like mega-locrian or some shit that would sound out of place in something as dark as fuckin' Phantom of the Opera

Just remember, weird doesn't mean good.

benis whoa haha ok my guy haha well let my analyse that haha well first im gonna transcribe that word to midi and then im gonna record that midi and then im gonna to a spectral analysis and then im gonna analyse like the key and notes and stuff haha it's gonna be rad my guy so better sub rn


Imagine being this triggered about a youtube semi-e-celebrity

Attached: tl;dr.gif (252x198, 976K)

Well actually he was in a Vox video, so hea def a celeb

link pls


why tho?

I legitimately have no idea what you mean. What weird dissonant synth runs?

the think going bweeERP bweeERP throughout most of the song.

Dunning kruger in action

Imagine being made angry by an educational youtube channel

>most videos are just some stupid cringey forced music meme like a 7/11 poly-rhythm or some poptimist rant

Attached: 1553540642381.png (269x463, 144K)

In which the meme is explained, well. Dont you like memes youre on the meme website
>alt right meme guy

does playing video games like guitar hero make you actually better at playing the guitar


nigga it's not even that dissonant

how fucking undevelopped of an ear do you have seriously

I think some of his vids are interesting and I usually defend him on Yea Forums, but poptimism is inexcusable. Saw that "put a ring on it" vid in my recommended. May, never watch one of his vids again. I guess it was always obvious from his "I fucking love THYENTH" attitude that he was an NPC drone, but poptimist virtue signaling is a step too far.

Listen I just want your sweet tight boi puss

user, its not even an actual note. and while microtonality can enhance resonances of certain intervals over even-tempered tuning (see Ben Johnston), we can only imagine what ungodly ratio exists between the singing and the bweEERP noise.

Not that user but, I know what part he's talking about and it's incredibly dissonant and out of place. You're very likely the one with a bad ear.