AOTY 2019 drops in THREE DAYS

Who else is excited?

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Fuck off, nigger, nobody cares about this industry plant

Industry plant faggot robot faced bitch

America’s 23rd attempt at producing a Lorde clone.

Billie Eilish Wuthering Heights cover WHEN?

I thought Masochism will take time to come out. Ferreira said so herself.

Ai wesh yu wur gayyyy, i'd suck ur peeepeee

Sky can actually sing.

Why is she so boring bros?

Why is she so pudgy

She isnt even good waifu material

thought is was Andrew WK and got excited for a sec then I opened the image and saw who it was

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I had no idea Andrew WK was already done with his next release

Red pill me on this Andrew guy.

Pic related doesnt look like tool to me op so nice bait

I work at a record store, and I have had absolutely Z E R O customers ask about this or pre-order this. I'm pretty good at gauging when something will sell well. This album is dead on arrival.

i am. i don't even like her music but i'm curious if she'll release something i'll like. my expectations are kind of low.

I kind of wish this album turns out to be good, like REALLY good, only because it's apparent the public has caught on to the fact Billie is planted/payola and doesn't seem to be giving her music much of a chance. I hope she does well because I see potential in her.

I did the same thing lol

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i see potential in her too
but because she's basically a label product it's harder to enjoy all the gloomy shit she does. where does that emotion come from? her own experiences or a team of men with an algorithm?

Yeah I really detest how publications keep writing about her like she's this deeply profound socially conscious voice when neither her music nor her personality (sheltered suburban white girl who acts very childish and entitled). I listened to most of her stuff to understand what the hype was, and by far the only song she's ever done with any kind of "profound/socially conscious" subject matter was her uncredited feature with Denzel and J.I.D.

The rest of her stuff seems to be pop fluff with a trap/industrial vibe but I doubt she has the vocal abilities to pull off something good in those actual genres. She's just too boring of a singer.

Yeah, nobody cares. We actually sold that Ariana Grande CD quite a bit.

Most of her fans are zoomers who rely entirely on itunes and spotify. Doubtful they're still buying records.

Her primary audience is teenagers who stream all their industry-approved shit, not people who buy physical

*neither her music nor her personally demonstrates that

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Wheres the leak bros

Anyone under 25 who still buys CDs is only doing so ironically.

She was signed to Interscope with three songs on SoundCloud including the one which blew her up (Ocean Eyes) which she had no part in making aside from the vocals.

Her ENTIRE musical existence aside from the little shit she did in her bedroom has been label-directed and bankrolled. That's the very definition of a plant.

Pretty much.


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Did the shills give up on this? Where's the poster who calls everyone an incel?


Gone hopefully.

>AOTY 2019 drops in three days
Carly Rae Jepsen's new album isnt coming out until this summer though


whens my turn at having a rap career

Ask Interscope to plant you. They've done a fine job with Shillie and Juice WRLD.


ill get on the phone

Came here to post this

Me too haha

who were the other 22?

People actually like Billie eilesh lmao

Melanie Martinez, Alessia Cara, Halsey, Kiiara, Daya, that's all I've got.

This album won't sell as well as projected. Billie is already losing hype. Her latest single only reached no. 59 and this week has fallen back down to no. 74. Bury a Friend spent two weeks on the Top 40 and is now back down to no. 42 IIRC. She isn't trending as much as she once was so it's safe to say she's going to be a one-album wonder.

So... not 22 LOL

Close enough. But either way you can't really deny the influx of indie pop girls after 2013.


They're mostly under 20, white, and female.

Stop insulting Kate.

Wasn't Kate also an industry plant?

He came here for an AMA like 8 years ago it's archived somewhere


Why all the hate? She’s just a young girl having fun.

I agree


What's Running Up That Hill about? Trying to save someone who's at their breaking point. Sounds right up Billie's alley.

She constantly looks like she's on her period and would rather be literally anywhere than where she is currently at

because the music is terrible
this artist is just another all image style over substance pop singer and not even that interesting aesthetically

Read through this entire thread:

>what's the problem with corporations destroying culture by forcing absolute garbage as the cultural norm? lol like just let them have their fun like it's jus fun lol FUN

I really didn't enjoy Andrew wks last album I get that he doesn't want to be a one trick pony but that last album was just like YOU SHOULD PROBABLY NOT KILL YOURSELF BRO DEPRESSION IS BAD

If her album is good would you change your minds?

if you don't like her music why do you keep listening to it?

If the music is good then its good but she still acts and looks unpleasant.

Sure but I've heard nothing indicating it will be
She has singles out and they do nothing for me

This. Her Hot Ones interview was one of the worst things I've ever seen on Youtube.

I don't willingly she comes up on pandora though.

Who thought this album art was a good idea lmao

sHe'S sO eDgY

Her favourite sauce is the hot curry.

Sean: so can you tell us about your creative process?


Sean: so can you tell us about your creative pro-


It's like top 40 pop only marketed to both the soundcloud rap crowd and "I'm not like the other girls" crowd instead of the usual taylor ariana audience

I thought she'd sound closer to like Lil Peep, Yung Lean, suicideboys etc emo trap with her aesthetic but I just got lorde esque pop

I expected her entire discography to sound trap or industrial influenced but most of it was boring and generic easy listening type shit.

Sky is unironically good

Her aesthetic is pure marketing. She's too "gloomy" to market as a typical pink pop princess plus she doesn't have the body nor the voice for it.

i reckon there will be 1 or 2 songs from the album that will top the charts even though they will probably be shit. the album will flop hard with so much filler and same sounding shit like her previous "work", but will get promoted hard like a new mcdonalds burger with all the 12 yr olds soaking it up and fantano will give it a good review because he got paid to

Don't act like hot girls haven't farted on camera before

LOL you’re ridiculous

Soïtano will give it an 8/10 or 9/10. Screencap this.

I predict a decent 5 to light 6. If not I'll suck my own dick. Screencap this

No way he'll give it something that low. He'll give it a 7 just like DAMN and Lil Pump.

He gave Lil Pump a 7? Fuckin hell, is he mental?

His first mixtape, yes.

jesus fucking christ some people

Someone post the pic with her and the black guy sucking her toes

Or better, post the coffee gif.

She'll get an album bomb with three songs in the Top 40 and the rest in the bottom half of the Top 100.

rym trannies are getting pissed about the haters here the comments there are hilarious

Immature incel detected. Grow up.

>She’s just a young girl having fun.
that’s the problem

>hates 1 girl so he must hate them all
nice logic faggot

Billie's story: brother producers and writes, gets sister to record it with her voice, she does other things while he spends hours mixing and mastering the track. Puts it on Spotify. Mommy and daddy have connections so they bribe the label into getting a record deal. Billie is now a thing.

Now this is, let’s say “Lily” she wants to be an artist. Lily writes songs, countless ones, uses Garageband to make a somewhat kind of demo, pitches a few songs to record label, REJECTED REJECTED REJECTED, Lily keeps trying to get a record label, REJECTED REJECTED REJECTED, Lily finally finds one Signs for 10k, records a debut single, it flops, all art and songs she recorded gets shelved, as the record label now owns rights and they tear up her record deal and throw her out the door. She keeps going, she keeps writing constantly trying to improve her songwriting skills, gets signed, has another debut single, it does well and only THEN does she start to write an album and film music videos etc.. BUT if it flops, she’ll be shown the door and her contract will mean nothing.. more countless songs shelved.

The difference between Billie and “Lily” is B parents have connections and can convince the record label to keep her, no matter how much she flops. Bribes usually include $, maybe offering to pay for the music video etc. Lily has none of that and has to work her way up using her own wits.

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Be prepared for some guy in a suit to come in and buy 1000 copies on launch day. Take his picture.

I don't

She's an MK Ultra project. They do as they're told.

Soitano is here watching Yea Forumss reaction to shape his perspective. It's too unpopular here. He'll say it's bad.

Fantano hates Yea Forums and wants to be contrarian. He made a video defending this thot the other day. "Yes Billie is an industry plant BUT ARE INDUSTRY PLANTS REALLY ALL THAT BAD?"

He definitely hates Yea Forums but he's primarily concerned with keeping his special niche where he's really just a poptimist normie with tourist taste but he's percieved by his audience as being just hip and eclectic enough. He can't go full poptard or he'll run his image with his audience.

He'll probably rate it low to compensate for that whole video. That way, he can act superior and say "I waited and judged it by its merits, you were all prejudiced!" I prefer to think I'm being prescient, not prejudiced, when I say it's going to suck.

This seems like the most likely scenario, however I'm still convinced he's going to give it at least a 7/10 just because he wants to spite us.

I'm feeling a light 5 out of 10. Trans-ITION.

I want to buy this album and support her career just so we can have more "Billie Eilish is an industry plant" threads. Do you think these threads will cause ironic BE fans?

Also, how long until she has an album titled "BE"? I'm guessing either #2 or #3.

>Also, how long until she has an album titled "BE"?
This isn't 2002.


You're the reason we have shitty fucking threads like these. Kys moron

You waifu faggots turn this board into Yea Forums i swear to god. When the album drops get ready for
>holy shit
>"lyric from the album" based
>OHNONONO when it either underperforms or does just fine
>twitter screenshot
>bait thread about billy in pictures with black people
did i miss anything?

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>create fans
No. It's past that. When the positive shilling doesn't work they move to reverse psychology negative shilling (same thing we saw with clairo) but it didn't work and now everyone hates her to the extreme. Never seen anything like it. Yea Forums is waking up. Poptimism will die.

yea these have been my favorite Yea Forums threads lately lol

isnt this just white privilege? you telling me she gets a free pass on white privilege if she acts like a nigger?

well ill be a monkeys uncle!

Not to mention "If you don't like her you're automatically an INCEL, go have sex" threads

I also blame these gullible SoundCloud rap fans for fucking with her.

>holy shit
>lyric from the album
Those are all shill threads

the absolute funniest thing about her is how she pretends to be vegan, what a fucking sad thing to put yourself through in order to pander to your fans

when she was on Hot Ones and forgot she was drinking almond milk, so she poured some into her grape soda and tried to drink it, fucking hilarious

incels stick out like a sore thumb
found you lmoa

Just like this one

The whole interview was terrible and seemed heavily scripted at times.

I can't wait until five years from now when Youtubers will start coming out with mini-docs about her and how constructed her image was.

Of course, it was amazing for exposing her though. They went on location to a soda store to record video specifically for the interview, and then when they started showing it during the interview, she acted like she had no idea where this video came from.

She was IN the footage they showed during the interview. She was pretending not to know about a video shoot she was in while it was airing during her own interview.

How does she keep getting these big-name interviews before her album has been released? The Vanity Fair stuff was sketchy as it is.

RYM says
>some people (who are probably misogyni sts/incels) are trying way to hard by violently hating a 17 year old girl

Lol fuck trannies

I'd love to know her publicist, they'd better be well paid.

We don't hate her because she's a 17 year old girl, we dislike her or are disappointed in her because mainstream publications keep promoting her as a brilliant child prodigy le socially conscious voice of teh zoomer generation when her music is incredibly lackluster and her personality is asinine.

i hate her for pretending to be vegan

Yeah AOTY is looking really hype

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She says she only eats refried beans and fries with ketchup because she's vegan and gluten free or some shit.

with this much manure, the plant will grow strong

bUt ShE's So WoKe ShE sInGs AbOuT rEaL sOcIaL iSsUeS aNd Is SuPeR iNtRoSpEcTiVe AnD wIsE bEyOnD hEr YeArS.

Do they actually say that?

based, marvin is releasing aoty 35 years after dying

Her label sets her up with these fine gentlemen in order to market her to their demographic. She gets way more clout as a female equivalent to X (hence why she boasts about having been his friend and even wrote a tribute to him) than she would as a run-of-the-mill pop star. Probably also why she dresses and talks like she's a black guy from the hood too.

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can lorde put out new music already

reminds me of pic related

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Comment section

How are you allowed to rate an album before it's released?

RYM is a bit of a joke

also sometimes albums leak

there are albums on RYM that people were rating before they had even been recorded to a site admin

a 50 Cent album was one of their examples

Fucking lel.

DESU it makes me sad how Denzel is willing to sacrifice his soul and integrity to a white woman.

Still hilarious as fuck.